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New Track : Keitune Speedway by Mace121
 Track Review :-
 This track is set in a small area in a similar style to the AMCO Bitume track. It is a narrow track with nice kerbs on either side with angles kerbs
 on the apex of the corners. There are 2 sets of start grids in different places so that may be another version in reverse. There is a section of the
 track that is not used so a different router is also possible. The track itself is fast and smooth like and on a tarmac type of surface. The kerbs and
 side of the track are not too high but high enough to bounce off or rub. There are few places to drive straight as this track is nearly all turns so keep
 your speed up. Around the track a couple of basic stands and an area with tables in it. There is a high viewing platform and a small one too.
 Behind the track is a ploughed field which is not used. Overall a fast and hard track to drive on which is a challenge to get a good fast lap.
Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th 
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Autumn Ring Saffron Smoth and fast, careful at the apexes!
2nd Autumn Ring Mini Saffron Smoth and fast, careful at the apexes!
3rd Sky Fort Capitaine SZM Good racing
4th TGO - Frigid Peaks Mace121 Fast with many alternate paths
5th Virsli Factory Tryxn Watch out for the paint !
6th Super Speedway Saffron GT2 Oval - Fast
7th Smashride Circuit Alex_int A fast and fun track.
8th MMV4: Kitchen -
Pedal Bin Pile-Up
mrroblinx Short fast and tricky
9th Keitune Speedway Mace121 Fast short and tricky
10th Super Mario Bros. Capitaine SZM Super Mario Bros style track
  Track Info    
Track Name Keitune Speedway Timed Race Pic Below
Authors Mace121 Time Trial Pic 0:28.131 minutes
Length 407m
Flow 64.33 %
Track Difficulty 2.65 %
Fast Lap Time 0:28.576 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 3:53.899 minutes
Archive Date 3-Mar-2020
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08 Timed Race
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    Time Trial Laps