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New Track : POD: Cocoon by mrroblinx
 Track Review :-
 The is a fast track that is based on a POD track from that game. It looks near the same so it’s a direct port from it. The gfx around the track is
 good but you don`t get to see much as most of the track is either a turn or a turn with a drop/climb. I found the track frustrating as the green parts
 are more slippy than the brown parts so you need to learn where you can go fast and where you need to slow and slide round turns. The track
 also has numerous places where there are corrugations across the track, is sets of bumps across the track which you cannot see. These make racing
 fast on the track frustrating and its sometimes just down to chance if you make it over these with swerving uncontrollably.
 Overall this is a good port but let down by those bumps.
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  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest MMV4: Kitchen -
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2nd Keitune Speedway Mace121 Fast short and tricky
3rd Super Mario Bros. Capitaine SZM Super Mario Bros style track
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10th POD: Cocoon mrroblinx Conversion of a POD track
  Track Info    
Track Name POD: Cocoon Timed Race Pic Below
Authors mrroblinx Time Trial Pic 0:59.677 minutes
Length 904m
Flow 69.58 %
Track Difficulty 7.93 %
Fast Lap Time 1:00.767 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 8:39.882 minutes
Archive Date 25-Jan-2020
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