Tracks Info Pages : Tracks Listed by Author
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This list is the tracks list by Author name( 1st named Author ) 0..9 then A..Z
   Date : 18 January 2025
  Date       Track Name                               Author1             Author2               Author3        Author4               Track Folder     Type    Sub type Zip   Length   Fast Lap  Race Time   Diff     Flow
 30-Oct-2009 Megateroid                               `2012                                                                          the_ megateroid  Race    Circuit  2.93     942  01:02.987  08:45.660   70.23    4.94
 30-Sep-2011 Crazy Beach Balls                        `2012                                                                          crazybeachs      Race    Circuit  1.34      34  00:07.699  01:32.818  -17.04   57.94
  6-Oct-2011 Mars                                     `2012                                                                          mars             Race    Circuit  1.14     703  00:43.241  06:09.054   81.02    7.64
 20-Feb-2012 Titanic Sink                             `2012                                                                          ship3            Race    Circuit  0.75     530  00:40.446  05:57.927   54.90   12.14
 30-Jun-2012 New York                                 `2012                                                                          ny               Race    Circuit  1.56     521  00:37.088  05:15.591   62.72    7.27
 31-Oct-2001 Spirit Cave                              Acclaim                                                                        cave             Race    Circuit  0.55      65  00:07.364  01:10.776   19.48   23.02
  8-Sep-2007 Toys in the Hood 2007                    Adamodell                                                                      nhood_2007       Race    Circuit  2.61     747  00:42.009  05:57.757   93.64    7.37
 25-Aug-2008 Beijing                                  Adamodell           hilaire9                                                   beijing          Race    Circuit  2.27     776  00:57.055  07:48.138   59.02    2.93
 14-Jun-2009 Factory 125                              Aeon                                                                           factory125       Race    Circuit  1.02    1028  01:04.771  09:19.649   77.82    9.15
 12-Nov-2010 Shift                                    Aeon                                                                           Shift            Race    Circuit  2.11    1514  01:30.377  12:16.804   85.11    2.18
 28-Apr-2019 Pac-man Islands Circuit 14               Ærika                                                                          PACicy           Race    Circuit  2.59    2587  02:27.856  19:50.817   91.28    0.77
 15-May-2019 Pac-man Canyon                           Ærika                                                                          PACcanyon        Race    Circuit  1.77    2604  02:39.278  21:37.006   81.77    2.04
 16-May-2019 Pac-man Canyon 2                         Ærika                                                                          PACcanyon2       Race    Circuit  1.76    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 18-May-2019 Pac-man Islands Street                   Ærika                                                                          PACisland3       Race    Circuit  1.44     679  00:38.052  05:08.243   94.26    1.44
 25-May-2019 Pac-man Islands Circuit 21               Ærika                                                                          PACisland        Race    Circuit  9.70     247  00:16.981  02:23.248   66.84    6.23
 16-Nov-2020 Best-Milk Farm                           ainnir                                                                         bmfarm           Race    Circuit  14.90    389  00:23.238  03:09.537   85.01    2.23
  6-Jan-2007 Wasabi - par akihiro_m                   akihiro_m                                                                      wasabi           Race    Circuit  1.88     453  00:44.011  06:29.039   31.62   11.99
 15-Jan-2007 Petty Booka                              akihiro_m                                                                      petty_booka      Race    Circuit  1.02     453  00:33.956  04:48.364   56.86    7.03
 25-Jan-2007 Iki                                      akihiro_m           hilaire9                                                   iki              Race    Circuit  1.75     589  00:45.250  06:28.718   54.18    8.44
  8-Feb-2007 Namco Racer                              akihiro_m           hilaire9                                                   namco            Race    Circuit  1.52     581  00:48.306  06:42.782   50.29    4.83
  9-Feb-2007 Soapland                                 akihiro_m           hilaire9                                                   soapland         Race    Circuit  1.96     638  00:53.475  07:33.274   45.19    6.81
  3-Mar-2007 Namco Trains                             akihiro_m           hilaire9                                                   namco_trains     Race    Circuit  1.31     509  00:41.635  05:56.299   47.63    7.97
 21-Oct-2002 Goblin Wood                              Alex Coombes                                                                   goblin           Race    Circuit  2.05     410  00:36.133  05:23.880   40.35   13.77
 18-Feb-2003 Tribal Kingdom                           Alex Coombes                                                                   tking            Race    Circuit  0.84     793  00:57.889  08:13.474   59.83    7.49
 12-Apr-2003 Goblin Night                             Alex Coombes        hilaire9                                                   GoblinNight      Race    Circuit  1.28     510  00:39.187  05:22.836   56.98    3.40
 13-May-2005 Eberhard the Bunny                       Alex Coombes        hilaire9                                                   eberhard2        Race    Circuit  2.23     839  01:04.159  09:05.208   54.68    7.11
 13-May-2005 Eberhards Garden                         Alex Coombes        hilaire9                                                   eberhard1        Race    Circuit  1.90     331  00:28.190  04:02.029   43.62    8.37
 25-Dec-2006 Return to Goblin Wood                    Alex Coombes        hilaire9                                                   re_goblin        Race    Circuit  3.95     415  00:35.099  05:09.203   44.30   11.56
 15-Feb-2018 Synthwave                                Alex_int                                                                       synth            Race    Circuit  9.49     489  00:32.740  04:35.843   70.07    6.08
  5-Mar-2018 Eichenwald Village                       Alex_int                                                                       eichenwald       Race    Circuit  1.37     645  00:42.877  05:52.683   70.96    3.22
 21-Jun-2018 Santorini                                Alex_int                                                                       santorini        Race    Circuit  2.37     500  00:32.960  04:36.167   72.01    5.41
 23-Jul-2018 bananaland                               Alex_int                                                                       bananaland       Race    Circuit  0.26      95  00:18.703  02:49.772  -11.55   15.39
  7-Sep-2018 MKDS - Airship Fortress                  Alex_int                                                                       mkds_af          Race    Circuit  7.48     350  00:26.757  03:46.892   54.71    6.85
  9-Sep-2018 RV Rainbow Road                          Alex_int                                                                       rvrr             Race    Circuit  10.10    727  00:52.960  07:31.226   60.06    7.43
 13-Sep-2018 MKDD - Wario Colosseum                   Alex_int                                                                       mkdd_wc          Race    Circuit  5.14     744  01:06.431  09:18.671   39.13    5.85
 24-Sep-2018 Glimmer Express Trains                   Alex_int            Sniki                                                      getrains         Race    Circuit  2.39     673  00:55.755  07:51.673   46.35    6.57
 24-Sep-2018 Cliffside Court                          Alex_int            Luke Chandler                                              ccourt           Race    Circuit  1.31     529  00:34.164  04:36.986   74.61    1.54
 24-Sep-2018 Luncheon Tour                            Alex_int            Luke Chandler                                              luncheon         Race    Circuit  3.16     318  00:21.840  03:18.364   66.96   15.47
 24-Sep-2018 Skyline Avenue                           Alex_int            SpyKid                                                     skyline          Race    Circuit  3.06     595  00:43.620  05:57.692   59.35    2.86
 24-Jul-2019 Autumn Leavesway                         Alex_int            SpyKid                                                     aleavesway       Race    Circuit  8.30     566  00:41.645  05:41.342   58.94    2.81
 24-Jul-2019 Lunar Lights                             Alex_int            Sniki                                                      llights          Race    Circuit  7.48     449  00:31.740  04:24.445   63.53    4.74
  3-Aug-2019 Getting Over It with Alexander           Alex_int                                                                       gettingoverit    Race    Circuit  4.32     488  01:21.058  12:41.526   -3.76   19.93
  9-Aug-2019 bonezone                                 Alex_int                                                                       bonezone         Race    Circuit  6.41     540  01:06.779  09:35.454   13.35    8.82
 26-Aug-2019 Skatepark F20                            Alex_int                                                                       f20              Race    Circuit  5.59     199  00:16.163  02:16.263   48.34    6.15
  2-Dec-2019 Frozen Caverns                           Alex_int            Saffron                                                    frozencavern     Race    Circuit  5.86     981  01:18.417  10:40.758   49.98    2.45
 11-Jan-2020 LMS Arena                                Alex_int                                                                       lms_arena        Race    Circuit  0.30    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 29-Mar-2020 Smashride Circuit                        Alex_int                                                                       smashride        Race    Circuit  1.76     714  00:43.805  05:57.891   81.36    2.43
 12-Jan-2021 SBX Alpine                               Alex_int                                                                       snowboardx       Race    Circuit  5.04     512  00:38.958  05:21.813   55.22    3.72
 13-Feb-2018 Up Above                                 Alexander                                                                      upabove          Race    Circuit  0.93     515  00:37.853  05:19.452   59.05    6.28
 28-Apr-2000 At Home                                  Ali                                                                            at_home          Race    Circuit  1.45     633  00:47.066  07:20.897   57.76   19.54
 12-Nov-2006 Black Forest                             Allan1                                                                         BF               Race    Circuit  2.15     189  00:10.227  01:30.234   99.42   11.76
 30-Jan-2010 Swamp                                    Allan1                                                                         swamp            Race    Circuit  0.32     299  00:28.973  04:12.869   31.85   10.40
  2-Apr-2010 RC Planet                                Allan1                                                                         rcanyon          Race    Circuit  0.77     467  00:36.938  05:53.879   51.08   22.58
  8-Apr-2010 Deep Pressure                            Allan1                                                                         aqua_tube        Race    Circuit  5.87     236  00:22.080  03:26.006   34.90   19.00
 21-Aug-2010 Electric Fields                          Allan1                                                                         Farm             Race    Circuit  1.77     274  00:15.444  02:13.205   93.31    8.93
 22-Oct-2010 Floats Battle                            Allan1                                                                         bot_bat          Battle  Tag      1.17    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Nov-2010 Jump Gate                                Allan1                                                                         jumpgate         Race    Circuit  1.53     556  00:46.638  07:44.253   45.11   27.92
 27-Nov-2010 Re-Volt Soccer - RVS Battle              Allan1                                                                         nhood1_battle    Battle  Tag      0.70    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  3-Dec-2010 Mario Kart Rainbow Road                  Allan1                                                                         smkrr            Race    Circuit  4.46     358  00:23.542  04:02.044   72.32   32.59
 13-Dec-2010 The Pier                                 Allan1                                                                         pier             Race    Circuit  1.32     239  00:18.205  02:35.639   55.10    7.85
 21-Jan-2011 The Glaciers                             Allan1                                                                         glaciers         Race    Circuit  3.85     313  00:17.701  02:24.839   92.82    2.61
 28-Mar-2011 Runinhouse                               Allan1                                                                         runinhouse       Race    Circuit  1.79     207  00:21.100  03:11.264   27.63   15.21
  7-May-2011 BendLego Circuit                         Allan1                                                                         arena            Race    Circuit  1.52     214  00:15.446  02:15.700   61.12   11.22
  3-Jul-2011 Venice Stunt                             Allan1              Gabor Varga                                                venice stunt     Battle  Tag      1.97    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Jul-2011 T.I.T.H. Street Wars                     Allan1                                                                  tith   tith             Race    Circuit  1.75     507  00:29.332  04:19.171   89.52   11.94
  1-Aug-2011 Present Hunt                             Allan1                                                                  phc    ph               Battle  Tag      4.46    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  6-Aug-2011 WestVolt                                 Allan1                                                                         westvolt         Race    Circuit  1.56     170  00:17.088  02:47.327   28.77   25.60
 10-Aug-2011 T.I.T.H.2 Flea Market                    Allan1                                                                         tith2            Race    Circuit  1.31     622  00:42.619  06:12.775   67.24   10.67
 16-Aug-2011 CB - Callisto Base                       Allan1                                                                  css    css              Race    Circuit  2.72     498  00:59.996  10:51.589   15.13   40.86
  6-Oct-2011 Venus Mounds                             Allan1                                                                  vm     venus            Race    Circuit  1.94     454  00:31.914  04:49.816   64.19   15.45
 13-Oct-2011 Backyard Path                            Allan1                                                                         hundredweight    Race    Circuit  0.61     603  00:37.380  05:12.470   79.97    5.13
 15-Oct-2011 Cliffs Maze                              Allan1                                                                         cliffs           Race    Circuit  1.37     864  00:47.769  06:33.020   96.17    3.25
  7-Nov-2011 Toys in the Roofs                        Allan1                                                                  TTTR   TITR             Race    Circuit  1.26     184  00:14.487  02:15.062   51.57   18.90
  6-Aug-2013 Lake                                     Allan1                                                                         lake             Battle  Tag      3.66    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 14-Jan-2014 Moon Dawn                                Allan1                                                                         dome3            Race    Circuit  6.83    1418  01:38.549  14:03.282   65.54    7.96
 16-Sep-2015 Grisville                                Allan1                                                                         ghetto           Race    Circuit  20.20    648  00:46.283  06:24.539   62.33    4.41
 20-Jan-2019 Grand Prix (TEST)                        Allan1              Acclaim                                                    gp_test          Race    Circuit  2.17     160  00:12.123  01:50.445   55.68   15.86
 20-Jan-2019 Grand Prix (NO1)                         Allan1              Acclaim                                                    gp_no1           Race    Circuit  1.72     162  00:12.029  01:48.761   57.91   14.88
 20-Jan-2019 Blocks Mini Grand Prix                   Allan1              Acclaim                                                    gp_mini          Race    Circuit  0.90      70  00:05.945  00:51.093   43.89    8.49
 28-Jan-2013 Intro Sequence                           Allan                                                                          ROOM             Battle  Tag      0.75    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 28-Jan-2013 Oldshit                                  Allan                                                                          oldshit          Race    Circuit  0.21     239  00:16.765  02:17.743   64.44    3.09
 28-Feb-2004 Sky Garden                               ALMIGTYGodOfTitans                                                             SkyGarden        Race    Circuit  1.23     499  00:36.766  05:25.461   58.78   12.17
 30-Aug-2009 Ludricum Disco                           Andras                                                                         ludricum         Race    Circuit  1.98     521  00:45.033  06:26.122   42.19    8.20
 29-Nov-2000 RV Temple                                Antimorph           Scloink                                                    RVT              Race    Circuit  2.70    1116  01:22.336  11:34.121   58.63    6.15
  6-Apr-2001 F-main                                   Antimorph                                                                      fmain            Race    Circuit  0.34     127  00:15.680  02:15.186   13.46    8.88
 20-Mar-2006 Warehouse test                           Anubis                                                                         WarehouseT       Race    Circuit  1.30      79  00:05.558  00:46.507   64.09    5.25
 21-Nov-2006 Offroadsters                             Anubis                                                                         offroadsters     Race    Circuit  1.20     382  00:23.999  03:21.519   78.20    5.67
  5-Jan-2007 Cold                                     Anubis                                                                         cold             Race    Circuit  1.44     128  00:12.665  01:57.236   30.08   17.95
 20-Dec-2007 Rv-Glue 2                                Anubis                                                                         glue2            Race    Circuit  1.74     218  00:16.094  02:15.345   58.56    5.85
  4-Nov-2000 RCastle                                  AoErat                                                                         rcastle          Race    Circuit  1.80     495  00:50.955  07:17.713   26.83    8.43
 10-Dec-2012 Tutorial                                 aryo_adhi                                                                      tutorial         Race    Circuit  2.42      49  00:04.423  00:42.436   37.94   22.78
 24-Mar-2007 Museum 4                                 Ayl                 hilaire9                                                   muse4            Race    Circuit  2.45     660  00:56.978  08:05.307   42.31    7.39
  4-Aug-2009 Chemistry                                Ayl                 hilaire9                                                   chemistry        Race    Circuit  1.72     603  00:58.330  08:54.288   32.00   16.57
 31-Dec-2011 RC Ground Area                           Ayumu                                                                          Rc_Area          Race    Circuit  0.72     416  00:28.373  03:59.164   67.80    6.13
  4-Feb-2012 RC Ground Area (2 - easy)                Ayumu                                                                          rc_area2e        Race    Circuit  6.20     250  00:24.117  03:20.812   32.23    4.67
  5-Feb-2012 RC Ground Area (2)                       Ayumu                                                                          rc_area2         Race    Circuit  3.30     250  00:32.445  04:36.326   10.20    7.38
  9-Mar-2012 My Computer                              Ayumu                                                                          computer         Race    Circuit  6.59     216  00:52.586  09:23.479  -19.60   38.79
  5-Jun-2012 made by Joel                             Ayumu                                                                          joel             Race    Circuit  0.73     470  00:28.995  03:55.664   80.62    1.82
 14-Jul-2012 Destructed City                          Ayumu                                                                          destruct         Race    Circuit  7.39     528  00:32.760  04:27.516   79.85    2.37
 22-Jul-2012 My Computer Fixed                        Ayumu                                                                          computerdbl      Race    Circuit  3.94     500  00:48.901  07:10.823   31.06   11.57
 12-Jun-2013 RC Ground Area 3                         Ayumu                                                                          rc_area3         Race    Circuit  3.28     479  00:32.735  04:27.243   67.56    2.34
 14-Sep-2016 Spring-Mountain Rally                    Bak                                                                            SpringMR         Race    Circuit  12.00    465  00:37.665  05:25.574   48.62    9.20
 23-May-2017 0 Degrees                                Bak                                                                            experiment3      Race    Circuit  7.07     478  00:41.032  05:51.173   42.86    7.98
 30-Nov-2024 Attitude City                            Bak                                                                            atcity           Race    Circuit  32.70    622  00:39.122  05:30.697   78.05    6.47
 26-Dec-2020 Horrormas                                benderfan3124                                                                  hormas           Race    Circuit  0.30     301  00:26.756  04:22.626   39.55   25.94
 14-May-2021 Horrormas 2                              benderfan3124                                                                  hormas2          Race    Circuit  0.66     269  00:20.661  02:51.554   54.20    4.33
  9-Jan-2022 Horrormas 3                              benderfan3124                                                                  hormas3          Race    Circuit  1.10     403  00:32.209  04:23.462   50.00    2.57
  2-Mar-2022 Battered Mansion                         benderfan3124                                                                  bmans            Race    Circuit  4.72     435  00:28.856  03:59.992   71.22    4.53
  2-Mar-2022 Battered Mansion 2                       benderfan3124                                                                  bmans2           Race    Circuit  5.58     420  00:28.295  04:00.351   69.31    7.06
 12-Aug-2022 Port Limano 1                            benderfan3124                                                                  portlimano1      Race    Circuit  11.10    308  00:21.456  02:58.012   65.26    4.24
 12-Aug-2022 Port Limano 2                            benderfan3125                                                                  portlimano2      Race    Circuit  15.50    622  00:41.855  05:47.285   69.45    4.25
 12-Aug-2022 Port Limano EX                           benderfan3126                                                                  portlimanoex     Race    Circuit  19.90    825  00:56.507  07:41.016   67.29    2.27
 25-Jun-2010 0ffroading                               bert0ids                                                                       or               Race    Circuit  1.51     288  00:20.829  02:58.776   60.89    8.33
  2-Jul-2010 Cryo-volt 2                              bert0ids                                                                       cv2              Race    Circuit  1.68     323  00:24.144  03:56.281   57.17   25.52
 12-Jul-2010 Gravel Town                              bert0ids                                                                       gravelt          Race    Circuit  1.24     387  00:24.845  04:14.763   75.38   32.20
 21-Apr-2012 Volt-Craft                               bert0ids                                                                       vc               Race    Circuit  0.61     924  00:55.249  07:41.517   84.88    5.05
 13-Jun-2012 Darkterror's Universe                    bert0ids                                                                       dtu              Race    Circuit  1.39     747  00:48.558  06:31.701   73.78    0.95
  6-Sep-2007 South Park Land                          bgood52                                                                        SPLAND           Race    Circuit  1.48     502  00:34.966  04:53.514   65.28    5.63
 26-Sep-2002 GT Test Oval                             Billster                                                                       gtTest           Race    Circuit  0.94     448  00:25.142  03:22.922   93.94    1.01
 13-Oct-2002 Circulation Ave                          Billster            hilaire9                                                   Circulation      Race    Circuit  1.59     564  00:35.496  04:56.659   77.97    5.11
  2-Dec-2002 Mount Helix                              Billster            hilaire9                                                   MtHelix          Race    Circuit  1.94     663  00:50.882  07:40.159   54.29   14.91
 24-Aug-2003 Total chaos                              Billster                                                                       Total chaos      Race    Circuit  0.77     177  00:08.825  01:36.426  112.48   41.81
 25-Aug-2003 Race Day                                 Billster            hilaire9                                                   raceday          Race    Circuit  2.14     457  00:37.316  05:13.244   47.80    5.63
  8-Sep-2003 Deep Canyon                              Billster                                                                       Deep Canyon      Race    Circuit  1.48     504  00:39.953  05:32.083   50.85    4.45
  2-Apr-2004 Corporation Ave                          Billster            hilaire9                                                   Corporation      Race    Circuit  1.46     620  00:42.897  06:07.586   66.08    8.13
  6-Apr-2004 Race Day 2: Another Day                  Billster            hilaire9                                                   raceday2         Race    Circuit  1.76     487  00:36.092  04:57.012   58.13    3.28
 28-Apr-2004 The Citadel                              Billster            hilaire9                                                   Citadel          Race    Circuit  1.06     494  00:36.742  05:16.832   57.73    8.90
 12-Aug-2006 Belladonna Castle                        Billster            hilaire9                                                   belladonna       Race    Circuit  1.81     430  00:40.807  06:15.631   33.65   17.22
 18-Jan-2007 Museum 3                                 Billster            hilaire9                                                   muse3            Race    Circuit  1.83     430  00:42.347  05:48.089   30.48    3.14
 27-Mar-2007 Seven Eleven                             Billster            hilaire9                                                   seven11          Race    Circuit  2.17     788  01:02.760  08:55.784   50.36    7.67
 16-Jul-2016 Grass Off-Road                           billy92                                                                        grass or         Race    Circuit  1.23     598  00:37.733  05:07.528   77.63    2.14
 23-May-2013 Sawdust Mill                             Biometal                                                                       sawdust mill     Race    Circuit  9.58     810  01:19.251  11:53.031   31.03   14.24
 28-May-2013 Display Cases                            Biometal                                                                       Dcases           Race    Circuit  10.20    726  00:59.247  08:14.217   47.86    4.88
  6-Jul-2013 Display Cases                            Biometal                                                                       DCases           Race    Circuit  11.30    726  00:59.215  08:15.266   47.92    5.20
 26-Jul-2013 Underground Chapel                       Biometal                                                                       uchapel          Race    Circuit  8.07    1914  02:07.069  17:23.310   78.39    3.01
  4-Aug-2013 Aloha Plaza                              Biometal                                                                       aloha            Race    Circuit  7.34    1472  01:31.566  12:27.324   79.51    2.31
  4-Aug-2013 Toytanic 4                               Biometal                                                                       ship4            Race    Circuit  9.29    1153  01:33.011  12:55.011   49.04    4.75
 12-Sep-2015 Medivo                                   Biometal                                                                       medivo           Race    Circuit  10.20   1169  01:32.111  13:14.256   51.48    8.90
 20-Dec-2017 Jupiter                                  Biometal            Go_Away                                                    Jupiter          Race    Circuit  10.80   2473  02:25.763  20:18.301   86.88    5.12
 17-Feb-2018 Pluto                                    Biometal            Spriggan              GO_AWAY                              Pluto            Race    Circuit  15.20   1118  01:27.619  12:11.419   52.05    4.97
  7-Mar-2018 Venus                                    Biometal            Spriggan                                                   Venus2           Race    Circuit  10.70   1208  01:16.017  10:23.366   77.98    2.86
 17-May-2018 Jupiter: Jovian Disaster                 Biometal            Spriggan              GO_AWAY                              Jupiter2         Race    Circuit  9.11    1465  01:28.221  11:55.071   83.90    1.51
 29-Jun-2018 Neptune                                  Biometal            Spriggan              GO_AWAY                              Neptune          Race    Circuit  12.60   1122  01:10.200  09:30.685   78.74    1.85
 19-Jul-2018 Pluto: NAN0-5JJ Breach                   Biometal            Spriggan                                                   Pluto2           Race    Circuit  9.87     845  00:59.262  08:24.290   64.46    7.28
 25-Jul-2018 Venus: Utopia                            Biometal            Spriggan                                                   Venus_Utopia     Race    Circuit  10.00    874  00:49.015  06:37.831   94.05    1.66
  7-Feb-2019 Mars (Z)                                 Biometal            Spriggan                                                   Mars (Z)         Race    Circuit  13.20    763  00:49.157  06:54.714   74.92    6.24
 21-Jul-2019 Uranus                                   Biometal            Spriggan                                                   Uranus2          Race    Circuit  12.30    907  01:00.338  08:24.989   70.87    5.28
  5-Sep-2000 Heavy Traffic                            BK                                                                             traffic          Race    Circuit  1.30     450  00:32.146  04:40.680   62.31   10.45
  1-Mar-2001 Yabba Daba Doo                           BK                                                                             stones           Race    Circuit  1.50     518  00:37.669  05:20.523   60.26    7.27
  1-Feb-2002 City Nites                               BK                                                                             citynite         Race    Circuit  1.78     977  00:59.305  08:10.284   82.81    3.82
 21-Jan-2021 Market Mayhem                            BloodBTF                                                                       marketmayhem     Race    Circuit  1.71     448  00:30.437  04:11.211   68.28    3.62
 11-Jan-2022 High Rollers                             BloodBTF                                                                       highrollers      Race    Circuit  5.54     472  00:32.403  04:24.703   67.01    2.42
 17-Feb-2007 Short_Oval                               BMG                                                                            short_oval       Race    Circuit  2.03     186  00:12.356  01:42.397   71.05    4.10
 28-Feb-2020 Neon Raceway                             Capitaine SZM                                                                  Neonrw           Race    Circuit  9.81     828  00:53.270  07:20.914   75.10    3.96
  2-Mar-2020 Super Mario Bros.                        Capitaine SZM                                                                  smb1             Race    Circuit  6.31     355  00:30.200  04:12.645   43.73    5.22
 28-Apr-2020 Sky Fort                                 Capitaine SZM                                                                  skyfort          Race    Circuit  5.22     850  00:57.454  07:54.316   68.90    3.65
 18-Jun-2020 Casino RV                                Capitaine SZM                                                                  Casinorv         Race    Circuit  14.10    635  00:46.661  06:34.637   59.08    6.54
  5-Aug-2020 Library                                  Capitaine SZM                                                                  library          Race    Circuit  10.60    575  00:50.389  06:58.963   40.88    4.49
 23-Sep-2020 Botanical Court                          CapitaineSZM                                                                   jardinb          Race    Circuit  5.65     876  01:06.730  09:08.580   55.10    3.16
 20-Jul-2021 Subway                                   CapitaineSZM        Tubers                                                     Subway           Race    Circuit  20.70    830  00:57.336  07:57.017   66.26    4.57
  2-Nov-2021 Papertown1                               CapitaineSZM                                                                   papertown1       Race    Circuit  18.60    350  00:24.305  03:30.285   65.64    9.31
 31-May-2022 GBA Peach Circuit                        CapitaineSZM                                                                   gba_peach        Race    Circuit  4.21     342  00:21.886  02:58.640   75.79    2.32
 29-May-2023 Land of the Magical Tree                 CED!                                                                           land_of          Race    Circuit  8.66     959  01:10.303  09:47.824   59.35    5.16
  9-Jan-2024 Fantaisie n°1                            Ced!                                                                           fant_1           Race    Circuit  30.80    705  00:44.812  06:15.342   76.67    5.37
  5-Feb-2024 Ep.1: On a Dark and Rainy Night          CED!                                                                           rvabd_ep1        Race    Circuit  3.33     384  00:23.171  03:06.937   83.62    0.97
  7-Feb-2024 Ep.2: Race for the Aliens                CED!                                                                           rvabd_ep2        Race    Circuit  13.90   1090  01:24.270  12:05.557   53.36    8.71
 18-Feb-2024 Ep.3: Back to the Earth                  CED!                                                                           rvabd_ep3        Race    Circuit  7.57     698  00:59.851  08:27.441   42.96    6.83
 23-Mar-2024 Fantaisie n°2                            Ced!                                                                           fant_2           Race    Circuit  11.90    231  00:20.425  02:50.098   40.04    4.68
 15-Apr-2024 Fantaisie n°3                            Ced!                                                                           fant_3           Race    Circuit  16.10    473  00:38.608  05:26.295   47.84    6.45
 26-Dec-2024 Up There                                 Ced!                                                                           up_there         Race    Circuit  22.20    677  00:43.917  06:15.325   74.04    7.80
 30-Jun-2019 Alternate Petro-Volt Version             Chori               Gabor Varga                                                !petrol          Race    Circuit  2.42     920  01:03.102  08:36.783   67.12    2.71
 23-Apr-2002 Garage                                   Choupinou                                                                      Garage           Race    Circuit  0.74     606  00:55.013  08:11.592   37.61   13.37
 28-Dec-2002 Garage2                                  Choupinou           hilaire9                                                   Garage2          Race    Circuit  1.50     539  00:43.565  06:27.622   48.84   12.82
  4-Apr-2023 Toys in the Hood 5                       Chris Johannsen                                                                nhood5           Race    Circuit  3.57     565  00:33.998  04:49.114   84.01    7.20
 12-Feb-2024 Forest Mansion 1 (Redux)                 Chris Johannsen                                                                ccastle1         Race    Circuit  3.49     307  00:28.805  03:59.192   34.65    4.34
 12-Feb-2024 Forest Mansion 2 (Redux)                 Chris Johannsen                                                                ccastle2         Race    Circuit  4.10     478  00:33.099  04:36.869   65.98    5.21
 12-Feb-2024 Forest Mansion 3 (Redux)                 Chris Johannsen                                                                ccastle3         Race    Circuit  7.30     687  00:48.617  06:39.664   63.41    3.15
  7-Feb-2022 Ghost Town 4                             Chris               Xarc                                                       wild_west3       Race    Circuit  2.65     381  00:28.120  04:03.635   58.59    9.49
 22-Mar-2022 Toys in the Hood 4                       Chris                                                                          nhood4           Race    Circuit  3.22     706  00:46.322  06:21.911   72.60    3.50
 14-Jul-2022 Toys in the Night                        Chris                                                                          nhoodsolt5       Race    Circuit  3.45     524  00:29.490  04:04.772   93.53    4.29
 14-Feb-2021 Wasteland                                ChrisJohannsen      maximilianvonunwerth                                       desertland1      Race    Circuit  3.33     336  00:22.302  03:07.741   71.15    5.97
 20-Apr-2021 Castle 1                                 ChrisJohannsen                                                                 fdt21castle1     Race    Circuit  4.60     795  00:51.187  07:01.549   75.00    3.36
 20-Apr-2021 Forest Mansion 1                         ChrisJohannsen                                                                 ccastle1         Race    Circuit  4.60     307  00:26.019  03:47.515   44.10   10.63
 22-Apr-2021 Forest Mansion                           ChrisJohannsen                                                                 ccastlestunt     Arena   Stunt    4.95    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 25-Apr-2021 Castle 2                                 ChrisJohannsen                                                                 fdt22castle2     Race    Circuit  4.86     473  00:43.117  05:53.642   37.23    2.88
 25-Apr-2021 Forest Mansion Battle 1                  ChrisJohannsen                                                                 ccastlebattle1   Battle  Tag      4.95    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 25-Apr-2021 Forest Mansion Battle 2                  ChrisJohannsen                                                                 ccastlebattle2   Battle  Tag      4.94    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 25-Apr-2021 Forest Mansion 2                         ChrisJohannsen                                                                 ccastle2         Race    Circuit  4.86     473  00:34.083  04:46.499   61.31    5.80
 26-Apr-2021 Garden Battle 2                          ChrisJohannsen                                                                 bot_bat2         Battle  Tag      1.71    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  6-Aug-2021 Botanical Garden 2 (2021)                ChrisJohannsen      spaceman                                                   garden2re        Race    Circuit  1.06     487  00:40.210  05:43.234   46.68    7.66
 19-Aug-2017 QWorld                                   cicaobe                                                                        qworld           Race    Circuit  4.30     580  00:37.650  05:10.886   73.96    3.68
 28-May-2012 Race Playground BETA                     ciccio                                                                         RPlayBETA        Race    Beta     0.55      86  00:05.502  00:46.697   75.83    6.96
 20-Dec-2014 Into the Night                           Ciccio                                                                         night            Race    Circuit  3.83     412  00:25.507  03:33.199   80.15    5.12
 23-Oct-2020 SNES Mario Circuit 3                     Ciccio                                                                         rMC3             Race    Circuit  1.59     298  00:20.663  02:50.585   65.82    3.65
 25-Oct-2020 SNES Ghost Valley 2                      Ciccio              The B!                                                     rgv2             Race    Circuit  2.65     218  00:14.718  02:07.285   69.04    9.26
 28-Oct-2020 GBA Bowser Castle 3                      Ciccio              The B!                                                     rbc3             Race    Circuit  5.95     504  00:32.614  04:36.321   74.36    6.75
 31-Oct-2020 GBA Shy Guy Beach                        Ciccio              The B!                                                     rsgb             Race    Circuit  4.16     286  00:16.920  02:29.400   86.36   11.85
 10-Nov-2020 N64 Mario Raceway                        Ciccio              javildesign                                                rmr              Race    Circuit  14.50    329  00:24.884  03:26.265   55.87    4.13
 13-Jul-2003 Usine2 xtrem                             Cool33                                                                         usine 2          Race    Circuit  1.37     552  00:46.526  07:23.724   44.64   21.96
 15-Jul-2003 Usine3                                   Cool33                                                                         Usine3           Race    Circuit  0.78     674  00:53.297  07:52.450   51.11   12.35
 23-Apr-2006 Night Cemetery                           Cosimo Zizza                                                                   NightCem         Race    Circuit  1.48     744  00:46.739  06:31.699   78.21    5.44
 22-Jun-2017 KABOOM!                                  Cosmin                                                                         kaboom           Race    Circuit  1.97     487  00:42.380  06:02.330   41.55    7.85
  9-Aug-2017 Mini Offroad Arena                       Cosmin                                                                         minioff          Race    Circuit  1.50     497  00:44.809  06:07.457   38.24    2.86
 18-Jun-2009 Re-volt city                             Crescviper                                                                     Cityrv           Race    Circuit  1.21     282  00:19.557  02:54.508   65.79   13.19
 21-Jun-2009 Silverstone                              Crescviper                                                                     Silerstone       Race    Circuit  0.92     569  00:32.249  05:26.373   92.50   30.29
 23-Jun-2009 Estate!                                  Crescviper                                                                     Estate!          Race    Circuit  1.98     480  00:40.134  06:15.283   45.43   19.30
 25-Apr-2011 SS Route Re-Volt                         Crescviper                                                              Cresc  Città            Race    Circuit  2.04     510  00:36.672  05:19.832   61.55   10.31
 18-Aug-2011 Isola Verde                              Crescviper                                                              Isola  Isolaverde       Race    Circuit  2.74     740  00:56.297  08:01.695   55.24    7.95
 25-Dec-2011 Christmas Crib 2011                      Crescviper                                                                     Presepe          Race    Circuit  3.85     514  00:36.765  05:05.458   62.16    4.41
 11-Aug-2012 SS Highway Re-Volt                       Crescviper                                                                     SSHighway        Race    Circuit  5.49    1495  01:25.958  11:35.331   95.62    1.27
 23-Dec-2014 Christmas Special Stage                  Crescviper                                                                     ChristmasTest    Race    Circuit  6.10     521  00:33.531  04:38.344   75.06    4.30
 31-Mar-2008 Back in the Hood                         Crone94                                                                        back_hood        Race    Circuit  2.21     821  00:53.711  07:40.741   72.97    8.26
 14-Apr-2008 CastAway                                 Crone94                                                                        castaway         Race    Circuit  2.20     427  00:29.081  04:02.447   67.98    4.81
 28-Apr-2008 Forest Edge Gp                           Crone94                                                                        forest edge gp   Race    Circuit  1.91     335  00:23.775  03:35.162   63.07   15.00
  7-Feb-2011 Car lot                                  Crone94                                                                        car_lot          Race    Circuit  3.74     437  00:29.149  04:10.924   70.54    8.69
 17-Oct-2002 Warehouse Zone                           Dave Phaneuf                                                                   Warehousez       Race    Circuit  1.41     318  00:28.197  04:14.450   39.78   14.63
 26-Oct-2002 Warehouse Zone 2                         Dave Phaneuf                                                                   Warehousez2      Race    Circuit  1.43     766  01:07.393  09:26.696   40.51    5.84
 12-May-2014 RC Rally 2014                            DaveMan                                                                        rc_rally2014     Race    Circuit  2.64     387  00:30.306  04:22.922   52.13    9.65
  7-Jan-2007 Lego Battlezone                          Dave-o-rama                                                                    Lego_Battlezone  Battle  Tag      0.94    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 20-Jan-2007 Peanut World                             Dave-o-rama                                                                    ilikepeanuts     Race    Circuit  1.34     964  01:07.834  10:18.381   64.07   15.94
 13-Feb-2007 Space Race                               Dave-o-rama                                                                    spacerace        Race    Circuit  2.15     613  00:44.141  06:08.957   61.39    5.12
 10-Mar-2007 Surreality                               Dave-o-rama                                                                    surreeality      Race    Circuit  0.68     442  00:26.269  03:58.048   85.72   15.17
 16-Jun-2007 Desert City                              Dave-o-rama                                                                    desert_city      Race    Circuit  2.36     898  01:01.192  08:41.211   67.91    7.39
 23-Mar-2008 Backyard Bash (WINTER REMIX)             Dave-o-rama                                                                    backyardremix    Race    Circuit  2.27     888  01:07.655  10:43.594   55.08   21.61
  6-Apr-2008 Far-off Island                           Dave-o-rama                                                                    far_off_island   Race    Circuit  1.83     769  00:50.271  06:58.314   73.06    4.59
 11-Apr-2008 Thunder Lane                             Dave-o-rama                                                                    thunderlane      Race    Circuit  2.29     984  01:01.473  08:39.002   78.94    6.33
 20-Apr-2008 The Underground                          Dave-o-rama                                                                    theunderground   Race    Circuit  1.98     263  00:19.742  02:56.747   56.71   13.61
 23-Apr-2008 Space Race 2:The Asteroid Belt           Dave-o-rama                                                                    spacerace2       Race    Circuit  2.11     973  01:07.912  09:23.855   61.64    4.32
 14-May-2008 In a House Battle                        Dave-o-rama                                                                    muse_bat         Battle  Tag      1.96    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 25-May-2008 Raw Sewage                               Dave-o-rama                                                                    raw_sewage       Race    Circuit  0.34     726  00:51.459  07:23.591   63.22    8.86
  1-Jun-2008 Downhill Jam (yes, i made it again...)   Dave-o-rama                                                                    downhill_jam     Race    Circuit  1.94     833  00:43.450  06:33.450  105.15   15.07
  1-Jun-2008 Warehouse Grand Prix                     Dave-o-rama                                                                    wgrandprix       Race    Circuit  1.75     505  00:40.538  06:04.222   49.55   14.07
  5-Jul-2008 Destruction                              Dave-o-rama                                                                    destruction      Race    Circuit  1.55     191  00:20.540  03:12.216   23.39   19.40
 31-Jul-2008 Rainbow Road (Dave's Version)            Dave-o-rama                                                                    rainbow          Race    Circuit  0.37     810  00:49.835  07:10.864   80.98    9.23
  1-Nov-2008 Backyard Bash                            Dave-o-rama                                                                    backyardbash     Race    Circuit  2.32     995  01:09.544  10:11.660   64.87   11.36
  2-Dec-2008 Supercross Rally                         Dave-o-rama                                                                    srally           Race    Circuit  1.80     717  00:49.139  06:39.297   67.22    1.80
 21-Jun-2009 The Lost Sandcastles                     Dave-o-rama                                                                    lostsandcastles  Race    Circuit  1.90     981  01:04.128  09:07.617   73.07    7.71
 12-Aug-2009 Death By Cheese                          Dave-o-rama                                                                    death_by_cheese  Race    Circuit  0.36     285  00:23.072  03:22.216   48.68   10.92
 12-Sep-2009 Computer Virus                           Dave-o-rama                                                                    computervirus    Race    Circuit  0.45     983  00:55.056  09:44.809   94.24   37.46
 13-Nov-2009 Toy-volt Cruise Ship                     Dave-o-rama                                                                    toyvoltcruises   Race    Circuit  1.02     625  00:58.690  08:23.012   34.57    8.15
 16-Dec-2009 Quicksand                                Dave-o-rama         miromiro                                                   quicksand        Race    Circuit  1.76    1438  01:46.043  14:56.047   58.68    6.43
  1-Jan-2010 The Mines of Sharpville                  Dave-o-rama                                                                    sharpeville      Race    Circuit  1.47     754  00:51.673  07:03.042   67.22    2.67
 12-Jan-2010 LEVEL_6                                  Dave-o-rama                                                                    level_6          Race    Circuit  1.12     852  01:01.922  08:51.985   60.33    8.45
 27-Jan-2010 The Ditch                                Dave-o-rama                                                                    the_ditch        Race    Circuit  1.56    1287  01:22.021  11:19.897   76.33    4.13
  6-Feb-2010 Random Dog's Shiny Thing In The Sea      Dave-o-rama                                                                    randonsea        Race    Circuit  0.96     522  00:35.429  04:48.991   68.40    2.24
 14-Feb-2010 A Traffic Nightmare!                     Dave-o-rama                                                                    trafficnm        Race    Circuit  0.67     223  00:15.866  02:13.990   62.78    6.36
 20-Feb-2010 Random Dog`s Messy Pool Table            Dave-o-rama                                                             pool   randompool       Race    Circuit  1.11     789  00:53.706  07:28.725   68.04    5.07
 27-Feb-2010 Overgrown Manufacturing Co.              Dave-o-rama                                                                    overgrown        Race    Circuit  1.16     812  00:57.306  08:03.242   63.73    6.18
  4-Mar-2010 Warm Wheels Downward Spiral              Dave-o-rama                                                                    warmwheels       Race    Circuit  1.18     629  00:40.627  06:00.701   74.60   12.55
 28-Apr-2010 Canyon Seven                             Dave-o-rama                                                                    canyonseven      Race    Circuit  0.86     572  00:53.244  07:58.002   35.35   13.97
  1-Jul-2010 And Out Comes The Stuff                  Dave-o-rama                                                                    AOCTS            Race    Circuit  1.12     492  00:35.952  05:04.597   59.71    6.75
  8-Jun-2011 Gang City                                Dave-o-rama                                                             gcity  gang_city        Race    Circuit  3.19     623  00:45.661  06:22.899   59.37    5.51
 28-Jun-2011 Grayscale Road                           Dave-o-rama                                                             GSrd   grayscaleroad    Race    Circuit  0.65     803  00:49.376  06:47.064   81.06    3.49
 11-Jul-2011 Mind Revolution                          Dave-o-rama                                                             MR     MindRevolution   Race    Circuit  2.15     456  00:26.962  03:42.063   86.49    3.37
 22-Jul-2011 Canyon of the Wolves                     Dave-o-rama                                                             wolfs  canyon_wolves    Race    Circuit  2.80     465  00:27.961  03:51.335   84.10    3.91
 24-Jul-2011 Desolate                                 Dave-o-rama                                                             DS     desolate         Race    Circuit  2.58     392  00:26.024  03:37.466   71.12    5.09
 30-Jul-2011 Backyard Bash 2                          Dave-o-rama                                                             BB2    backyardbash2    Race    Circuit  3.51     731  00:52.083  07:35.818   62.61   10.74
 19-Aug-2011 Left Hand Path                           Dave-o-rama                                                             LHP    lefthandpath     Race    Circuit  3.95     438  00:32.225  04:56.091   58.94   16.97
 19-Aug-2011 Pyrons Realm                             Dave-o-rama                                                             pyron  pyronsrealm      Race    Circuit  3.84     895  01:10.856  10:07.740   50.99    8.24
 22-Aug-2011 Rooftops 2011                            Dave-o-rama         Santa Claus           RST                           r2011  roof2011         Race    Circuit  1.94     588  00:41.682  05:45.251   63.21    4.04
 28-Aug-2011 Random Dog`s House Of Flying Midgets     Dave-o-rama                                                             HOFM   randommidget     Race    Circuit  1.95     409  00:34.964  04:53.832   43.26    5.77
 19-Sep-2011 Return to Thunder Lane                   Dave-o-rama                                                             TL2    thunderlane2     Race    Circuit  2.95    1129  01:12.641  12:19.672   75.09   31.18
 30-Sep-2011 Insanity                                 Dave-o-rama                                                             ins    insanity         Race    Circuit  2.05     564  00:38.777  05:25.706   66.83    5.71
 28-Oct-2011 Gang City 1.2                            Dave-o-rama                                                             gcity  gang_city        Race    Circuit  3.19     623  00:45.661  06:22.899   59.37    5.51
 28-Oct-2011 LEVEL_6 2011                             Dave-o-rama                                                             L6     level_6          Race    Circuit  1.28     852  01:01.922  08:51.985   60.33    8.45
 28-Oct-2011 Peanut World 2011                        Dave-o-rama                                                             pnuts  ilikepeanuts     Race    Circuit  1.62     964  01:07.834  10:18.381   64.07   15.94
 28-Oct-2011 Random Dog`s Messy Pool Table 2011       Dave-o-rama                                                             pool   randompool       Race    Circuit  1.10     789  00:53.706  07:28.725   68.04    5.07
 28-Oct-2011 Space Race 2: The Asteroid Belt 2011     Dave-o-rama                                                             SR2    spacerace2       Race    Circuit  2.93     973  01:07.912  09:23.855   61.64    4.32
 28-Oct-2011 Space Race 2011                          Dave-o-rama                                                             SR     spacerace        Race    Circuit  2.62     613  00:44.141  06:08.957   61.39    5.12
 28-Oct-2011 The Mines of Sharpville 2011             Dave-o-rama                                                             TMOS   sharpville       Race    Circuit  2.01     754  00:51.673  07:03.042   67.22    2.67
  1-Nov-2011 Red and Blue `Shrooms                    Dave-o-rama                                                                    redblueshrooms   Race    Circuit  2.26     279  00:22.925  03:13.172   47.17    6.09
 10-Nov-2011 Over The Tunnel Championship             Dave-o-rama                                                             OTTC   overthetunnelc   Race    Circuit  2.84     603  00:51.035  07:02.828   44.23    4.07
 25-Nov-2011 Desolate 2                               Dave-o-rama                                                             DS2    desolate2        Race    Circuit  3.28     801  00:55.439  07:43.018   66.03    5.03
 18-Dec-2011 Winter Madness Battle                    Dave-o-rama                                                             WM     WinterMadnessB   Battle  Tag      3.41    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 18-Dec-2011 Winter Madness                           Dave-o-rama                                                             WM     WinterMadness    Race    Circuit  3.41     202  00:14.245  02:09.457   63.82   15.54
 27-Dec-2011 Municipal Waste                          Dave-o-rama                                                             MW     MunicipalWaste   Race    Circuit  5.08     489  00:35.862  05:04.965   59.30    7.20
 25-Feb-2012 Warehouse Assault                        Dave-o-rama                                                             WA     ware_assault     Race    Circuit  4.00     574  00:47.084  06:40.062   47.34    7.10
  2-May-2012 Supermarket 5                            Dave-o-rama                                                             mrkt5  market5          Race    Circuit  1.78     408  00:24.679  03:25.863   83.29    4.88
 18-Aug-2012 Fancington's Country Club                Dave-o-rama         The RVL Team                                               CClub            Race    Circuit  7.44     892  00:58.222  08:00.533   73.26    3.62
 21-Aug-2012 Temple of the Burning Darkness           Dave-o-rama                                                             TMPBD  TempBurnDark     Race    Circuit  2.61     445  00:27.328  03:48.779   81.23    5.31
 17-Dec-2017 Balance Test                             Dave-o-rama                                                                    balancetest      Race    Circuit  10.30    124  00:10.941  01:41.611   40.24   18.39
 21-Mar-2018 Another Generic Raceway                  Dave-o-rama                                                                    AGR              Race    Circuit  2.83     739  00:52.739  07:09.777   62.42    2.13
 15-Oct-2018 Curves and Caves                         Dave-o-rama                                                                    curvesandcaves   Race    Circuit  10.40    336  00:27.407  03:53.034   47.91    7.18
  2-Jul-2016 Mid-sea Island                           DC.All                                                                         MSI              Race    Circuit  7.73     546  00:37.473  05:08.848   67.05    3.46
 30-Aug-2016 Donut Plains 3                           DC.All                                                                         Donut3           Race    Circuit  24.80    467  00:29.287  04:10.108   78.43    7.71
  5-Jan-2017 MK64 - Wario Stadium                     DC.All                                                                         mk64_ws          Race    Circuit  31.70    861  01:01.111  08:28.831   63.25    4.66
 26-Feb-2017 Penny Racers - Caves                     DC.All                                                                         pr_caves         Race    Circuit  4.33     433  00:30.454  04:16.869   64.13    6.21
 26-Feb-2017 Penny Racers - Harbour                   DC.All                                                                         pr_harbour       Race    Circuit  43.50    670  00:41.716  05:42.996   79.39    3.17
 30-Apr-2018 MKDD - Mushroom City                     DC.All                                                                         mkdd_mc          Race    Circuit  9.86     630  00:34.923  04:41.425   95.77    0.83
  4-May-2019 DKR - Windmill Plains                    DC.All                                                                         dkr_wp           Race    Circuit  8.12     603  00:36.479  04:55.248   83.27    1.34
 14-Feb-2013 Wonder Land in Hood 1                    Dennis12                                                                       WLHood1          Race    Circuit  9.73     245  00:22.501  03:12.122   36.56    7.69
 22-Feb-2013 Admins in the Hood                       Dennis12                                                                       Admin            Race    Circuit  11.78    623  00:38.878  05:21.176   79.09    3.73
 14-Mar-2003 UrbInDust                                diedir                                                                         UrbInDust        Race    Circuit  1.88    1056  01:06.952  09:05.681   77.00    2.15
 24-May-2003 Rotomagus                                diedir                                                                         Rotomagnus       Race    Circuit  2.99    1015  01:13.807  10:22.254   60.27    6.15
  1-Sep-2024 Offroadasis 1                            Dimka                                                                          dmk_roadasis1    Race    Circuit  2.45     158  00:13.800  02:03.479   41.20   13.54
  1-Sep-2024 Offroadasis 2                            Dimka                                                                          dmk_roadasis2    Race    Circuit  10.10    730  00:47.459  06:29.562   73.76    2.98
 14-Dec-2008 Toys in the Hood Track 2                 DJ Jake                                                                        nhoodtk2         Race    Circuit  1.62     429  00:29.940  04:19.699   65.04    9.63
 17-Jan-2009 Toys in the Hood Track 1                 DJ Jake                                                                        nhoodtk1         Race    Circuit  1.63     278  00:17.745  02:43.619   76.12   17.44
 17-Jan-2009 Toys in the Hood Track 3                 DJ Jake                                                                        nhoodtk3         Race    Circuit  1.64     390  00:30.090  04:14.938   53.72    6.75
  8-Aug-2007 Travaux 1                                Djet                                                                           Travaux 1        Race    Circuit  1.54     660  01:01.761  08:57.226   34.88    9.98
 19-Aug-2007 Travaux 2                                Djet                                                                           Travaux 2        Race    Circuit  1.58     446  00:34.521  04:47.879   53.38    4.85
 29-Nov-2012 Toys in the Sky                          doll265                                                                        TIS              Race    Circuit  1.66     629  00:47.433  07:21.789   56.20   18.77
  4-Dec-2012 Revolt Table                             doll265                                                                        Rvtable          Race    Circuit  1.47      59  00:10.011  01:24.432   -4.81    6.20
  9-Dec-2012 Revolt Room                              doll265                                                                        RVRoom           Race    Circuit  1.78     137  00:08.312  01:26.839   82.88   34.96
 23-Dec-2012 The City                                 doll265                                                                        thecity          Race    Circuit  1.33     280  00:16.483  02:15.146   87.06    2.84
 29-Dec-2012 The City2                                doll265                                                                        thecity2         Race    Circuit  1.45     590  00:33.035  04:25.906   94.28    0.70
  4-Jan-2013 The City3                                doll265                                                                        thecity3         Race    Circuit  1.09     782  00:42.649  05:43.510   98.23    0.78
 29-Jan-2013 Toys on the Rainbow                      doll265                                                                        tor              Race    Circuit  0.49     698  00:45.387  06:38.457   73.74   11.13
 23-Feb-2013 Revolt Room2                             doll265                                                                        rvroom2          Race    Circuit  6.73     264  00:16.231  02:11.277   81.08    1.26
  1-Mar-2013 The City4                                doll265                                                                        thecity4         Race    Circuit  5.27    1064  00:57.747  07:44.956  101.66    0.74
 27-Mar-2013 Race in the Playground                   doll265                                                                        RITP             Race    Circuit  6.33     216  00:17.389  02:31.244   49.25    9.97
  7-Apr-2013 House backyard                           doll265                                                                        houseback        Race    Circuit  1.14     240  00:18.433  02:38.971   54.21    8.92
  9-Jun-2013 The Sky Garden                           doll265                                                                        TSG              Race    Circuit  4.55     261  00:17.391  02:32.327   70.67   10.84
 10-Aug-2013 The Canyon                               doll265                                                                        Canyon           Race    Circuit  5.74     728  00:45.045  06:08.868   80.22    2.70
  2-Mar-2014 The sky garden 2                         doll265                                                                        TSG2             Race    Circuit  8.41     756  00:45.639  06:14.128   83.56    2.82
  6-May-2014 Dream house                              doll265                                                                        dreamhouse       Race    Circuit  6.57     147  00:18.713  02:45.861   11.44   12.33
 14-Nov-2014 The sky garden 3                         doll265                                                                        tsg3             Race    Circuit  9.36    1245  01:33.377  13:16.284   56.80    7.54
 31-Jul-2015 Party in the Toy World                   doll265             sweet2flower                                               PIT              Battle  Tag      5.80    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  2-Jan-2016 Toy-Volt : Party                         doll265                                                                        toyvoltp         Race    Circuit  6.19     268  00:18.945  02:39.003   63.53    5.61
 22-Jan-2016 Toy-Volt : Party 2                       doll265                                                                        toyvoltp2        Race    Circuit  11.20    242  00:18.049  02:31.267   57.42    5.44
  7-May-2016 Toy-Volt : Party 3                       doll265                                                                        toyvoltp3        Race    Circuit  6.88     265  00:20.695  03:05.528   52.43   13.78
  7-Jun-2021 Kindiak Volt Park                        Draco                                                                          kindiak          Race    Circuit  11.20    779  00:48.121  06:35.243   80.44    3.05
 31-Jul-2021 Siberia                                  Draco                                                                          siberia          Race    Circuit  8.59     482  00:44.957  06:34.299   35.17   11.01
  1-Nov-2021 Jedi Oasis                               Draco                                                                          jkoasis          Race    Circuit  1.35     456  00:33.602  04:48.716   58.77    8.46
  1-Nov-2021 RC Hood                                  Draco                                                                          rchood           Race    Circuit  1.73     390  00:26.671  03:45.357   67.48    6.42
 31-Jul-2022 Home Run Park                            Draco                                                                          baseball         Race    Circuit  14.10   1054  01:15.444  10:20.118   62.08    3.14
 20-Mar-2023 Toys in the garage                       Draco                                                                          toygarage        Race    Circuit  2.26     440  00:27.867  03:46.248   77.14    1.70
 30-Mar-2023 Food Dance Mall                          Draco                                                                          restaurant       Race    Circuit  11.12    482  00:36.048  04:57.425   57.11    3.58
 22-Aug-2023 Mansion Dance Club                       Draco                                                                          mansiondc        Race    Circuit  19.80    865  00:57.681  07:54.331   70.57    3.19
 24-Dec-2023 FoodVault Power Sale                     Draco                                                                          foodvaultps      Race    Circuit  2.45     132  00:08.903  01:13.407   69.17    3.50
 26-Feb-2021 Beach Club                               DragonLimoX                                                                    beachclub        Race    Circuit  7.76     769  00:52.383  07:18.007   67.96    5.17
 16-Jun-2001 Daytoya 500                              DSL_Tile            SuPeRtArD                                                  DAYTOYA          Race    Circuit  2.55     366  00:23.447  03:13.230   75.65    3.44
 13-Jul-2001 DATAGA 500                               DSL_Tile            Supertard                                                  bot_bat          Battle  Tag      4.39    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 31-Dec-2020 Tropic Raceway                           duc                                                                            tropicraceway    Race    Circuit  9.58     600  00:44.330  06:03.177   58.47    2.75
 13-Jul-2019 Hotel Retro                              ducsekbence                                                                    hotelretro       Race    Circuit  9.10     411  00:32.335  04:35.578   51.65    7.47
 23-Aug-2019 Spider-Volt                              ducsekbence                                                                    spidervolt       Race    Circuit  2.19     505  00:47.408  06:54.258   34.60   10.54
 31-Jan-2020 Skiing Paradise                          ducsekbence                                                                    skiparad         Race    Circuit  5.70     896  01:16.050  10:30.144   43.95    4.08
 25-Dec-2020 Any Colour You Like                      ducsekbence                                                                    anycolour        Race    Circuit  2.57     256  00:15.878  02:26.686   79.90   17.69
 23-Aug-2006 The River                                Dylan                                                                          the_river        Race    Circuit  1.85     254  00:18.415  02:33.255   60.61    4.60
 24-Jan-2007 Graphite                                 Dylan                                                                          graphite         Race    Circuit  3.99     782  00:43.570  05:51.690   95.02    1.03
 17-Jun-2007 Graphite 2                               Dylan                                                                          graphite2        Race    Circuit  2.20     652  00:48.929  07:53.325   56.74   23.91
  2-May-2015 Dyspropolis                              Dyspro50                                                                       dyspropolis      Race    Circuit  3.04    1398  01:44.215  14:24.341   57.47    4.20
 22-Aug-2015 R2049 Melee                              Dyspro50                                                                       r2049dm2         Race    Circuit  5.61     493  00:32.284  04:24.067   72.84    2.56
 22-Dec-2015 R2049 Tundra                             Dyspro50                                                                       r2049dm3         Race    Circuit  6.71     572  00:33.985  04:42.200   85.76    4.34
 28-Oct-2016 Kadish Sprint                            Dyspro50                                                                       kadishs          Race    Circuit  15.10    814  01:07.611  09:25.855   46.09    5.28
 24-Dec-2016 R2049 Atomic                             Dyspro50                                                                       r2049dm4         Race    Circuit  6.30     490  00:27.443  03:42.200   94.25    1.38
 16-Jul-2017 R2049 Stadium                            Dyspro50                                                                       r2049dm1         Race    Circuit  4.70     280  00:15.471  02:12.572   96.26    8.13
 30-Dec-2018 R2049 Downtown                           Dyspro50                                                                       r2049dm5         Race    Circuit  7.77     528  00:30.999  04:10.246   87.44    1.04
 28-Nov-2019 R2049 Plaza                              Dyspro50                                                                       r2049dm6         Race    Circuit  7.38     417  00:24.881  03:22.020   85.18    1.71
 27-Dec-2019 R2049 Road Kill                          Dyspro50                                                                       r2049dm7         Race    Circuit  5.64     467  00:26.394  03:33.152   92.91    1.08
 22-Mar-2001 Indinapeles made by Erik                 Erik                                                                           indi             Race    Circuit  1.66     357  00:22.749  03:08.148   76.34    3.87
 22-May-2001 Sand Track Made                          Erik                                                                           st               Race    Circuit  2.09     431  00:38.108  05:25.379   40.05    7.69
  7-Dec-2005 Toys in the Hood                         Eros                                                                           nhood1           Race    Circuit  2.01     747  00:42.324  05:51.167   92.54    4.24
  8-Dec-2005 Toys in the Hood expansion               Eros                                                                           offroad hood     Race    Circuit  2.08     747  00:41.683  05:48.080   94.79    5.01
 30-Jan-2024 Ghost Town Crossroad                     Erzu                                                                           gs24_ww2         Race    Circuit  1.79     251  00:17.662  02:23.490   64.07    1.77
  5-Mar-2023 Conduciendo Fumado: Redux                EstebanMz                                                                      condfumadored    Race    Circuit  4.42     524  00:43.687  06:12.364   45.71    7.48
  1-Apr-2002 Sue&Joe                                  Fabit                                                                          Sue&Joe          Race    Circuit  2.38     935  01:57.309  17:45.000   12.39   15.41
  7-Dec-2002 Sue&Joe Plus                             Fabit                                                                          S&JPLUS          Race    Circuit  2.54     790  01:32.963  13:18.711   16.76    8.45
 11-Feb-2003 Playa                                    Fabit                                                                          Playa            Race    Circuit  2.47     565  00:39.235  05:27.856   65.64    5.09
 29-Mar-2003 PLAYA+                                   Fabit                                                                          playa+           Race    Circuit  2.39     663  00:38.621  05:23.073   88.55    5.22
 10-May-2003 Playa+                                   Fabit                                                                          playa+           Race    Circuit  2.44     663  00:46.307  06:31.647   64.95    6.54
  7-Aug-2004 PLAYA+                                   Fabit                                                                          playa+           Race    Circuit  2.45     663  00:46.490  06:30.591   64.48    5.74
 22-Mar-2005 GP1                                      Fabit                                                                          Gp1              Race    Circuit  5.17    1223  01:10.385  09:39.874   90.28    3.41
 25-Sep-2011 Black Sail Valley                        Fabit                                                                          blacksailvalley  Race    Circuit  2.66    1223  01:12.979  09:51.905   85.16    1.58
 10-Jul-2012 Gpx                                      Fabit               The RVL Team                                               GPX              Race    Circuit  3.21    1394  01:20.158  10:48.946   90.40    1.37
 23-Dec-2012 Ghostly Christmas                        FBV-86                                                                         wild_xmas        Race    Circuit  12.90    490  00:31.899  04:21.653   73.59    2.89
 17-Oct-2015 Ruddles County                           FBV-86                                                                         Rcounty          Race    Circuit  57.00   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Nov-2016 Drone Hunt                               FBV-86                                                                         drone            Race    Circuit  9.56    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Nov-2016 Padiglione A                             FBV-86                                                                         trickflight      Race    Circuit  3.00     350  00:22.918  03:07.730   72.85    2.73
  6-Aug-2023 DS Figure Eight Circuit                  Flo                                                                            dsfec            Race    Circuit  4.17     291  00:16.800  02:16.127   89.83    1.47
 11-Oct-2018 Rainbow Road                             Floke901                                                                       rainbowroad1fk9  Race    Circuit  10.60    625  00:37.851  05:08.891   83.12    2.30
 13-Nov-2011 Tiny Racetrack in the Hood               flyboy                                                                         tinyracetrack    Race    Circuit  0.77     344  00:29.277  04:00.980   43.69    3.30
  8-Mar-2017 Drift in the Hood                        flyboy                                                                         dhood            Race    Circuit  8.60     514  00:30.708  04:10.751   85.00    2.37
  3-Jun-2001 Toy-Volt Warehouse                       Freestyler                                                                     toyhouse         Race    Circuit  1.51     675  00:57.213  08:01.808   44.09    6.02
 28-Dec-2001 Re-Volt Airport                          Freestyler                                                                     RVAIR            Race    Circuit  1.76     990  01:18.039  13:30.822   51.44   34.14
  7-Jan-2018 Toy World - Winter                       Fulon                                                                          toyworldsn       Race    Circuit  6.74     580  00:45.345  06:52.466   52.31   15.66
 29-Jul-2024 Revolution Raceway                       Fuz                                                                            hobbytown        Race    Circuit  7.80     903  01:04.485  09:14.269   62.89    8.50
 14-Oct-2020 Fairground 1                             G_J                 I_Spy                                                      fair1            Race    Circuit  11.60    363  00:24.949  03:28.012   66.87    4.82
 14-Oct-2020 Fairground 2                             G_J                 I_Spy                                                      fair2            Race    Circuit  13.50    766  00:52.150  07:03.794   68.02    1.81
 13-Dec-2020 Rooftops Battle                          G_J                 I_Spy                 Acclaim                              roof_bat         Battle  Tag      10.80   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 15-Mar-2021 Fairground Battle                        G_J                 I_Spy                                                      fair_bat         Battle           12.40   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 14-May-2021 Home 1                                   G_J                 I_Spy                                                      home1            Race    Circuit  13.10    237  00:14.330  02:01.206   83.34    6.55
 14-May-2021 Home 2                                   G_J                 I_Spy                                                      home2            Race    Circuit  12.40    489  00:30.580  04:12.365   78.81    3.61
 21-Jun-2021 Home Battle                              G_J                 I_Spy                                                      home_bat         Battle  Tag      13.30   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  3-Apr-2022 Hospital 1                               G_J                                                                            hospital1        Race    Circuit  15.30    623  00:39.076  05:16.213   78.41    1.32
  3-Apr-2022 Hospital 2                               G_J                                                                            hospital2        Race    Circuit  13.30    399  00:28.137  03:50.713   63.82    2.85
  7-Apr-2023 Downtown 1                               G_J                                                                            dtown1           Race    Circuit  33.30    800  00:48.117  06:39.301   84.07    4.26
  7-Apr-2023 Downtown 2                               G_J                                                                            dtown2           Race    Circuit  41.30    911  00:59.683  08:18.529   72.79    5.04
  3-Feb-2024 Elementary 1                             G_J                                                                            elementary1      Race    Circuit  26.20    382  00:23.794  03:14.566   79.33    2.53
  3-Feb-2024 Elementary 2                             G_J                                                                            elementary2      Race    Circuit  24.80    412  00:24.411  03:22.614   86.15    4.29
 26-Jun-2001 PetroVolt                                Gabor Varga                                                                    petrol           Race    Circuit  2.32     950  01:06.322  09:16.400   65.01    5.56
 27-Sep-2001 Quake!                                   Gabor Varga                                                                    quake            Race    Circuit  1.77     843  00:57.897  08:00.658   66.96    4.31
 21-Apr-2002 Venice                                   Gabor Varga                                                                    venice           Race    Circuit  2.61     617  00:42.627  05:54.561   66.25    4.54
  2-Mar-2002 Glacier Cliffs 4                         GameFox             MazerRP                                                    gc4              Race    Circuit  2.24     792  00:55.785  07:41.063   63.96    3.79
 30-Jul-2007 Chaos in da Hood                         Gaming4JC           hilaire9                                                   chaos_ in_hood   Race    Circuit  2.26     667  00:44.433  06:07.207   70.70    3.78
 22-Apr-2008 Come to the Garden                       Gaming4JC           hilaire9                                                   come2garden      Race    Circuit  1.69     935  01:00.201  08:14.080   75.00    2.96
 10-Mar-2010 LuigiRaceway                             Gaming4JC                                                                      luigiraceway     Race    Circuit  0.94     283  00:17.806  02:28.861   78.00    5.15
 21-Apr-2013 First Spring Morning                     Gaming4JC           RaptorEMW                                                  first_spring     Race    Circuit  4.24    1330  01:20.306  10:46.703   83.53    0.76
  8-Feb-2001 The Hermits Property                     Gel                                                                            Hermit           Race    Circuit  0.87     543  00:36.132  04:59.495   74.38    4.13
  9-Apr-2001 Rally ZX                                 Gel                                                                            RallyZX          Race    Circuit  0.33     331  00:35.581  05:36.215   23.42   20.70
 30-Aug-2001 Dublin, Ireland Raceway                  Gel                                                                            Dublin           Race    Circuit  1.03     984  00:54.215  07:38.256   96.69    6.47
 30-Aug-2001 Technosis Park                           Gel                                                                            skatepk          Race    Circuit  1.91    1101  01:25.966  12:05.203   52.45    6.23
 15-Feb-2012 Double Decker N64                        Gel38                                                                          DoubleDecker     Battle  Tag      4.50    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 23-Nov-2013 Xtreme-G: Phylandria                     Gel38                                                                          XtremeG          Race    Circuit  4.62    1509  01:31.538  12:34.362   82.90    3.44
 30-Mar-2014 Rally ZX SS 2                            Gel38                                                                          RallyZX2         Race    Circuit  9.69     630  00:46.900  06:59.445   57.63   13.48
 13-Aug-2015 A World Without Paint                    Gel38                                                                          WWPaint          Race    Circuit  5.12     245  00:19.377  02:47.063   51.09    8.88
 14-Dec-2007 Offroad House                            Ghost_Rider                                                                    offroad_h        Race    Circuit  4.16     205  00:21.926  03:31.392   23.81   23.45
  9-Mar-2022 Crystal Cavern                           Ghoster                                                                        darkcave         Race    Circuit  4.58     646  00:42.351  05:41.221   72.70    0.81
  7-Jan-2000 The Launch (beta)                        Gibbler                                                                        TheLaunch        Race    Circuit  0.25     399  00:22.973  03:08.489   90.21    2.93
 23-Aug-2017 Trashinden Arene                         Gigi                                                                           trash            Battle  Tag      16.20   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 16-May-2018 Soul Tosh                                Gigi                                                                           soul             Arena   LMS      10.70   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 22-Feb-2013 Ganje Canyon                             Gilou68                                                                        ganjecanyon      Race    Circuit  5.48     649  00:50.345  07:09.295   53.14    7.53
 15-Sep-2019 Rooftops 1                               GJ                  MarvTheM              I Spy          Acclaim\Probe         roof1            Race    Circuit  9.15     676  00:51.403  07:24.665   55.29    9.29
 17-May-2013 Crazy Warehouse                          GO_AWAY                                                                        Crazy Warehouse  Race    Circuit  1.63     311  00:31.115  04:22.009   29.16    6.01
  4-Aug-2013 F1 SPLIT                                 GO_AWAY                                                                        F1 SPLIT         Race    Circuit  0.59     133  00:08.969  01:12.894   69.19    1.82
  4-Aug-2013 PetroVolt Power On                       GO_AWAY                                                                        pvp on           Race    Circuit  2.60    1027  01:05.232  09:17.871   76.76    7.89
  4-Aug-2013 PetroVolt Power Out                      GO_AWAY                                                                        pvpo             Race    Circuit  7.49     974  01:04.698  08:50.019   71.05    2.75
  4-Aug-2013 Zer0 {000} Gravity                       GO_AWAY                                                                        zero gravity     Race    Circuit  4.47     469  00:35.731  05:34.664   55.08   19.52
  7-Aug-2013 Crazy Lego                               GO_AWAY                                                                        Crazy Lego       Race    Circuit  6.98     623  01:09.384  10:04.913   20.74   10.26
 23-Aug-2013 Museum 6                                 GO_AWAY                                                                        muse6            Race    Circuit  5.09     763  00:44.319  06:20.484   88.95    8.36
 30-Aug-2013 Canyon Escape                            GO_AWAY                                                                        Canyon Escape    Race    Beta     1.42     324  00:33.424  04:47.618   26.66    8.64
 11-Sep-2013 Black&White TELEPORTATION                GO_AWAY                                                                        B&W TELEPORT     Race    Circuit  0.84     665  01:06.808  09:31.284   28.82    7.87
 12-Mar-2014 track path                               GO_AWAY                                                                        track path       Race    Beta     1.60     529  00:37.250  05:03.638   63.99    2.16
 29-May-2014 Crazy Lego (Black&White)                 GO_AWAY                                                                        CrazyLego (B&W)  Race    Circuit  4.36     412  00:37.057  05:28.893   38.46   12.50
  6-Jul-2011 Over the Sea                             Golden_DustMite                                                                oversea          Race    Circuit  1.22     361  00:25.421  03:30.451   63.99    3.98
  1-Apr-2019 Pipe Tripe                               Gotolei             Saffron                                                    pipetripe        Race    Circuit  6.25     377  00:28.575  04:29.394   55.64   20.39
  1-Apr-2019 Pipe Tripe (Online Edition)              Gotolei             Saffron                                                    pipetripeonline  Race    Circuit  6.22     377  00:27.389  04:04.477   60.37   13.23
 15-Sep-2022 Isola Verde: Redux                       Gotolei                                                                        isolaredux       Race    Circuit  5.85    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  7-Mar-2009 Guillermo XV                             Guillermo                                                                      Guillermo XV     Race    Circuit  1.51     590  00:47.826  06:38.578   48.55    4.77
 18-Jun-2001 WareHouse                                Hades (Erik)                                                                   warehse          Race    Circuit  1.91     457  00:34.595  04:52.786   55.78    6.62
 23-Jun-2001 Atlanta                                  Hades (Erik)                                                                   Atlanta          Race    Circuit  1.55     739  00:41.006  05:31.276   95.63    1.12
  7-Feb-2015 Kanyon                                   Hessen                                                                         kanyon           Race    Circuit  1.82     328  00:23.884  03:13.209   60.11    1.28
 23-Dec-2010 Snow Pass                                HG                  R6TE                                                       Snow Pass        Race    Circuit  1.11     943  01:00.240  08:31.730   76.02    7.07
 28-Jun-2012 Sidewinder                               Hi-Ban                                                                         sidewind         Race    Circuit  12.50    429  00:29.473  04:08.925   66.92    6.37
 20-Mar-2001 Museum 9                                 hilaire9                                                                       Museum9          Race    Circuit  1.76     748  00:54.586  07:34.951   59.86    4.78
 18-Apr-2001 Toyland Gran Prix                        hilaire9                                                                       ToyGP            Race    Circuit  1.89     341  00:24.501  03:20.746   61.64    2.76
 14-May-2001 Jade Racer                               hilaire9                                                                       JadeRacer        Race    Circuit  2.37     608  00:55.305  07:42.165   37.43    5.10
 28-May-2001 Shagball Online!                         hilaire9                                                                       Shagball         Battle  Tag      1.01    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  3-Aug-2001 Iceflower Run                            hilaire9                                                                       IceFlower        Race    Circuit  1.72     701  00:52.801  07:28.870   56.33    7.16
 25-Aug-2001 Hokey Smoke!                             hilaire9                                                                       Hokey            Race    Circuit  0.91     320  00:25.269  03:39.879   51.26   10.02
 15-Sep-2001 Cloud Nine                               hilaire9                                                                       cloud9           Race    Circuit  1.27     433  00:31.912  04:26.559   58.75    5.04
  2-Oct-2001 Arabian Night                            hilaire9                                                                       Arabian          Race    Circuit  1.51     454  00:37.512  05:11.284   46.61    4.26
 16-Oct-2001 Little Temple Racer                      hilaire9                                                                       LTRcr            Race    Circuit  2.05     374  00:27.940  03:52.002   57.24    4.34
 16-Nov-2001 Cemetery                                 hilaire9                                                                       Cemetery         Race    Circuit  1.70     551  00:41.838  06:02.369   55.45    9.45
  2-Dec-2001 White Rabbit                             hilaire9                                                                       WhiteRabbit      Race    Circuit  1.35     538  00:44.563  06:18.267   46.36    6.98
  4-Jan-2002 Toy Train Arcade                         hilaire9                                                                       ToyTrain         Race    Circuit  1.68     665  00:48.691  06:47.872   59.49    5.38
  8-Feb-2002 Endgame (Fools Mate 2.1)                 hilaire9                                                                       endgame          Race    Circuit  2.27     462  00:39.593  05:56.525   43.02   14.35
  8-Feb-2002 UltraGlide                               hilaire9                                                                       UltraGlide       Race    Circuit  0.46     718  00:46.411  06:18.805   74.50    2.31
 27-Mar-2002 Bikini Bottom                            hilaire9                                                                       Bikini           Race    Circuit  1.13     679  00:53.136  07:46.977   52.21   11.26
 13-Apr-2002 Blue Dolphin Raceway                     hilaire9                                                                       BluDolph         Race    Circuit  1.36     728  00:54.334  07:29.584   57.34    3.92
 21-May-2002 Rosedale                                 hilaire9                                                                       Rosedale         Race    Circuit  2.30     855  00:55.323  07:34.574   74.37    3.10
  7-Jun-2002 Hacienda                                 hilaire9                                                                       Hacienda         Race    Circuit  1.92     568  00:41.452  05:56.124   59.86    8.45
  7-Jun-2002 Headlong Hall                            hilaire9                                                                       Headlong         Race    Circuit  1.33     535  00:40.475  05:36.636   55.85    4.53
 17-Jun-2002 Cemetery Battle                          hilaire9                                                                       bot_batCemetery  Battle  Tag      1.43    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  4-Jul-2002 Salvation Way                            hilaire9                                                                       salvation        Race    Circuit  2.29     647  00:57.993  08:09.753   38.78    6.36
  9-Aug-2002 Star Runner                              hilaire9                                                                       StarRunner       Race    Circuit  2.20     677  00:54.443  07:43.878   49.36    7.43
 23-Dec-2002 Winter Night                             hilaire9            rickyD                                                     WinterNight      Race    Circuit  1.27     433  00:32.397  04:53.495   57.07   15.13
 11-Jan-2003 Alpha9                                   hilaire9            rickyD                                                     Alpha9           Race    Circuit  2.12     481  00:40.494  05:44.769   44.75    7.34
  8-Jun-2003 Night Flight                             hilaire9                                                                       nightFLT         Race    Circuit  1.51     579  00:51.795  07:08.448   38.96    3.89
 25-Jun-2003 Flower Hill Park                         hilaire9                                                                       FlowerHill       Race    Circuit  1.50     797  00:59.141  08:59.439   57.98   16.02
  4-Jul-2003 Glass                                    hilaire9                                                                       glass            Race    Circuit  1.66     493  00:43.907  06:20.798   39.37    9.61
 15-Jul-2003 Gansu Castle                             hilaire9                                                                       Gansu            Race    Circuit  1.85     694  00:51.360  07:07.809   58.28    4.71
 28-Jul-2003 The Club                                 hilaire9                                                                       TheClub          Race    Circuit  1.99     655  00:46.794  06:25.048   62.30    3.27
 19-Dec-2003 Sewers of Paree                          hilaire9                                                                       Paree            Race    Circuit  1.92     839  01:04.232  08:53.370   54.55    4.34
 16-Feb-2004 Restful Acres                            hilaire9            Kao98                                                      Restful          Race    Circuit  1.78     690  00:53.722  07:27.722   52.75    4.77
  2-Mar-2004 Misty Valley                             hilaire9                                                                       mistyValley      Race    Circuit  2.20    1027  01:17.320  10:35.089   56.38    3.05
 14-Mar-2004 Interlagos F1                            hilaire9                                                                       Interlagos       Race    Circuit  1.69     777  00:46.115  06:12.961   85.92    1.25
 30-Mar-2004 Garden Center                            hilaire9                                                                       gardenctr        Race    Circuit  1.97     640  00:44.857  06:29.392   64.54    9.72
 16-Apr-2004 Barbie World                             hilaire9                                                                       Barbie           Race    Circuit  1.64     565  00:48.436  07:19.661   42.99   15.39
 28-Jun-2004 Peacock Castle                           hilaire9                                                                       Peacock          Race    Circuit  2.28    1176  01:18.735  10:40.451   70.07    1.92
 30-Aug-2004 Baja Canyon                              hilaire9                                                                       Baja             Race    Circuit  1.58     641  00:45.961  06:24.522   61.88    5.23
 10-Sep-2004 Shakespeare Library                      hilaire9                                                                       Shakespeare      Race    Circuit  1.94     530  00:48.722  06:39.810   36.47    2.94
 19-Sep-2004 My House                                 hilaire9                                                                       MyHouse          Race    Circuit  1.82     653  00:55.170  07:39.250   44.40    4.63
 28-Sep-2004 Baja 2: Gulf of Mexico                   hilaire9                                                                       Baja2            Race    Circuit  1.87     796  00:53.247  07:19.261   70.18    3.56
 27-Oct-2004 All Saints                               hilaire9                                                                       allsaints        Race    Circuit  1.96     462  00:43.540  06:27.017   34.26   12.70
  4-Jan-2005 Racing Academy                           hilaire9                                                                       academy          Race    Circuit  1.97     766  00:46.588  06:17.728   82.54    1.54
 19-Jan-2005 Planet Claire                            hilaire9                                                                       planetclaire     Race    Circuit  2.11     791  01:04.271  09:05.542   48.30    6.97
 21-Feb-2005 The Watchers                             hilaire9                                                                       watches          Race    Circuit  1.39     686  00:54.362  07:35.486   50.89    5.41
 15-Mar-2005 Aquaville                                hilaire9                                                                       aquaville        Race    Circuit  2.23     692  00:52.279  08:20.849   56.00   22.58
 27-Mar-2005 Little Toy Town                          hilaire9                                                                       liltoytown       Race    Circuit  2.27     632  00:54.010  07:36.580   43.29    6.48
 10-Jun-2005 Pirates of Alderon                       hilaire9                                                                       pirates          Race    Circuit  2.11    1162  01:22.966  11:24.820   62.37    3.63
 21-Aug-2005 Montys Caberet                           hilaire9                                                                       monty            Race    Circuit  2.60     506  00:43.835  06:06.314   41.98    5.10
 31-Aug-2005 Bang!                                    hilaire9                                                                       Bang             Race    Circuit  1.88     561  00:44.550  06:32.832   50.67   11.68
 10-Sep-2005 Hong Kong                                hilaire9                                                                       HongKong         Race    Circuit  1.95     770  01:02.649  08:49.733   48.17    6.51
 17-Sep-2005 Absinthe                                 hilaire9                                                                       absinthe         Race    Circuit  1.97     746  00:45.854  06:16.198   81.11    2.92
  2-Oct-2005 Prague                                   hilaire9                                                                       prague           Race    Circuit  2.11     603  00:49.841  06:50.129   46.58    3.27
 13-Oct-2005 Hospital                                 hilaire9                                                                       hospital         Race    Circuit  1.53     534  00:45.627  06:27.269   43.31    6.97
 19-Oct-2005 Finland                                  hilaire9                                                                       finland          Race    Circuit  2.13     729  00:52.280  07:56.297   61.86   15.86
 29-Oct-2005 Portugal                                 hilaire9                                                                       portugal         Race    Circuit  2.12     494  00:41.698  06:15.283   44.49   14.29
  8-Nov-2005 Amsterdam                                hilaire9                                                                       amsterdam        Race    Circuit  2.20     532  00:42.169  06:11.528   50.86   11.58
 18-Nov-2005 London-1965                              hilaire9                                                                       london65         Race    Circuit  2.03     561  00:51.642  07:16.096   36.35    6.35
  1-Dec-2005 House of Flying Daggers                  hilaire9                                                                       house_fd         Race    Circuit  2.21     730  01:02.401  08:58.060   43.26    8.89
 14-Dec-2005 Starship Isabella                        hilaire9                                                                       starship         Race    Circuit  1.87     609  00:48.762  06:52.478   49.81    6.56
 27-Jan-2006 Brazil                                   hilaire9                                                                       brazil           Race    Circuit  2.23     829  01:06.541  10:15.833   49.56   17.93
 17-May-2006 Belgium                                  hilaire9                                                                       belgium          Race    Circuit  2.62     620  00:47.757  07:30.732   53.90   20.54
 15-Jun-2006 Trailer Park                             hilaire9                                                                       trailerpark      Race    Circuit  1.83     666  00:48.739  06:55.888   59.54    7.61
 24-Jun-2006 Andalucia                                hilaire9                                                                       andalucia        Race    Circuit  2.22     718  01:01.815  09:16.644   42.57   14.36
 21-Jul-2006 Arena Toshinden                          hilaire9                                                                       arena_tosh       Battle  LMS      2.33    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 21-Jul-2006 Arena Toshinden -2-                      hilaire9                                                                       arena_tosh2      Battle  LMS      2.33    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  4-Sep-2006 Verdugo Offramp                          hilaire9                                                                       verdugo          Race    Circuit  1.65     584  00:42.419  05:51.640   60.40    4.14
  4-Oct-2006 Old West Days                            hilaire9            rickyD                                                     old_west_days    Race    Circuit  1.99     325  00:30.909  04:29.700   33.46   10.37
  7-Oct-2006 Old West Nights                          hilaire9            rickyD                                                     old_west_nights  Race    Circuit  2.22     483  00:35.539  05:05.337   58.93    8.45
 25-Dec-2006 Cabaret Oz                               hilaire9                                                                       cabaret          Race    Circuit  4.27     506  00:43.089  06:10.106   43.63    8.42
 25-Dec-2006 Interstellar Overdrive                   hilaire9                                                                       interstella      Race    Circuit  2.83     718  00:47.299  06:23.698   72.09    1.60
 25-Dec-2006 Moonshine Holler                         hilaire9                                                                       moonshine        Race    Circuit  3.62     612  00:43.436  06:02.999   63.06    5.10
 25-Dec-2006 Uptown Top Ranking                       hilaire9                                                                       uptown           Race    Circuit  3.93     599  00:43.507  06:00.875   60.40    4.21
 25-Dec-2006 Venice Sonata                            hilaire9                                                                       venice_sonata    Race    Circuit  4.63     614  00:44.489  06:10.005   60.68    4.53
 17-Jan-2007 White Rose Chapel                        hilaire9                                                                       whiterose        Race    Circuit  2.02     653  00:52.658  07:14.843   49.08    3.68
 10-Apr-2007 Chess Night                              hilaire9                                                                       chessnight       Race    Circuit  2.02     709  00:56.700  08:36.413   49.94   15.83
 11-Apr-2007 Hanzo Underground                        hilaire9                                                                       hanzo            Race    Circuit  2.28     763  00:59.538  08:16.464   52.51    4.84
 10-May-2007 Gynoid                                   hilaire9                                                                       gynoid           Race    Circuit  1.46     525  00:40.540  05:52.884   53.63   10.07
 10-Jun-2007 WipEout                                  hilaire9                                                                       wipeout          Race    Circuit  1.04     601  00:41.467  05:56.116   66.41    8.40
 23-Jul-2007 Starport Isabella                        hilaire9                                                                       starport         Race    Circuit  1.64     795  00:52.643  07:10.107   71.45    2.43
 11-Aug-2007 Speed King Slot Cars                     hilaire9                                                                       speedking        Race    Circuit  1.67     407  00:32.691  04:32.475   49.49    4.78
  9-Sep-2007 Goofy Golf                               hilaire9                                                                       goofygolf        Race    Circuit  2.26     815  00:56.289  07:56.041   66.29    6.53
 11-Dec-2007 Candy Cane Lane                          hilaire9                                                                       candycane        Race    Circuit  2.20     683  00:53.456  07:49.109   52.19   11.08
 19-Dec-2007 Dinner and a Movie                       hilaire9                                                                       dinner_movie     Race    Circuit  1.73     663  00:50.711  07:20.261   54.65    9.74
 23-Jan-2008 Isis                                     hilaire9                                                                       isis             Race    Circuit  3.77     633  00:55.506  07:43.142   40.83    4.91
 20-Feb-2008 Catfish Cove                             hilaire9                                                                       catfish          Race    Circuit  2.30     995  01:13.212  10:33.143   58.93    9.26
 10-Mar-2008 Nebula Girl                              hilaire9                                                                       nebula_girl      Race    Circuit  1.63     861  00:52.217  06:59.916   82.93    0.60
 28-Jun-2008 Candyland                                hilaire9            Jaseaka                                                    candyland        Race    Circuit  1.90     669  00:54.723  08:05.267   47.63   12.40
 18-Sep-2008 Post Office                              hilaire9                                                                       post_office      Race    Circuit  2.30     563  00:44.308  06:12.518   51.61    5.82
  5-Oct-2008 Ginger`s Island                          hilaire9                                                                       gingers          Race    Circuit  2.30     431  00:30.957  04:32.205   61.68   11.33
  7-Oct-2008 Dali                                     hilaire9                                                                       dali             Race    Circuit  1.96     727  00:50.136  06:59.083   66.47    5.13
 18-Oct-2008 Casino                                   hilaire9                                                                       casino           Race    Circuit  1.77     558  00:40.771  05:56.485   59.72   10.62
 29-Oct-2008 Dead Souls                               hilaire9                                                                       dead_souls       Race    Circuit  1.62     568  00:47.280  06:47.607   45.87    8.87
  4-Nov-2008 Space Odyssey                            hilaire9                                                                       space_odyssey    Race    Circuit  1.90     573  00:42.892  06:46.475   57.02   21.10
 25-Apr-2009 Rats!                                    hilaire9                                                                       rats             Race    Circuit  1.95     327  00:26.965  03:52.743   46.81    9.02
 12-Jun-2009 Kangaroo                                 hilaire9                                                                       kangaroo         Race    Circuit  0.55     479  00:32.077  04:29.858   70.05    5.90
 28-Jun-2009 Rosalita's Motel                         hilaire9                                                                       rosalitas        Race    Circuit  2.25     496  00:35.981  05:04.258   60.54    6.52
 22-Jul-2009 Swan Street                              hilaire9                                                                       swan_street      Race    Circuit  2.33     542  00:43.554  06:16.965   49.44    9.36
 26-Sep-2009 Espresso                                 hilaire9                                                                       espresso         Race    Circuit  1.81     559  00:38.711  05:22.693   65.97    4.80
 15-Oct-2009 Walrus Bay                               hilaire9                                                                       walrus_bay       Race    Circuit  2.22     504  00:36.627  05:07.307   60.34    5.57
 18-Nov-2009 Terminus                                 hilaire9                                                                       terminus         Race    Circuit  2.16     715  00:46.489  06:34.705   73.75    7.00
 21-Jan-2010 Jungle Sprint                            hilaire9                                                                       junglesprint     Race    Circuit  2.31     331  00:22.862  03:21.109   66.28   11.38
  9-Feb-2010 Redwood Highway                          hilaire9                                                                       redwood          Race    Circuit  2.23     515  00:31.579  04:22.453   81.44    4.44
  6-Mar-2010 Freyja                                   hilaire9                                                                       freyja           Race    Circuit  2.47     510  00:36.536  05:14.301   61.98    8.61
 17-Jan-2011 Top Gear Test Track                      hilaire9                                                                       topgear          Race    Circuit  1.94    1265  01:13.766  10:01.433   88.40    2.19
 12-Feb-2011 Harbor Lights                            hilaire9                                                                       harborlights     Race    Circuit  2.26     551  00:38.776  05:59.894   64.06   18.31
  4-Mar-2011 Via Varese                               hilaire9                                                                       via_varese       Race    Circuit  1.96     532  00:38.064  05:20.190   62.13    5.88
  6-Apr-2011 Fortuna                                  hilaire9                                                                       fortuna          Race    Circuit  2.39     424  00:31.976  04:27.894   56.19    5.40
  8-Aug-2011 Fukushima                                hilaire9                                                                       fukushims        Race    Circuit  2.02     787  00:55.631  08:04.201   63.54   10.05
 29-Jun-2012 Daddy`s Farm                             hilaire9                                                                       daddys_farm      Race    Circuit  5.05     779  00:45.542  06:11.697   88.03    2.31
 12-Jul-2012 Snowy River                              hilaire9                                                                       snowy_river      Race    Circuit  4.42     469  00:38.918  05:30.921   46.18    7.19
 19-Jul-2012 Lakeside Sprint                          hilaire9            RST                                                        lakeside_sprint  Race    Circuit  3.01     241  00:17.419  02:35.461   60.96   13.21
  5-Nov-2012 Wipeout 2097                             hilaire9            RST                                                        wipeout2097      Race    Circuit  5.28     455  00:31.110  04:12.116   67.50    1.49
 19-Aug-2013 Sunset Hills                             hilaire9                                                                       sunset_hills     Race    Circuit  5.35     763  00:51.177  07:03.802   70.09    4.02
 14-Sep-2013 Avalon                                   hilaire9                                                                       avalon           Race    Circuit  7.08     665  00:43.638  05:53.293   72.58    1.37
 17-Oct-2013 Hello Kitty                              hilaire9                                                                       hello_kitty      Race    Circuit  8.28     772  00:47.606  06:26.868   80.68    1.81
  8-May-2023 France                                   hilarious6                                                                     france           Race    Circuit  26.20    426  00:28.714  03:57.033   69.24    3.64
  9-May-2023 Tuscany                                  hilarious6                                                                     tuscany          Race    Circuit  7.50     508  00:34.278  04:40.498   69.11    2.61
 15-May-2023 Władysławowo                             hilarious6                                                                     wladyslawowo     Race    Circuit  6.30     619  00:39.127  05:25.402   77.40    4.52
 20-May-2023 Aqueduct                                 hilarious6                                                                     aqueduct         Race    Circuit  6.23     426  00:28.753  03:57.763   69.08    3.85
  9-Jun-2023 Zugzwang                                 hilarious6                                                                     zugzwang         Race    Circuit  1.09     536  00:35.464  04:55.720   71.55    4.84
 19-Jun-2023 Human                                    hilarious6                                                                     human            Race    Circuit  1.73     827  00:51.815  07:05.516   78.56    3.03
 30-Jun-2023 Ice Peaks Islands                        hilarious6                                                                     iceice           Race    Circuit  10.90    465  00:26.829  03:42.614   95.47    4.25
  5-Jul-2023 Tropical Bash                            hilarious6                                                                     castawey         Race    Circuit  7.20     325  00:19.629  02:41.592   83.50    3.32
  6-Jul-2023 Ye Oldetown                              hilarious6                                                                     ye_oldetown      Race    Circuit  5.17     456  00:28.948  03:58.699   76.83    3.51
 11-Aug-2023 Spoinky Doinky 1                         hilarious6                                                                     sd1              Race    Circuit  22.70   1434  02:39.641  22:51.487   20.77    8.44
  8-May-2024 England                                  hilarious6                                                                     england          Race    Circuit  9.87     432  00:27.740  03:51.093   75.35    4.72
 18-Oct-2024 Frostpeak                                hilarious6                                                                     pblank           Race    Circuit  7.16     537  00:40.529  05:34.636   56.11    3.67
  1-Nov-2024 Horror Doinky 2                          hilarious6                                                                     hd2              Race    Circuit  20.10   2609  04:43.087  41:36.118   22.71   11.68
  2-Nov-2024 New Horizon                              hilarious6                                                                     newhorizon       Race    Circuit  4.53     945  01:02.924  08:36.274   70.75    2.92
 10-Nov-2024 Transit Rush                             hilarious6                                                                     transitrush      Race    Circuit  8.88     431  00:27.277  03:53.666   77.23    8.09
 22-Dec-2024 Shroom Kingdom                           hilarious6                                                                     hajafaj          Race    Circuit  5.71     437  00:27.608  03:45.990   77.47    2.65
 28-Dec-2024 Mighty Jungle                            hilarious6                                                                     junglelush       Race    Circuit  4.74     342  00:25.625  03:48.282   56.91   12.98
 24-Apr-2005 Cycle Road - Beta                        Human                                                                          croad-b          Race    Beta     2.84     738  00:58.218  08:16.336   51.36    7.51
 24-Apr-2005 Human Centre - Beta                      Human               Human                                                      hcent-b          Race    Beta     2.62     576  00:54.106  07:59.151   34.55   12.23
 29-Apr-2005 Freestoyle                               Human                                                                          free             Race    Circuit  1.82     492  00:30.084  04:19.877   81.82    9.12
 13-May-2005 RCDream                                  Human                                                                          RCDream          Race    Circuit  1.77     487  00:34.644  04:54.355   62.80    7.09
 22-May-2005 RC Dream Enduro                          Human               hilaire9                                                   rcdream2         Race    Circuit  1.29    1264  01:17.871  10:46.578   80.80    4.33
 22-Jun-2005 Cycle Road                               Human                                                                          Cycle Road       Race    Circuit  2.72     607  00:35.782  05:04.048   86.87    7.10
 22-Jun-2005 Freestoyle2                              Human                                                                          Freestoyle2      Race    Circuit  2.12     690  00:45.073  06:51.710   73.16   16.20
 22-Jun-2005 Human Center                             Human                                                                          Human Center     Race    Circuit  2.36     523  00:44.074  06:11.765   44.65    6.21
 29-Jul-2005 Metro-Volt                               Human                                                                          Metrovolt        Race    Circuit  2.34     649  00:45.402  06:37.952   64.76   10.93
 20-Sep-2005 Helios                                   Human                                                                          Helios           Race    Circuit  3.24     655  00:43.915  06:11.999   69.90    6.73
 31-Oct-2005 Lunar                                    Human                                                                          Lunar            Race    Circuit  3.16     647  00:44.379  06:14.304   67.12    6.20
  7-Feb-2006 Sakura                                   Human                                                                          Sakura           Race    Circuit  3.44     752  00:53.506  07:20.854   62.77    3.42
  7-Jan-2010 Jailhouse Rock                           Human                                                                          jailhouse        Race    Circuit  3.81     729  00:53.736  07:26.733   58.73    4.48
 27-Mar-2013 Sakura                                   Human               Marv                                                       Sakura           Race    Circuit  3.44     752  00:53.506  07:20.854   62.77    3.42
 18-Jul-2009 Super Mario Bros 3                       Iko-kun                                                                        SMB3             Race    Circuit  1.14     873  01:32.224  13:38.355   24.78   12.48
 19-Jul-2010 GBA Rainbow Road                         Iko-kun                                                                        rrgba            Race    Circuit  0.77     788  00:52.907  07:40.702   69.73   10.11
 10-Dec-2012 Green Hill Zone ALPHA 00:01              Iko-kun                                                                        GreenHill        Race    Beta     4.49    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
  7-Jul-2002 Touge Run 1                              Incogbla                                                                       touge1           Race    Circuit  0.89      75  00:08.310  01:26.523   21.13   34.46
  3-Aug-2002 Small Circuit 2                          Incogbla                                                                       scircuit2        Race    Circuit  1.63     437  00:29.028  04:04.034   71.05    5.81
 13-Feb-2003 Ghost Town 3                             Infernal                                                                       Ghost Town3      Race    Circuit  2.01     615  00:48.293  06:59.267   51.84    9.74
 21-Jan-2016 FoodVault                                Instant                                                                        foodvault        Race    Circuit  1.70     132  00:08.742  01:16.397   71.43   10.56
  7-Oct-2017 Cake                                     Instant                                                                        cake             Race    Circuit  10.10    450  00:34.804  04:51.347   53.46    5.30
  9-Jun-2020 Medieval: Redux                          Instant             Kipy                                                       medieval-redux   Race    Circuit  10.30    362  00:28.900  03:56.686   50.12    2.71
 24-Jan-2024 Mansion                                  Instant                                                                        mansion          Race    Circuit  49.50    653  00:47.061  06:53.488   61.29   11.23
 31-Aug-2000 Toys in the Hood 3                       J.A.                                                                           nhood3           Race    Circuit  1.65     777  00:57.321  07:57.086   58.64    4.62
 28-Oct-2000 Country house                            J.A.                                                                           country_house    Race    Circuit  1.88     706  01:04.999  10:08.061   36.33   19.36
 10-Mar-2001 Park                                     J.A.                                                                           park             Race    Circuit  1.80     698  00:55.522  08:01.611   50.49    9.63
  2-Dec-2020 Origin of Symmetry                       Jan Ainnir Mayen                                                               originofsym      Race    Circuit  6.58     491  00:29.505  04:06.189   84.19    4.91
  8-Dec-2020 Genghis Kastle                           Jan Ainnir Mayen                                                               kastle           Race    Circuit  14.50    626  00:41.395  05:43.006   71.62    4.09
  2-Jan-2021 The Great Silence                        Jan Ainnir Mayen                                                               winterwest       Race    Circuit  13.60    584  00:44.674  06:11.693   54.64    4.57
  4-Feb-2007 YouthCenter                              jaseaka                                                                        YouthCenter      Race    Circuit  1.04     338  00:31.100  04:56.866   36.39   22.08
 21-Nov-2008 Emerald City                             jaseaka             hilaire9                                                   emerald_city     Race    Circuit  1.69     519  00:37.673  05:03.308   60.47    0.73
  4-Jan-2009 Super Mario Land                         jaseaka                                                                        super_mario      Race    Circuit  1.66     518  00:41.972  06:05.889   48.59   10.25
  2-Apr-2009 Sandbox Racer                            jaseaka             hilaire9                                                   sandbox_racer    Race    Circuit  2.20     372  00:39.699  05:50.385   23.99   11.80
 18-May-2009 Aladdin's Cave                           jaseaka             hilaire9                                                   aladdins         Race    Circuit  2.74     500  00:38.834  05:35.167   53.01    9.01
 21-Dec-2009 Christmas Snow Globe                     jaseaka             hilaire9                                                   christmas_globe  Race    Circuit  2.35     399  00:30.965  04:28.822   53.09    9.74
  8-Sep-2014 The Bunker                               javildesign                                                                    the_bunker       Race    Circuit  11.60    509  00:34.869  04:55.522   67.27    6.79
 13-Sep-2019 Route-77                                 javildesign                                                                    route-77         Race    Circuit  20.60    636  00:37.604  05:11.072   86.44    3.89
 14-May-2020 Wildland                                 javildesign                                                                    balljam          Race    Circuit  28.40    712  00:43.366  05:53.643   82.35    2.21
 26-Jul-2020 The Reactor                              javildesign                                                                    the_reactor      Race    Circuit  50.60    243  00:17.725  02:43.851   59.92   17.77
  4-Dec-2020 Cliff Mountain Trail                     javildesign                                                                    cliff            Race    Circuit  83.50   1270  01:39.671  13:43.973   51.90    3.81
  5-Dec-2020 Spaceship                                javildesign                                                                    spaceship2020    Race    Circuit  53.50    512  00:34.447  04:43.633   69.47    3.34
  5-Dec-2020 urbanX                                   javildesign                                                                    urbanx           Race    Circuit  54.70    682  00:42.181  05:57.434   80.28    6.77
 10-Jul-2021 Lava Rock                                javildesign                                                                    lava-rock        Race    Circuit  50.60    527  00:31.250  04:13.589   86.04    1.64
 29-Aug-2021 Toy World 3                              javildesign                                                                    toy3-2021        Race    Circuit  5.69     638  00:43.366  06:12.093   68.22    8.29
 28-Feb-2000 Late Night Construction Site             JimK                                                                           construct        Race    Circuit  1.80    1090  01:26.757  12:12.463   50.43    6.32
  5-Apr-2001 Dirt Crossing                            JimK                                                                           dirtcros         Race    Circuit  1.96     500  00:34.828  04:42.574   65.27    1.62
 27-Apr-2001 Canyon Run                               JimK                                                                           canyonrn         Race    Circuit  2.46     792  00:56.089  07:48.051   63.32    4.93
 23-Jan-2024 JSCA Prehistoric Heights                 Josh Scorpius                                                                  JSCAPreH         Race    Circuit  6.37     589  00:42.006  05:47.792   62.50    3.99
 10-Apr-2008 Solar System 3                           Juraj                                                                          solar3           Race    Circuit  1.57     769  00:50.700  07:08.148   71.99    6.35
  8-May-2008 Revolt Zone Tracks                       Juraj                                                                          rvzt             Race    Circuit  1.75     568  00:47.669  06:35.869   45.06    4.35
 25-Jun-2015 Vertland outskits                        kallelay                                                                       allonsy          Race    Circuit  38.20    850  00:54.717  07:35.600   75.03    4.66
  1-Sep-2019 Fragments                                Kallelay                                                                       fragments        Race    Circuit  7.38     243  00:37.517  06:06.727    0.03   25.36
  1-Sep-2019 Destructed City (2019)                   kallelay                                                                       destructrld      Race    Circuit  41.00    216  00:26.638  04:07.632   13.54   18.52
 31-Dec-2019 Destructed City x1.2 (2019)              kallelay            ayumu                                                      destructrldx12   Race    Circuit  9.25     248  00:23.582  03:37.178   33.48   17.28
 11-Aug-2020 MiniGame: FroggerVolt Easy               Kallelay                                                                       froggervolt      Race    Nonloop  0.65    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 11-Aug-2020 MiniGame: FroggerVolt Hard               Kallelay                                                                       froggervoltm     Race    Nonloop  0.52    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 12-Aug-2020 Forbidden Area 1                         kallelay                                                                       forbidar1        Race    Circuit  86.40    566  00:55.562  08:46.318   30.75   21.04
  3-Aug-2004 Components On Campus                     KANG                                                                           compc            Race    Circuit  0.59     946  00:57.617  08:25.237   82.35   10.98
 28-Apr-2001 Toys in the Hood 4 by Kaosab 98          Kaosab 98                                                                      nhood4Kao        Race    Circuit  1.63     309  00:23.120  03:20.431   57.06    9.56
 19-Feb-2008 Toy Universe                             Katte                                                                          ToyUniverse      Race    Circuit  1.91     377  00:29.564  04:25.470   51.99   13.99
  3-Jul-2003 Crossjump                                Kevinelix           Cool33                                                     crossjump        Race    Circuit  1.39     629  00:54.194  08:12.525   42.50   15.55
  8-Jul-2003 Goudurix                                 Kevinelix           Cool33                                                     gou              Race    Circuit  2.37     640  01:36.911  16:04.973    1.08   27.96
 13-Jul-2003 Gaps                                     Kevinelix                                                                      Gaps             Race    Circuit  1.47     585  00:56.976  08:37.291   31.41   15.42
 22-Jul-2003 Cross Jump In The Big Canyon             Kevinelix                                                                      b                Race    Circuit  1.35    1213  01:31.960  15:01.921   55.62   25.83
 18-Aug-2003 Gaps2                                    Kevinelix           Cool33                                                     gaps2            Race    Circuit  1.05     837  01:07.264  09:53.656   49.43   11.80
  5-Sep-2003 Jumps                                    Kevinelix           Cool33                                                     Jumps            Race    Circuit  1.20     530  00:39.060  05:48.540   58.75   13.19
  6-Mar-2022 Cathedral                                Keyran                                                                         bourges          Race    Circuit  31.40    714  00:42.991  06:04.753   83.92    6.92
  7-Apr-2022 RV-TV 1                                  Keyran                                                                         rvtv1            Race    Circuit  21.30    313  00:20.424  02:49.598   73.30    4.34
  7-Apr-2022 RV-TV 2                                  Keyran                                                                         rvtv2            Race    Circuit  27.10    650  00:50.108  06:56.124   53.81    4.35
 23-Jul-2022 Antigrav SC                              Keyran                                                                         krnshop          Race    Circuit  20.80    578  00:42.223  05:46.428   59.75    2.92
  6-Sep-2022 Windmills Hills 1                        Keyran                                                                         windmill1        Race    Circuit  24.20   1442  01:46.876  14:58.207   58.12    5.77
 17-Sep-2022 Windmills Hills 2                        Keyran                                                                         windmill2        Race    Circuit  18.10    570  00:40.169  05:41.372   63.90    7.12
 10-Jun-2023 Train Adventure                          Keyran                                                                         krntrain_full    Race    Circuit  48.50   1000  01:10.056  09:41.353   64.59    4.26
 10-Jan-2024 Into the Catacombs                       Keyran                                                                         krncatacombs     Race    Circuit  7.95     791  01:02.597  08:28.222   51.03    1.70
 12-Jan-2024 District 16                              Keyran                                                                         krndistrict16    Race    Circuit  14.50   1379  01:44.405  14:15.557   55.76    2.78
  7-Apr-2024 Hanging Gardens                          Keyran                                                                         babylon          Race    Circuit  11.90    265  00:25.041  03:42.888   34.02   12.87
  6-Jul-2005 Palm Marsh                               Killer Wheels       darksabre                                                  CTR-PMarsh       Race    Circuit  1.20     448  00:40.229  06:00.682   38.61   13.80
 16-Sep-2005 Little Canyon                            Killer Wheels                                                                  little canyon    Race    Circuit  2.55     652  00:52.730  07:48.762   48.78   12.71
 20-Sep-2005 Little Peyote Canyon                     Killer Wheels                                                                  little_peyote    Race    Circuit  2.42     585  00:52.377  07:17.026   38.88    4.91
 27-Oct-2005 Green night                              Killer Wheels                                                                  GreenRain        Race    Circuit  2.06     410  00:34.237  05:15.504   45.56   17.36
 26-Feb-2006 Gar-age!                                 Killer Wheels       ManMountain                                                Gar-age          Race    Circuit  2.38     656  00:46.859  06:54.921   62.32   12.21
 26-Feb-2006 Slide in the Mounts                      Killer Wheels                                                                  MountSlide       Race    Circuit  1.98     564  00:49.724  07:15.264   40.32   10.77
 15-May-2006 Road in the Sky                          Killer Wheels                                                                  skyroad          Race    Circuit  1.20     399  00:25.020  03:30.249   78.45    5.76
 28-Nov-2009 Cactus Volt                              Killer Wheels                                                                  cactvolt         Race    Circuit  2.72     968  01:12.112  10:01.320   57.55    4.84
 27-Jun-2013 Biohazard Factory                        Killer Wheels                                                                  CTR-Hazard       Race    Circuit  4.58     819  00:58.751  08:24.852   61.83    8.47
 20-Jan-2016 Slippery Slope !                         Killer Wheels                                                                  sslope           Race    Circuit  0.71     268  00:17.001  02:25.908   76.93    8.32
 31-Jul-2016 Toy World Mayhem                         Killer Wheels                                                                  toymayhem        Race    Circuit  2.93     465  00:34.573  04:48.757   57.77    5.03
  2-Jun-2003 Small Circuit 3                          KillerWeels                                                                    scircuit3        Race    Circuit  1.22     479  00:39.723  05:35.394   46.24    6.33
  6-Aug-2003 La Caverne 2                             KillerWeels                                                                    caverne2         Race    Circuit  2.86    1145  01:44.396  15:10.972   37.21   10.37
  3-Oct-2003 Age de Glace                             KillerWeels                                                                    age glace        Race    Circuit  3.24    1295  01:44.425  16:57.860   49.08   24.96
  3-Oct-2003 Bungalow Street                          KillerWeels                                                                    b street         Race    Circuit  2.61     870  01:05.973  10:02.100   55.59   16.09
 17-Oct-2003 Arbor Ikol Valley                        KillerWeels                                                                    aiv              Race    Circuit  2.78    1027  01:28.819  13:38.706   42.14   17.40
 25-Nov-2003 Canyon in the night                      KillerWeels                                                                    citn             Race    Circuit  3.45     559  00:49.533  07:29.408   39.84   15.33
 10-Jul-2000 Supermarket 3                            Kilo                                                                           SuperMarket3     Race    Circuit  0.50     334  00:26.468  03:43.798   50.89    6.51
 18-Apr-2001 TOYS IN SPACE                            Kilo                                                                           toysinspace      Race    Circuit  1.40     930  01:11.624  09:54.772   53.91    4.34
 17-May-2002 Toys in the Cage                         Kilo                                                                           InTheCage        Race    Circuit  1.12     430  00:38.708  05:25.487   38.38    5.84
  8-Feb-2015 Leisure Park GP                          Kipy                                                                           gppark           Race    Circuit  0.80     306  00:24.679  03:26.456   49.07    5.22
 17-Apr-2017 Narrock Pass                             Kipy                                                                           narrock          Race    Circuit  2.20     259  00:20.946  03:07.018   48.78   13.27
 14-May-2017 Room                                     Kipy                                                                           room0            Race    Circuit  1.51     209  00:16.187  02:18.711   53.31    8.13
 17-Sep-2017 Daydreaming                              Kipy                                                                           daydream         Race    Circuit  0.76     353  00:24.612  03:26.079   65.16    5.33
 19-Nov-2017 Table GP                                 Kipy                                                                           minitable        Race    Circuit  3.61     327  00:24.998  03:25.979   54.71    3.43
  4-Jan-2018 Lowpoly Path                             Kipy                                                                           lowpoly          Race    Circuit  1.53     279  00:20.874  02:55.308   57.07    5.69
  1-Sep-2018 Spa-Volt 1                               Kiwi                                                                           spavolt1         Race    Circuit  13.70    594  00:47.784  06:47.988   47.22    7.69
 23-Dec-2018 Spa-Volt 2                               Kiwi                                                                           spavolt2         Race    Circuit  14.60    515  00:41.002  06:16.464   50.40   16.88
 25-May-2019 Hull Breach 3000                         Kiwi                Skitch2                                                    breach3000       Race    Circuit  14.20    508  00:37.479  05:11.380   58.63    4.40
  7-Jun-2019 Beehive Valley Adventures                Kiwi                                                                           beehivevalley    Arena   Stunt    13.80   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 23-Jan-2020 School's Out!                            Kiwi                                                                           schools          Race    Circuit  14.70   1545  01:53.336  15:41.464   59.27    4.38
 23-Oct-2020 School's Out! 1                          Kiwi                                                                           schoolslite      Race    Circuit  11.70    495  00:31.378  04:17.130   77.02    2.78
  4-Apr-2021 School`s Stunts                          Kiwi                                                                           schoolstunt      Arena   Stunt    15.24   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 21-Aug-2021 Déréalisation                            Kiwi                                                                           derealisation    Race    Circuit  23.40    749  00:51.800  07:06.317   66.13    3.29
 27-Aug-2022 DS Desert Hills                          Kiwi                                                                           dsdh             Race    Circuit  11.90    375  00:25.632  03:30.557   67.54    3.07
  7-Sep-2021 Two neighbourhoods                       K-ran                                                                          nhoods           Race    Nonloop  6.69    1408  01:31.390  12:45.511   73.97    5.38
  7-Sep-2021 Two neighborhoods Stunts                 K-ran                                                                          nhoods_stunts    Arena   Stunt    6.59    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  7-Sep-2021 Two neighborhoods Battle                 K-ran                                                                          nhoods_battle    Battle  Tag      5.54    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 28-Feb-2009 Shoot                                    Kriss                                                                          Shoot            Race    Circuit  1.21      84  00:07.016  00:59.968   45.53    7.82
 14-Mar-2010 Midnight-volt                            Krisss                                                                         Midnightvolt     Race    Circuit  1.96     471  00:38.035  05:52.683   48.93   18.18
  5-Aug-2004 Toytanic Arcade                          Kurt Arnlund        ThugsRook             E-Bee                                ship0            Race    Circuit  4.11     350  00:22.062  03:01.286   77.76    3.10
 13-Aug-2014 Suburbs                                  Kurt Arnlund        ThugsRook             E-Bee                                nhood0           Race    Circuit  3.93     286  00:16.172  02:11.021   92.84    1.45
 13-Sep-2020 StadVolt                                 L17                                                                            stadvolt         Race    Circuit  3.38     566  00:36.507  05:03.193   74.78    4.36
 23-Jun-2013 ReVolution3                              Laogser                                                                        revolution3      Race    Circuit  2.81     741  00:54.990  07:38.111   57.98    4.73
 30-Dec-2003 Medie-volt                               Laser03                                                                        medievolt        Race    Circuit  1.54     750  00:48.131  06:33.090   75.43    2.39
 24-Jan-2001 Slipstream                               LaserBeams                                                                     slipstream       Race    Circuit  1.34     964  00:53.097  07:19.249   96.73    3.89
 16-Jan-2008 LS Drifting Park                         Lo Scassatore                                                                  driftpark        Race    Circuit  0.56     241  00:21.232  03:02.966   40.38    8.82
 18-Jan-2009 Wheel City Raceway                       Lo Scassatore                                                                  lscity           Race    Beta     1.15    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 25-Jan-2009 Wheel City Raceway 02                    Lo Scassatore                                                                  wheelcity2       Race    Circuit  0.99     400  00:32.565  04:37.037   48.10    7.25
 27-Jan-2009 LS Speedway                              Lo Scassatore                                                                  SSp1             Race    Circuit  0.95     264  00:15.521  02:09.394   87.24    4.81
  9-Feb-2009 LS Tiny Oval Drome                       Lo Scassatore                                                                  SCTOval          Race    Circuit  0.97     284  00:15.184  02:07.564  101.27    5.73
  2-Oct-2009 Double Oval Drome                        Lo Scassatore                                                                  SSp2             Race    Circuit  0.88     934  00:49.722  06:56.381  101.94    5.35
 15-Aug-2011 Tiny GP Track 2011                       Lo Scassatore                                                                  tinygptrack      Race    Beta     0.62    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 15-Aug-2011 Wheel City 2011                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  lscity1-2011     Race    Circuit  1.60     243  00:19.884  02:46.049   47.59    5.01
  4-Oct-2011 Motor Volt Land                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  motorvolt        Race    Beta     0.75    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 25-Oct-2011 Pollolandia Raceway 2011                 Lo Scassatore                                                                  pollo            Race    Circuit  0.73     143  00:11.545  01:41.257   48.96   11.01
 25-Oct-2011 Kart Drome 2011                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  kartdrome        Race    Circuit  0.95     112  00:11.751  01:47.162   25.32   15.99
 26-Oct-2011 58 Arena                                 Lo Scassatore                                                                  58arena          Race    Circuit  0.81     276  00:24.484  03:25.409   39.74    5.56
  7-Nov-2011 Desert Run 2011                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  Desert           Race    Circuit  1.00     223  00:17.412  02:28.673   52.45    7.69
  7-Nov-2011 Wheel City Long 2011                     Lo Scassatore                                                                  wheel2           Race    Circuit  1.06     388  00:32.299  04:38.654   45.87    8.96
 29-Nov-2011 LS Little Monza                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSMonza          Race    Circuit  1.11     355  00:22.452  03:13.863   77.32    9.07
 16-Jan-2012 LS Ultimate Drift Track                  Lo Scassatore                                                                  LsDrifTrack      Race    Circuit  0.96     294  00:16.366  02:13.045   95.15    1.85
 28-Mar-2012 LS Slam Volt Court BETA                  Lo Scassatore                                                                  slamvolt         Battle  Tag      0.66    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 12-May-2012 LS Drift Paradise                        Lo Scassatore                                                                  LsDriftParadise  Race    Circuit  0.81     294  00:17.776  02:28.325   83.35    4.92
 21-May-2012 User-highspeedring (Double)              Lo Scassatore                                                                  HspeedRing       Race    Circuit  2.95     680  00:39.240  05:21.659   89.89    2.82
 26-May-2012 MTWArena                                 Lo Scassatore                                                                  MTWArena         Battle  Tag      0.71    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  4-Jun-2012 Italia Speedway                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSitland         Race    Circuit  0.88     196  00:15.451  02:11.629   51.43    7.42
 19-Jun-2012 Biano8                                   Lo Scassatore                                                                  biano8           Race    Beta     3.00     417  00:29.273  04:00.880   64.35    3.27
 25-Jul-2012 LS Terrore                               Lo Scassatore                                                                  horror           Race    Circuit  2.34      55  00:05.274  00:45.902   32.75   10.05
  1-Aug-2012 Good Lap Arena                           Lo Scassatore                                                                  GLArena          Race    Circuit  1.57     459  00:26.834  03:39.750   88.04    2.70
 11-Oct-2012 LS Toshinden Arena                       Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSTosh           Battle  Tag      1.22    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 11-Oct-2012 LS Toshinden                             Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSTosh           Battle  Beta     1.25    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 18-Jan-2013 LS Mokart Milano                         Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSMokartM        Race    Circuit  1.22     115  00:14.504  02:07.410   12.05   11.21
 31-Jan-2013 Tiny GP Track 2013                       Lo Scassatore                                                                  tinygptrack      Race    Circuit  1.22     119  00:10.400  01:28.492   41.14    7.27
  2-Feb-2013 LSDromokart                              Lo Scassatore                                                                  LS Dromokart     Race    Circuit  1.32     173  00:20.967  03:01.486   14.72    9.37
 19-Feb-2013 LS Kart Space I                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSKartSpaceI     Race    Circuit  0.94     300  00:20.612  02:50.898   66.91    4.16
 19-Feb-2013 LS Kart Space I                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSKartSpaceI     Race    Beta     0.84    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 20-Mar-2013 LS Balilla Soccer Field                  Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSBalilla        Battle  Tag      1.48    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 21-Mar-2013 LS SlamVolt Court                        Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSSlamVoltCourt  Battle  Tag      0.28    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  3-Apr-2013 LS Kart Space II                         Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSKartSpaceII    Race    Circuit  1.08     258  00:15.957  02:10.912   80.28    2.91
  3-Apr-2013 LS Kart Space II                         Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSKartSpaceII    Race    Beta     0.99    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 26-Apr-2013 Passo dello Scasso (KKC 2013 Edition)    Lo Scassatore       FBV-86                                                     pssckkc13        Race    Circuit  23.00    460  00:32.569  04:46.310   63.35   11.30
 28-Apr-2013 Oval 8 Dirt                              Lo Scassatore                                                                  Oval8Dirt        Race    Circuit  1.10     302  00:23.591  03:21.093   52.40    7.49
  7-Jun-2013 LS Ski Track                             Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSSki            Race    Beta     0.43    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 10-Jun-2013 Machete Arena Toshinden                  Lo Scassatore                                                                  MacheteTosh      Battle  Tag      4.16    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 16-Jun-2013 Machete MCS 0                            Lo Scassatore                                                                  MacheteMCS0      Race    Circuit  4.20      41  00:03.527  00:33.160   42.65   20.03
 19-Jun-2013 Machete MCS O                            Lo Scassatore                                                                  MacheteMCSO      Race    Circuit  5.09      42  00:03.224  00:27.711   54.27    8.50
 30-Jun-2013 Machete MCS 8                            Lo Scassatore                                                                  MacheteMCS8      Race    Circuit  4.14      51  00:04.720  00:44.156   35.87   19.36
  1-Jul-2013 Machete Drift                            Lo Scassatore                                                                  MacheteDrift     Race    Circuit  4.92      69  00:07.758  01:04.530   20.04    4.54
 12-Jul-2013 Machete RC Wrestling                     Lo Scassatore                                                                  MacheteToshSQ    Battle  Tag      5.02    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 13-Sep-2013 Mona Toshinden Arena                     Lo Scassatore                                                                  MonaTosh         Battle  Tag      4.33    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 10-Nov-2013 Wheel City Short                         Lo Scassatore                                                                  wheelcityshort   Race    Circuit  0.98     243  00:19.460  02:45.026   49.79    6.86
 30-Nov-2013 LS Bowling                               Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSBowling        Battle  Tag      0.43    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 13-Dec-2013 LS Soccer Field                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSoccer          Battle  Tag      2.21    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 30-Dec-2013 LS Hockey Court                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSHockey         Battle  Tag      0.16    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 18-Jan-2014 HelpLess                                 Lo Scassatore                                                                  helpless         Race    Circuit  3.29     204  00:16.168  02:18.781   50.87    8.34
 31-Jan-2014 LS Biano 8                               Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSBiano8         Race    Circuit  1.30     515  00:37.821  05:08.494   59.15    2.24
 31-Jan-2014 LS Biano 8 Mix                           Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSBiano8Mix      Race    Circuit  1.29     376  00:24.832  03:29.999   71.78    6.53
 31-Jan-2014 LS Biano 8 Old School                    Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSBiano8Old      Race    Circuit  1.33     515  00:33.320  04:36.114   74.38    4.10
 15-Feb-2014 Motor Volt Land                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  motorvolt        Race    Circuit  1.54     315  00:22.530  03:18.324   62.17   11.47
 17-May-2014 LS HockenheimRing                        Lo Scassatore                                                                  LShock           Race    Beta     1.39    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 17-May-2014 LS Monza 2012                            Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSMonza2012      Race    Beta     7.80    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 16-Nov-2014 Emerald Pastures Raceway                 Lo Scassatore       FBV-86                                                     EmeraldPastures  Race    Circuit  21.50    487  00:30.768  04:13.409   77.46    3.37
 16-Mar-2015 Wheel City A                             Lo Scassatore                                                                  wheelcitya       Race    Circuit  1.55     243  00:19.508  02:42.454   49.54    4.68
 16-Mar-2015 Wheel City B                             Lo Scassatore                                                                  wheelcityb       Race    Circuit  1.70     388  00:32.433  04:37.263   45.45    7.84
 28-Aug-2015 UTC Arena                                Lo Scassatore                                                                  UTCArena         Battle  Tag      2.21    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 14-Sep-2015 Scassonia Speedway Day                   Lo Scassatore                                                                  SSpeedwayDay     Race    Circuit  13.90    589  00:32.226  04:21.256   97.74    1.53
 14-Sep-2015 Scassonia Speedway Night                 Lo Scassatore                                                                  SSpeedwayNight   Race    Circuit  12.30    589  00:32.226  04:21.256   97.74    1.53
  6-Jun-2016 Civil War Arena                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  civilwar         Battle  Tag      12.00   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  2-Feb-2017 LS HockenheimRing                        Lo Scassatore                                                                  LShock           Race    Circuit  8.70     966  00:57.870  07:48.363   84.62    1.33
  5-Mar-2017 Scassland Vigani HQ                      Lo Scassatore       FBV-86                                                     bellezza2        Race    Circuit  26.50    950  00:52.325  07:05.935   96.74    2.00
 29-May-2017 LS Monza                                 Lo Scassatore                                                                  lsmonza          Race    Circuit  11.10    861  00:49.026  06:44.514   91.82    3.59
  2-Jun-2017 Berm Lake Circuit (FRSAI Edition)        Lo Scassatore       FBV-86                                                     blakec2          Race    Circuit  25.70    634  00:39.501  05:21.017   79.30    1.81
 15-Oct-2017 LS Drift Valley                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  LSValley         Race    Beta     0.40     182  00:16.377  02:49.376   38.42   33.46
 12-Nov-2017 AMCO Bitume 24H                          Lo Scassatore                                                                  amco_bitume24h   Race    Circuit  2.94     529  00:35.993  04:50.561   68.10    1.04
 20-Jan-2020 LS Tama Valley Route B (KKC)             Lo Scassatore                                                                  lstamab_kkc      Race    Circuit  7.14     513  00:33.964  04:44.380   71.47    5.33
 20-Jan-2020 LS Tama Valley Route C (KKC)             Lo Scassatore                                                                  lstamac_kkc      Race    Circuit  7.08     437  00:24.538  03:18.107   93.86    1.05
 16-Aug-2004 chapel by Lukepuke                       lukepuke                                                                       Chapel           Race    Circuit  0.98     215  00:21.313  04:54.277   29.92   82.96
 12-Jan-2019 Klashers Trippple 8                      Mace121                                                                        888              Race    Circuit  11.10    389  00:29.446  04:20.215   55.79   11.96
  6-Mar-2019 The Arena                                Mace121                                                                        M121Arena        Battle  Tag      9.48    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  4-Jan-2020 The Thunderdrome                         Mace121                                                                        TDrome           Race    Circuit  9.95     237  00:11.842  01:40.008  112.12    6.36
  3-Mar-2020 Keitune Speedway                         Mace121                                                                        Keitune          Race    Circuit  12.70    407  00:28.576  03:53.899   64.33    2.65
 26-Apr-2020 TGO - Frigid Peaks                       Mace121                                                                        FrigidPeaks      Race    Circuit  13.50    370  00:33.993  05:03.672   36.52   13.33
 13-May-2020 Downhill Jam (THUG2)                     Mace121                                                                        THUG2 DJ         Race    Nonloop  11.60    498  00:27.802  03:53.180   94.72    5.53
 29-Aug-2022 School 1 (THUG2)                         Mace2-0                                                                        THUG2-School     Race    Circuit  11.10    783  00:52.038  07:13.850   70.99    4.82
 25-Aug-2023 Midway Office (Rush 2)                   Mace2-0                                                                        R2Office         Race    Circuit  58.30    625  00:40.060  05:33.505   75.58    4.64
 18-Apr-2000 Stunt Track                              Magne Vidnes                                                                   Stunt track      Race    Circuit  1.68    1218  01:33.839  13:58.415   53.87   13.35
 23-Mar-2003 Super Mario Kart - Ghost Valley X        Magne Vidnes                                                                   Ghost            Race    Circuit  1.62     678  00:39.971  05:33.881   86.85    5.04
 11-Nov-2005 Cliff Edge Isle                          ManMountain         rickyD                                                     CEI              Race    Circuit  1.28     360  00:22.781  03:14.200   77.25    7.49
 19-Jan-2006 Cignus X1                                ManMountain         rickyD                                                     CIGNUS X1        Race    Circuit  1.03     400  00:28.500  04:04.215   62.61    8.13
 19-Feb-2006 X1 Abandon Ship                          ManMountain         rickyD                                                     x1 abandon ship  Race    Circuit  1.16     461  00:31.669  04:36.705   66.93   10.53
  8-Apr-2008 F1 Dragstrip Test Track                  Manmountain                                                                    F1-Drag-Test     Race    Circuit  2.10    1323  01:11.285  09:36.079  100.08    1.16
  5-Aug-2004 The Wrecking Yard                        Marv                                                                           OVALTRACK        Race    Circuit  3.04     377  00:20.582  02:52.242   98.07    5.27
 19-Jul-2011 Rainy Hood                               Marv                                                                           rhood            Race    Circuit  3.97     747  00:41.950  05:44.916   93.85    3.17
 26-Jul-2011 Housetops                                Marv                R6TurboExtreme                                      htp    housetops        Race    Circuit  8.70     255  00:29.071  04:59.234   19.03   32.76
  4-Sep-2012 Fiddlers on the Roof                     Marv                                                                           fiddlers         Race    Circuit  9.84     672  00:50.161  06:56.299   57.33    4.28
  3-May-2013 Last Man Standing Temple                 Marv                                                                           lms_temple       Battle  Tag      1.88    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 11-Jun-2013 Backyard RC                              Marv                                                                           backyardrc       Race    Circuit  10.40    243  00:22.485  03:13.792   35.88    8.84
 14-Aug-2014 Venice (Arcade Version)                  Marv                Gabor                                                      venicearcade     Race    Circuit  2.46     616  00:41.942  05:45.753   68.02    3.48
 26-Mar-2015 Industry                                 Marv                                                                           Industry         Race    Circuit  56.80    738  00:52.151  07:09.672   63.57    3.41
 21-Dec-2015 Museum Lobby Battle                      Marv                                                                           muse_lobby_bat   Battle  Tag      1.81    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 29-Feb-2016 POD: Alderon                             Marv                                                                           pod_alderon      Race    Circuit  9.66     702  00:43.565  06:06.683   79.73    5.96
 21-Aug-2018 Ranch                                    Marv                r6te                                                       ranch            Race    Circuit  33.10    879  01:16.616  10:46.648   41.39    6.29
  2-Sep-2021 Museum Unleashed                         maxi                Chris                  Acclaim                             museun           Race    Circuit  3.77    1315  01:34.759  13:09.785   61.31    4.78
  5-Mar-2017 Medieval                                 Mikrosx             Instant                                                    medieval         Race    Circuit  4.22     356  00:26.606  03:42.107   57.19    4.97
 21-May-2017 Waterfall                                Mikrosx             Instant                                                    waterfall        Race    Circuit  12.30    284  00:21.696  03:02.954   54.79    6.18
  5-Dec-2013 A new Hood                               minecrafter8857                                                                hood             Race    Circuit  1.10     234  00:17.219  02:24.132   58.92    5.29
  7-Dec-2013 Warehouse                                minecrafter8857                                                                wh               Race    Circuit  0.72     449  00:38.430  05:37.926   43.14   11.33
 21-Dec-2013 Toys in the Hood 2 - Snowy               minecrafter8857                                                                hood2s           Race    Circuit  1.83     592  00:38.230  05:24.470   74.62    6.96
  3-Jan-2014 Thunder Museum                           minecrafter8857                                                                museum           Race    Circuit  2.00     331  00:22.617  03:05.641   67.58    2.97
  2-Mar-2014 PetroVolt version 2                      minecrafter8857                                                                petro2           Race    Circuit  2.40     809  00:54.002  07:33.300   70.44    5.63
 14-Apr-2014 Mini Race                                minecrafter8857                                                                mini_race        Race    Circuit  0.87     402  00:30.805  04:37.139   54.45   14.24
  8-Apr-2018 Burguers` Toy World                      minecrafter8857                                                                burg_toyw        Race    Circuit  2.20     218  00:17.818  02:40.292   47.70   14.23
 10-Sep-2011 My First Track                           MirkoGT97                                                                      Firsttrack       Race    Circuit  0.59     215  00:13.486  02:00.966   78.41   13.85
  4-Jan-2012 Rallyvolt                                MirkoGT97                                                                      Rallyvolt        Race    Circuit  6.29     492  00:39.998  05:33.206   48.25    4.72
  7-Jan-2012 Toys in the hood 3                       MirkoGT97                                                                      NHOOD3           Race    Circuit  1.72     203  00:12.711  01:47.455   78.64    6.48
 20-May-2012 Rallysnow                                MirkoGT97                                                                      Rallysnow        Race    Circuit  8.05     579  00:55.617  08:05.236   32.60   10.35
 29-May-2012 Robot Wars Battle Arena                  MirkoGT97                                                                      nhood1_battle    Battle  Tag      4.67    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  7-Oct-2012 The Streets of Texa                      MirkoGT97                                                                      Stexas           Race    Circuit  2.63     258  00:16.099  02:11.118   79.10    2.06
 12-Oct-2012 Toys in the Room                         MirkoGT97                                                                      troom            Race    Circuit  2.22     694  00:32.821  04:29.179  121.49    2.88
 22-Jun-2013 Toys In The Hood 4                       MirkoGT97                                                                      Nhood4           Race    Circuit  21.90    554  00:32.397  04:35.717   88.00    7.29
  1-Oct-2013 Minimarket 1                             MirkoGT97                                                                      MMarket1         Race    Circuit  1.41     234  00:15.384  02:08.672   72.35    5.20
  9-Oct-2013 Re-Building                              MirkoGT97                                                                      Re-Building      Race    Circuit  2.07     156  00:20.155  02:57.762   10.48   11.71
  6-Apr-2014 Clubman Stage Route 5                    MirkoGT97                                                                      CSR5             Race    Circuit  8.65     177  00:10.463  01:26.246   86.48    3.47
  6-May-2014 Toy World 3                              MirkoGT97                                                                      Toy3             Race    Circuit  1.08     220  00:17.818  02:38.996   48.63   13.19
 21-May-2014 Mountain Race                            MirkoGT97                                                                      mr               Race    Circuit  1.29     179  00:14.452  02:05.506   48.96    9.78
 27-Oct-2014 Minimarket 2                             MirkoGT97                                                                      MMarket2         Race    Circuit  1.04     135  00:11.004  01:33.265   47.98    6.79
 30-Nov-2014 Toys in the Room 2                       MirkoGT97                                                                      troom2           Race    Circuit  1.12     462  00:31.755  04:38.220   66.87   10.88
 26-Sep-2017 Botanical Garden 6                       MirkoGT97                                                                      garden6          Race    Circuit  1.02     289  00:18.410  02:31.639   76.38    3.38
 29-Sep-2017 Japanese Neighborhood                    MirkoGT97                                                                      Jhood            Race    Circuit  1.65     323  00:23.697  03:14.949   59.26    3.24
  7-Oct-2017 Hotel Volt                               MirkoGT97                                                                      Hvolt            Race    Circuit  1.83     580  00:43.732  06:04.530   56.22    4.79
 28-Nov-2017 Toytanic 3                               MirkoGT97                                                                      SHIP3            Race    Circuit  1.21     275  00:24.270  03:41.206   40.22   15.92
 10-Dec-2017 Toys in the hood 4                       MirkoGT97                                                                      Nhood4           Race    Circuit  1.46     506  00:37.539  05:21.440   58.01    8.04
  3-Feb-2023 Race In the Hood                         MirkoGT97                                                                      RHood            Race    Circuit  6.00     568  00:43.547  06:03.126   54.40    4.84
  7-Jan-2024 Motel in the Hood                        MirkoGT97                                                                      MotelinHood      Race    Circuit  8.42     325  00:25.381  03:39.725   52.43    9.39
 15-Aug-2009 Park Valley                              miromiro            hilaire9                                                   park_valley      Race    Circuit  1.75     452  00:41.300  05:56.925   37.02    9.18
 17-Oct-2009 Speedy Warehouse                         miromiro                                                                       abc              Race    Circuit  1.65     677  00:54.041  07:48.622   50.13    9.59
 21-Nov-2009 Toytanic 3                               miromiro                                                                       ship3            Race    Circuit  1.81    1252  02:03.548  19:08.071   30.31   18.46
 24-Jan-2010 Sunny Summer                             miromiro                                                                       sun_sum          Race    Circuit  0.67     281  00:24.157  03:17.993   42.71    2.80
 30-Jan-2010 SkateVolt                                miromiro                                                                       skate_volt       Race    Circuit  2.12     782  01:14.104  11:13.872   33.78   15.62
  6-Apr-2010 ToyVolt                                  miromiro                                                                       ToyVolt          Race    Circuit  2.22     530  00:49.648  07:49.090   34.79   20.69
  3-Aug-2017 Computer Virus 2                         Mladen007                                                                      computervirus2   Race    Circuit  1.80     670  00:46.643  06:35.970   65.34    6.99
 14-Oct-2018 Into the pit you shall go                Mladen007                                                                      itpysg           Race    Circuit  2.45    1004  01:07.095  09:16.683   70.30    4.24
  9-Aug-2020 Brands Hatch Indy                        Mladen007                                                                      bhindy           Race    Circuit  7.05     572  00:32.493  04:22.494   92.16    1.12
 21-Oct-2023 Backyard Bashers                         Mladen007                                                                      backyardbashers  Race    Circuit  2.58     668  00:51.807  07:18.107   53.16    6.52
 11-Oct-2024 Going down on it                         Mladen007                                                                      gdoi             Race    Circuit  3.60     538  00:39.187  05:31.528   60.08    6.57
  5-Jul-2008 Rookie Valley                            MOH                                                                            rookvalley       Race    Circuit  1.88     640  01:07.512  09:54.122   24.89   11.43
 29-Nov-2008 Harbour                                  MOH                                                                            harbour          Race    Circuit  2.05     571  00:36.562  05:03.430   75.71    4.27
 17-Jul-2009 Re-Volt Cruises                          MOH                                                                            cruise           Race    Circuit  1.25     503  00:34.257  04:45.297   67.98    4.69
 10-Jan-2010 Meltdown                                 MOH                                                                            meltdown         Race    Circuit  1.06     500  00:34.675  05:03.694   65.80   10.83
 22-Mar-2010 HMS Invincible                           MOH                                                                            invincible       Race    Circuit  0.98     621  00:40.467  05:55.202   73.47   11.11
 20-Jan-2020 Touge Drift                              MOH                                                                            touged           Race    Circuit  1.82     694  00:52.727  07:11.655   55.38    2.67
 17-Nov-2020 HMS Invincible: Redux                    MOH                                                                            hms_redux        Race    Circuit  1.33     621  00:38.975  05:21.051   78.33    3.39
 27-Apr-2017 Lilas                                    Molene                                                                         Lilas            Race    Circuit  9.83     596  00:47.394  06:49.586   50.53    9.17
 15-Jun-2017 Bzh_Voilier                              Molene                                                                         Bzh_Voilier      Race    Circuit  4.07     491  00:46.960  06:30.526   32.97    4.52
  7-Feb-2000 The Warehouse                            Moss                                                                           the_warehouse    Race    Circuit  0.88     500  00:37.651  05:23.916   56.36    8.62
 27-Aug-2022 Mario Track Nº1                          motorhand                                                                      track1           Race    Circuit  4.29     143  00:10.407  01:29.469   60.18    8.53
 22-Feb-2023 Room 12x16                               motorhand                                                                      room12x16        Race    Circuit  2.02     435  00:27.551  03:45.033   77.14    2.40
 28-Jan-2024 Mucky Strath o’ Mole                     moxmoi                                                                         strathomole      Race    Circuit  3.78     450  00:39.274  05:29.142   41.27    5.44
  1-Dec-2019 POD: Roc                                 Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_roc          Race    Circuit  8.40     302  00:20.477  02:50.342   68.52    4.55
  4-Dec-2019 POD: Azthec                              Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_azthec       Race    Circuit  11.80    511  00:38.248  05:22.346   57.02    6.11
 21-Dec-2019 POD: Megapol                             Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_megapol      Race    Circuit  10.00    945  01:18.670  10:49.745   45.86    3.70
  6-Jan-2020 POD: Skyrace                             Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_skyrace      Race    Circuit  13.10   1072  01:11.985  10:01.042   69.71    4.99
 17-Jan-2020 POD: Magnetic                            Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_magnetic     Race    Circuit  10.40   1296  01:17.961  10:35.166   84.05    2.10
 25-Jan-2020 POD: Cocoon                              Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_cocoon       Race    Circuit  10.90    904  01:00.767  08:39.882   69.58    7.93
  1-Feb-2020 POD: Spin                                Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_spin         Race    Circuit  13.50    907  01:10.268  10:18.201   53.28   11.40
 17-Feb-2020 POD: Special                             Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_special      Race    Circuit  10.10    535  00:39.416  05:28.924   58.79    4.93
 28-Feb-2020 POD: Galleria                            Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_galleria     Race    Circuit  13.40    616  00:44.521  06:16.130   60.97    6.41
  9-Mar-2020 MMV4: Kitchen - Pedal Bin Pile-Up        Mr. Roblinx                                                                    mmv4_kitchen1    Race    Circuit  13.60    223  00:18.234  02:43.768   47.66   14.02
 23-Jul-2020 POD: Lake                                Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_lake         Race    Circuit  9.37     393  00:34.950  04:57.642   39.51    7.37
  5-Aug-2020 POD: Parking                             Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_parking      Race    Circuit  12.00    321  00:34.608  05:45.339   23.20   28.27
 14-Mar-2021 POD: ZED                                 Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_zed          Race    Circuit  9.89     582  00:43.072  06:10.382   58.28    8.56
 23-Sep-2021 SWR: Abyss                               Mr. Roblinx         Matsilagi                                                  swr_ordibanna3   Race    Circuit  9.68    1781  01:44.823  14:52.162   87.09    7.30
  6-Oct-2021 SWR: Zugga Challenge                     Mr. Roblinx         Matsilagi                                                  swr_mongazza3    Race    Circuit  13.20   3495  03:22.826  27:29.812   89.08    1.92
 27-Oct-2021 SotC: Leos Cave                          Mr. Roblinx                                                                    sotc_leos_cave   Race    Circuit  29.40    272  00:21.642  03:22.828   50.47   19.60
  6-Aug-2022 POD: Beltane                             Mr. Roblinx                                                                    pod_beltane      Race    Circuit  9.35     729  00:46.425  06:20.987   76.42    2.95
  5-Mar-2011 GP Oasis 1                               Mrtalhim                                                                       gp_oasis1        Race    Circuit  0.55     290  00:20.287  02:52.605   64.76    7.26
 24-Aug-2018 Desktop Dash                             MysterE99           Alex_int                                                   ddash            Race    Circuit  2.98     496  00:34.910  04:54.844   64.04    6.37
 24-Sep-2018 Thwomp Swamp                             MysterE99           Alex_int                                                   tswamp           Race    Circuit  4.23     716  00:43.310  06:02.693   83.29    5.35
 13-Mar-2000 Nairbs Weir-Hauss of Fun                 Nairb                                                                          Weir-Hauss       Race    Circuit  1.47     636  00:48.834  06:43.527   54.24    3.76
 30-Dec-2019 Nemanja's Ghost Town                     Nemanja54                                                                      Wild_westn54     Race    Circuit  1.83     185  00:14.179  01:59.017   54.43    5.63
 25-Feb-2012 Titanic by Nieger33@                     Nieger33@                                                               shipf  shipfinal        Race    Circuit  2.52     742  00:47.994  06:36.895   74.41    3.85
 16-Aug-2012 Slide & Tunnel                           Nieger33@                                                                      slideS           Race    Circuit  2.44     572  00:39.176  05:31.290   67.30    6.52
 21-Oct-2012 Brick Track                              Nieger33@                                                                      bricktrack       Race    Circuit  0.24     128  00:16.801  02:38.032    9.48   20.09
 13-Apr-2013 Return to the Canyon                     Nieger33@                                                                      recanyon         Race    Circuit  2.02     798  00:46.943  06:42.136   87.16    8.09
 23-Apr-2013 Pipe Circuit Grand Prix                  Nieger33@                                                                      pipecircuit      Race    Circuit  0.62     485  00:31.375  04:18.087   74.40    3.23
  4-May-2013 Groundroader Mountain                    Nieger33@                                                                      groundroader     Race    Circuit  1.78    1324  01:25.238  11:45.190   75.02    3.90
 27-Jun-2013 The Beautifil Garden                     Nieger33@                                                                      3garden          Race    Circuit  2.52     295  00:23.832  03:21.929   48.89    6.76
 21-Jan-2012 B65                                      noobk1ll3r_1337xd   Petack                                                     b65              Race    Circuit  4.50     179  00:09.895  01:22.669   96.19    5.07
  9-Mar-2014 To The Moon !                            OdieHerpaderp                                                                  tothemoon        Race    Circuit  9.50    1350  01:27.397  12:09.516   74.30    4.96
 15-Apr-2014 Tenebrosity                              OdieHerpaderp                                                                  tenebrosity      Race    Circuit  9.10     470  00:39.456  05:28.448   45.03    4.63
  7-Dec-2020 Tetris Festival                          OhNej               ThePotatoHead                                              tetrisfest       Race    Circuit  12.00    511  00:31.301  04:14.623   81.58    1.92
  2-Apr-2001 ROAR 2001 Carpet Nats                    Ordmet                                                                         natz             Race    Circuit  1.71     157  00:22.901  03:18.995    3.16    9.85
 14-Mar-2002 Small Circuit 1                          Ordmet                                                                         scircuit1        Race    Circuit  0.99     200  00:16.054  02:15.934   49.55    6.68
 29-Apr-2018 Chocolate Ultimate Arena (Battle Only)   Ørlar Møllur                                                                   ChocUltiArenaB   Battle  Tag      1.03    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 29-Apr-2018 Chocolate Ultimate Arena                 Ørlar Møllur                                                                   ChocUltiArena    Battle  Stunt    1.03    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 19-May-2018 Pac-man Islands Maze                     Ørlar Møllur                                                                   PACmaze          Arena   Stunt    3.00    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  6-Jun-2018 Pac-man Islands Maze 2                   Ørlar Møllur                                                                   PACmaze2         Arena   Stunt    2.31    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  9-Jun-2018 Rainbow Road 5                           Ørlar Møllur                                                                   RaRoad5          Race    Circuit  2.26     374  00:18.707  03:05.484  111.95   27.36
 30-Jun-2018 Purple Mountains                         Ørlar Møllur                                                                   PurpleMountains  Race    Circuit  3.94     958  00:55.713  07:31.492   88.78    1.48
 19-Jul-2018 Chocolate National Park                  Ørlar Møllur                                                                   ChocNatPark      Race    Circuit  3.15     509  00:25.538  03:40.496  111.44    9.06
  4-Aug-2018 Rainbow Road 6                           Ørlar Møllur                                                                   RaRoad6          Race    Circuit  3.01     477  00:24.721  03:34.773  106.17    9.83
 21-Sep-2018 Warehouse Showdown                       PaintHeart                                                                     wh_showdown      Race    Circuit  3.11     195  00:14.914  02:08.855   54.66    9.14
 13-Mar-2022 Jongmyo Shrine                           Paperman                                                                       pm_shrine        Race    Circuit  7.11     660  00:40.722  05:30.966   80.60    1.82
 27-Mar-2022 ATV Circuit                              Paperman                                                                       pm_atv           Race    Circuit  6.33     303  00:21.078  02:55.459   65.43    4.63
 27-Jun-2022 Inverted                                 Paperman                                                                       pmt_inverted     Race    Circuit  2.70     429  00:32.080  04:34.002   57.13    7.73
  4-Aug-2022 Rigs Highway                             Paperman            Chris                                                      pmt_highway      Race    Circuit  16.40    671  00:44.730  06:06.609   70.61    2.80
  7-Jun-2023 Bridge Mayhem                            Paperman                                                                       pmt_bridge       Race    Circuit  10.50   1530  01:41.774  13:46.616   70.88    1.74
 25-Jun-2023 Jongmyo Revisited                        Paperman                                                                       pmt_jongmyorv    Race    Circuit  8.20    1345  01:28.698  12:11.095   71.96    3.46
  4-Sep-2023 Cardboard Castle                         Paperman                                                                       pmt_box          Race    Circuit  12.00    426  00:28.160  03:58.356   71.66    6.63
  2-Nov-2023 Haunted Heights                          Paperman                                                                       pmt_curseroof    Race    Circuit  13.30    508  00:31.752  04:32.280   78.88    8.22
 21-Dec-2023 Snowy Airship                            Paperman                                                                       pmt_airship      Race    Circuit  15.50    527  00:34.862  04:53.595   71.57    6.02
  2-Jan-2024 Hanging Gaps                             Paperman                                                                       pmt_cranegap     Race    Circuit  7.07     688  00:42.326  05:43.688   81.28    1.71
 28-Mar-2024 Spring Visit                             Paperman                                                                       pmt_springvst    Race    Circuit  12.70    560  00:37.900  05:09.524   68.75    2.38
 27-Apr-2024 New Garden                               Paperman                                                                       newgarden        Race    Circuit  8.07     235  00:16.640  02:18.164   63.34    4.33
 13-Jun-2024 Treehouse Camping                        Paperman                                                                       pmt_treehouse    Race    Circuit  40.20    710  00:48.493  06:38.683   67.63    3.16
 28-Feb-2001 REOSpeedgarden                           Pat S                                                                          REOSpeedgarden   Race    Circuit  1.57     565  00:41.259  05:45.524   59.79    5.35
  8-Aug-2001 Icy Canyon                               Pat S                                                                          Icy Canyon       Race    Circuit  2.57     601  00:49.561  07:11.536   46.81   10.10
 25-Sep-2002 Attrition by Pat S                       Pat S                                                                          attrition        Race    Circuit  2.33     652  01:02.433  09:30.642   32.87   16.29
 30-Jul-2004 Domestic Disturbance                     Pat S                                                                          Domestic         Race    Circuit  2.96     667  01:01.304  09:00.339   36.49   11.63
 29-May-2011 The Circletrack                          Petack                                                                         Circle           Race    Circuit  0.77     277  00:14.879  02:01.013  100.55    1.90
 11-Jun-2011 The City of Z Klub 1                     Petack                                                                         cityofzklub      Race    Circuit  3.87     677  01:05.425  10:18.588   32.08   20.78
 12-Jun-2011 The City of Z Klub 2                     Petack                                                                         czk2             Race    Circuit  3.18     601  00:36.833  05:15.224   81.51    7.97
  6-Apr-2004 Unit 51                                  PIN                                                                            unit51           Race    Circuit  1.51     679  00:42.739  05:51.972   77.95    3.36
  9-Aug-2006 Aztec                                    Plic                hilaire9                                                   aztec            Race    Circuit  1.54     446  00:43.691  06:18.971   30.92    9.63
 22-Apr-2024 Lilytree Park                            polarfox_cw         Paperman                                                   lilytree_        Race    Circuit  4.89     803  00:50.805  07:03.619   77.27    4.83
  7-Sep-2024 Golden Arrow                             polarfox_cw                                                                    AuArrow_         Race    Circuit  5.88     953  00:59.776  08:09.518   78.41    2.70
  4-May-2023 House of Bez                             Potato Face                                                                    houseofbez       Race    Circuit  1.39     561  00:36.279  05:06.392   74.44    6.36
 31-Mar-2024 Mushroom Highlands                       Potato Face                                                               Race    Circuit  16.70    482  00:31.393  04:19.225   73.53    3.68
  8-Jan-2012 Winter Town                              Pranav                                                                         wtown            Race    Circuit  5.78     410  00:27.749  03:48.526   68.74    3.36
 14-Jan-2018 Foris Pax                                progwolff                                                                      luebeck          Race    Circuit  14.37    939  01:01.912  08:45.217   71.98    6.90
 25-Mar-2007 Pencil Line Extreme                      Pry                                                                            pencillineex     Race    Circuit  0.72     460  00:33.688  04:42.789   59.49    5.63
 14-Apr-2007 Stone Tunnel                             Pry                                                                            Stunnel          Race    Circuit  0.38     536  00:40.646  06:26.384   55.59   21.52
 15-Apr-2020 FEGP: Sherkston Shakedown                PseudoTriangle                                                                 fegp_dd          Race    Circuit  2.84     869  01:08.622  09:31.345   51.26    4.66
 31-Mar-2013 Cross Off-Road                           QJN                                                                            croffroad        Race    Circuit  5.76     400  00:32.438  04:45.189   48.50   11.31
 21-Apr-2013 Short GP                                 QJN                                                                            shortgp          Race    Circuit  3.03     335  00:24.571  03:23.287   59.29    3.91
 21-Apr-2013 Warehouse Trip                           QJN                                                                            Housetrip        Race    Circuit  3.99     343  00:26.918  03:41.851   51.91    3.45
 27-Apr-2013 Sunning Morni                            QJN                                                                            Sunmor           Race    Circuit  5.46     703  00:56.296  07:46.286   49.80    4.04
  4-May-2013 Walls Zone                               QJN                                                                            wallszone        Race    Circuit  4.40     292  00:17.356  02:20.498   85.71    1.36
  6-Jul-2013 Minecraft Track (Ground)                 QJN                                                                            grcraft          Race    Circuit  3.14     472  00:29.237  04:04.389   80.08    5.13
 26-Feb-2014 The Hood                                 QJN                                                                            thehood          Race    Circuit  2.08     800  00:44.940  06:02.721   93.80    1.02
  3-Mar-2014 Stone Road                               QJN                                                                            stroad           Race    Circuit  6.48     469  00:32.055  04:19.286   67.55    1.27
 18-Mar-2014 RC Race Park                             QJN                                                                            rcracepark       Race    Circuit  4.94     461  00:30.620  04:06.781   71.06    0.85
 23-Nov-2014 Short Road                               QJN                                                                            ShortRoad        Race    Circuit  5.81     339  00:22.661  03:06.623   70.27    3.36
 20-Jan-2015 Mountain Desert GP                       QJN                                                                            DesertMT         Race    Circuit  8.52     550  00:34.267  04:53.875   79.30    8.23
 21-Feb-2002 Devils Glide                             QT                                                                             devil'sglide     Race    Circuit  1.20     666  00:55.323  09:02.969   46.08   25.92
  5-Mar-2002 Stunt Arena GP                           QT                                                                             stuntarenagp     Race    Circuit  0.20     580  00:44.731  06:24.322   53.76    8.45
 25-Mar-2002 Dark Valley 2 - Plateaus                 QT                                                                             darkvalley2      Race    Circuit  1.60     700  00:51.281  07:12.122   59.43    6.09
 26-Mar-2002 Dark Valley - The Cave                   QT                                                                             darkvalley       Race    Circuit  1.93     925  01:06.303  09:40.261   61.92   10.74
 24-Jun-2002 Rainbow Road                             QT                                                                             RainbowRoad      Race    Circuit  1.39     990  01:11.649  10:22.344   60.81    9.80
  8-Mar-2004 Skyscrapers                              QT                                                                             skyscrapers      Race    Circuit  1.85     421  00:41.035  06:06.050   31.35   13.15
 26-Jan-2010 Canyon du Cratère                        quebec_1254                                                                    cratere          Race    Circuit  2.34    1090  01:03.674  08:55.205   88.15    5.79
 28-Jul-2019 qT-01: SPACE                             qux                                                                            qt01             Race    Circuit  6.58     493  00:38.313  05:32.242   52.95    9.60
  6-Nov-2011 A Snowy Night Out West                   R6TE_Dave_miro                                                          ASNOW  asnow            Race    Circuit  2.65     344  00:27.949  04:04.214   48.31   10.54
 25-Jul-2018 Cliffside                                R6TE                                                                           cliffside        Race    Circuit  7.90     351  00:21.874  03:17.482   79.27   14.69
  2-Nov-2009 Offroad Desert                           R6TurboExtreme      miromiro                                                   Offroad Desert   Race    Circuit  1.32     118  00:15.118  03:17.507   11.02   72.35
  5-Jan-2010 Baja Oasis                               R6TurboExtreme      hilaire9                                                   baja_oasis       Race    Circuit  2.47     460  00:39.049  05:53.109   65.25   14.90
 24-Mar-2010 Egyptian Pyramides                       R6TurboExtreme                                                                 Egypt1           Race    Circuit  2.19     860  01:03.422  09:08.874   58.68    9.35
 24-Mar-2010 New Amsterdam                            R6TurboExtreme                                                                 NewAmsterdam     Race    Circuit  2.04     651  00:41.891  05:58.202   75.08    7.87
 17-Jun-2010 Mexico Rally                             R6TurboExtreme                                                                 mexrally         Race    Circuit  1.32     466  00:32.840  04:32.738   63.90    4.36
  4-Jul-2010 Rocky Rain Mountain                      R6TurboExtreme      Patrick                                                    rrm              Race    Circuit  2.25     403  00:32.429  04:32.086   49.30    5.57
 13-Jul-2010 Marios Warehouse                         R6TurboExtreme                                                                 marioware        Race    Circuit  1.56     413  00:33.020  04:38.205   49.96    6.08
 13-Jul-2010 Rocking River                            R6TurboExtreme                                                                 rockingriver     Race    Circuit  3.00     552  00:46.922  06:40.562   43.81    7.67
 19-Aug-2010 Apple Orchad                             R6TurboExtreme                                                                 appleorch        Race    Circuit  1.02     447  00:30.231  04:19.561   68.83    8.37
 19-Aug-2010 Pizzeria "El Loco"                       R6TurboExtreme                                                                 pitzaloco        Race    Circuit  2.34     379  00:21.086  02:52.828   95.23    2.80
 23-Sep-2010 Re-Volt In Autumn                        R6TurboExtreme                                                                 rvinautumn       Race    Circuit  1.16     419  00:25.853  03:34.473   80.60    4.23
 25-Sep-2010 Thunder Rock                             R6TurboExtreme                                                                 thunderrock      Race    Circuit  1.26     553  00:48.115  06:53.064   41.56    8.36
 30-Sep-2010 Sunrise Ridge                            R6TurboExtreme                                                                 sunrise          Race    Circuit  2.09     304  00:26.526  03:56.835   41.29   13.26
 15-Oct-2010 Fright Night                             R6TurboExtreme                                                                 FrightNight      Race    Circuit  1.81     251  00:16.377  02:15.581   73.31    3.98
 17-Oct-2010 Dirty Bogus Extreme                      R6TurboExtreme                                                                 dbogusXtreme     Race    Circuit  2.45    1083  01:18.568  11:21.145   60.54    9.56
 27-Oct-2010 Surrealistic Museum                      R6TurboExtreme                                                                 surrealmuseum    Race    Circuit  1.80     710  00:53.882  07:28.461   55.51    4.61
  3-Nov-2010 ClockWork Carnage Unit                   R6TurboExtreme                                                                 CCUnit           Race    Circuit  1.83     128  00:08.680  01:26.671   68.50   28.36
 19-Nov-2010 Wet Stream                               R6TurboExtreme                                                                 wetstream        Race    Circuit  1.38     269  00:21.009  03:10.155   52.42   15.02
 19-Nov-2010 Winter Doomsday                          R6TurboExtreme                                                                 wintdooms        Race    Circuit  1.20     846  00:48.723  06:56.507   90.15    7.84
 30-Nov-2010 Philadelphia                             R6TurboExtreme                                                                 Philadelphia     Race    Circuit  1.79     565  00:35.556  04:47.705   77.98    1.31
 23-Dec-2010 Yggdrasila Mountains                     R6Turboextreme                                                                 YdrasilaMounts   Race    Circuit  1.29     943  01:00.934  08:28.417   74.54    4.91
 30-Dec-2010 Westzaan                                 R6TurboExtreme                                                                 Westzaan         Race    Circuit  1.63     579  00:40.790  05:46.330   63.93    7.01
  6-Feb-2011 Friesland                                R6TurboExtreme                                                                 Friesland        Race    Circuit  1.94     575  00:48.713  06:43.605   44.14    4.08
  5-Apr-2011 Mud Bog                                  R6TurboExtreme                                                                 darkwoods        Race    Circuit  1.40     585  00:36.523  05:15.925   82.76    9.29
 23-Apr-2011 Supermarket 4                            R6TurboExtreme                                                                 Market4          Race    Circuit  1.45     406  00:28.483  04:18.907   64.43   15.57
  5-Jun-2011 Mansion of Madness                       R6TurboExtreme                                                                 haunt_mans       Race    Circuit  5.33     962  01:11.890  10:22.980   57.20    9.51
 11-Jul-2011 Rig Tank                                 R6TurboExtreme                                                                 RigTank          Race    Circuit  1.64     698  00:42.641  06:05.444   81.94    8.15
 31-Dec-2011 Christmas Lights                         R6TurboExtreme                                                                 chrlights        Race    Circuit  5.15     992  01:03.044  08:44.190   76.69    4.50
 15-Apr-2012 VilleVolt                                R6TurboExtreme                                                                 VilleVolt        Race    Circuit  5.35     680  00:45.291  06:20.555   70.72    5.75
 12-Jul-2012 Cliffside                                R6TurboExtreme      Dave-o-rama                                                Cliffside        Race    Circuit  5.55     351  00:23.090  03:14.957   72.27    6.33
  1-Aug-2012 Broken Sunlight                          R6TurboExtreme      Kfalcon                                                    brokensun        Race    Circuit  6.21     920  01:02.974  08:49.522   67.37    5.84
 19-Dec-2013 Rooftop Chase                            R6TurboExtreme                                                                 RooftopChase     Race    Circuit  8.81     581  00:43.919  06:13.494   55.94    7.20
  1-Oct-2005 Toys in the Hood expansion               raf24                                                                          nhood23          Race    Circuit  2.50     721  00:43.053  05:57.538   85.07    4.35
  3-Dec-2005 Emerica                                  raf24                                                                          amer             Race    Circuit  1.56     561  00:33.858  04:54.075   83.60    9.79
 24-Jul-2006 Spain                                    raf24                                                                          sspain           Race    Circuit  1.75     498  00:44.418  06:24.411   39.23    9.35
 18-Dec-2012 Lego Hood Playground                     raf24                                                                          Lego_hood        Race    Circuit  2.22     821  00:59.753  08:12.995   60.17    3.58
  4-Feb-2013 AMP Circuit                              raf24                                                                          ampcircuit       Race    Circuit  6.83     577  00:39.838  05:34.055   66.33    5.50
 16-Jul-2013 Germanic EuropaPark                      raf24               hilaire9                                                   germanic         Race    Circuit  4.32     786  00:50.874  06:52.246   74.33    1.48
 29-Apr-2014 Les Jardins De Jade                      RafSTer                                                                        jardinsdejade    Race    Circuit  8.10    1050  01:15.501  10:32.063   61.55    5.31
 31-Oct-2016 Amp Circuit                              RafSTer                                                                        ampcircuit       Race    Circuit  7.58     579  00:39.928  05:25.084   66.47    2.03
 27-Mar-2017 Sultan                                   RafSTer                                                                        sultan           Race    Circuit  1.85     767  00:54.973  07:35.939   61.93    4.20
 29-Mar-2017 Saco                                     RafSTer                                                                        Saco             Race    Circuit  2.59    1032  01:01.738  08:17.875   84.81    0.92
  5-Apr-2017 Blue Oasis                               RafSTer                                                                        blue_oasis       Race    Circuit  6.37     801  00:47.276  06:23.748   86.69    1.67
 10-Aug-2019 Giant GreenHouse 1                       RafSTer                                                                        greenhouse1      Race    Circuit  6.83     888  01:02.254  08:40.854   64.51    5.24
 22-Aug-2019 SCP : Containment Breach                 RafSTer             Lukisav                                                    scpcb            Race    Circuit  9.85     843  00:50.702  07:03.558   84.07    5.06
  6-May-2020 BasketBall Jam                           RafSTer                                                                        balljam          Race    Circuit  7.01     202  00:10.964  01:43.326   98.96   20.34
 22-May-2020 Psycho Speed                             RafSTer                                                                        psychospeed      Race    Circuit  14.50    728  00:59.962  08:08.526   46.93    2.10
 28-Mar-2021 Empire Volt City                         RafSTer                                                                        empirevoltcity   Race    Circuit  9.72    1159  01:08.977  09:19.264   85.53    1.54
 12-Apr-2007 WRC Monte Carlo ss2                      Rally leggend Stiu                                                             monte2           Race    Circuit  3.27     579  00:35.691  04:57.320   80.73    4.72
 12-May-2007 WRC Catalunya                            Rally leggend Stiu                                                             wrc_spa          Race    Circuit  3.81     570  00:35.068  04:54.567   80.99    5.71
  1-Jun-2017 Ghost Town Madness                       Remix                                                                          Ghost_Town_Mad   Race    Circuit  5.53     395  00:29.311  04:01.610   57.98    3.47
 24-Dec-2021 Supersonic RC Map                        Reptillian          Reptorian                                                  supersonic       Race    Circuit  2.73     650  00:44.576  06:04.170   67.14    2.42
 15-Apr-2017 The Great Giana Sisters Nightmare        Re-Yukk                                                                        gianasisdark     Race    Circuit  4.18     610  00:37.415  05:10.688   81.40    4.34
 17-Apr-2017 The Great Giana Sisters                  Re-Yukk                                                                        gianasisters     Race    Circuit  4.26     594  00:43.563  06:10.983   59.30    7.37
 29-May-2020 Sherbet Land                             Re-Yukk                                                                        sherbetland      Race    Circuit  5.23     529  00:35.180  04:49.752   70.91    3.38
  5-Nov-2021 The Great Giana Sisters Updated          Re-Yukk                                                                        gianasistersnew  Race    Circuit  37.10    576  00:38.191  05:14.725   71.28    3.44
 31-Jan-2010 Utopia Made By Rhea=Poly                 Rhea&Poly                                                                      uto              Race    Circuit  0.26     147  00:09.175  01:14.409   79.06    1.57
  6-Apr-2001 ICEATOPIA BY RICKY D                     rickyD                                                                         ICEATOPIA        Race    Circuit  1.62     541  00:33.444  04:37.418   80.34    4.21
  9-Apr-2001 Woodstock                                rickyD                                                                         woodstock        Race    Circuit  0.93     410  00:27.109  03:48.983   71.63    6.38
 16-Apr-2001 O-Addiction                              rickyD                                                                         o-addiction      Race    Circuit  0.30     187  00:11.287  01:36.442   83.59    7.78
 29-Apr-2001 JKpass                                   rickyD                                                                         jkpas            Race    Circuit  1.29     997  01:09.271  09:48.879   65.57    7.16
  2-Oct-2001 Ice-Cave                                 rickyD                                                                         Ice-Cave         Race    Circuit  1.64     434  00:26.588  03:49.522   81.56    9.04
  5-Oct-2001 Super-AI                                 rickyD                                                                         super-ai         Race    Circuit  1.92     560  00:42.192  06:10.606   56.30   11.20
  6-Oct-2001 Radio Control Race Club                  rickyD                                                                         rcrc             Race    Circuit  0.80     283  00:20.214  02:52.142   62.32    7.37
 11-Oct-2001 Diggers Domain                           rickyD                                                                         dd               Race    Circuit  1.69     674  00:43.179  05:55.951   75.65    3.48
 21-Oct-2001 Freezin Rain                             rickyD                                                                         fr               Race    Circuit  0.82     404  00:41.167  06:23.902   27.66   18.94
  2-Nov-2001 Jungle Jeep Trail                        rickyD                                                                         jjt              Race    Circuit  1.83     848  00:55.089  07:51.532   73.86    7.99
  4-Nov-2001 Fog Town                                 rickyD                                                                         ft               Race    Circuit  2.09    1086  01:07.905  09:21.908   78.83    3.93
 22-Nov-2001 The Vicious 8                            rickyD                                                                         tv8              Race    Circuit  1.44     547  00:34.012  04:41.977   79.57    4.15
 24-Nov-2001 How Good Are You?                        rickyD                                                                         hgru             Race    Circuit  0.88     404  00:30.580  04:35.220   55.79   14.29
  2-Dec-2001 Amazen                                   rickyD                                                                         AMAZEN           Race    Circuit  1.62     602  00:42.678  06:03.963   63.20    7.54
  8-Dec-2001 The Cellar                               rickyD                                                                         cellar           Race    Circuit  1.08     271  00:25.786  03:36.166   33.42    5.47
 26-Dec-2001 Zero G Moon Base Alpha                   rickyD                                                                         zgmba            Race    Circuit  1.29     531  00:43.509  06:27.273   47.45   12.87
  4-Jan-2002 TRACK-KIT-TRACK                          rickyD                                                                         tkt              Race    Circuit  2.64     672  00:47.115  06:29.224   64.50    3.73
 21-Jan-2002 Ricks Crazy Off Road Challenge           rickyD                                                                         rcorc            Race    Circuit  0.95     343  00:28.724  04:11.680   45.27   10.89
 22-Jan-2002 Los Angeles                              rickyD              hilaire9                                                   LosAng           Race    Circuit  1.38     617  00:54.594  07:30.642   39.98    3.63
 17-Feb-2002 Slick City Sewer                         rickyD                                                                         scs              Race    Circuit  1.11     747  00:49.146  06:49.106   72.26    4.63
 24-Feb-2002 2x                                       rickyD                                                                         2x               Race    Circuit  0.78     679  00:38.190  05:08.760   93.62    1.21
 26-Feb-2002 Scarabs of Hatshepsut                    rickyD              hilaire9                                                   scarabs          Race    Circuit  1.70     715  00:59.880  08:20.228   45.27    5.05
 16-Mar-2002 PUZ 3D                                   rickyD                                                                         puz3d            Race    Circuit  1.34    1304  01:19.127  10:45.048   82.86    2.17
  7-Apr-2002 JIM K. Canyon                            rickyD                                                                         jkcanyon         Race    Circuit  3.17     606  00:35.740  04:52.857   86.80    2.77
 19-May-2002 Spiral                                   rickyD                                                                         spiral           Race    Circuit  1.51     972  01:12.656  10:03.209   57.17    4.32
 27-May-2002 REFINERY                                 rickyD                                                                         ref              Race    Circuit  1.35     412  00:29.773  04:12.275   60.98    6.76
 11-Oct-2002 RE-VOLTING                               rickyD                                                                         re-volting       Race    Circuit  1.39    1009  01:03.745  08:40.753   77.47    2.42
 30-Nov-2002 Forest View Drive                        rickyD                                                                         FOREST VIEW DR   Race    Circuit  2.36     441  00:27.168  03:44.088   80.81    3.55
  1-Dec-2002 Hillbilly Hollow                         rickyD                                                                         HILLB            Race    Circuit  0.98     867  00:57.657  08:19.792   70.91    9.55
  1-Jan-2003 Canyon Jump                              rickyD                                                                         canyonjump       Race    Circuit  2.11     644  00:40.912  05:35.677   76.74    2.93
  4-Jul-2003 race_track                               rickyD                                                                         race_track       Race    Circuit  3.16     571  00:43.773  06:22.404   54.41   10.52
 28-Jan-2005 Extreme-Lego?                            rickyD                                                                         Exlego           Race    Circuit  1.15     462  00:54.865  07:50.955   16.12    8.34
 10-Feb-2005 Swiss Night                              rickyD              hilaire9                                                   Swiss            Race    Circuit  1.44     526  00:43.883  06:04.425   45.65    4.35
 13-Feb-2005 Warehouse NM                             rickyD                                                                         warehouse NM     Race    Circuit  1.82     655  00:44.763  06:19.570   67.56    6.85
 19-Feb-2005 Jungle Luge                              rickyD                                                                         jungleluge       Race    Circuit  1.55     609  00:40.284  05:35.696   71.58    4.76
  6-Mar-2005 Owrglass                                 rickyD                                                                         owrglass         Race    Circuit  0.64     133  00:10.831  01:34.222   48.08    9.99
 13-Mar-2005 Oregonbikepath                           rickyD                                                                         oregonbikepath   Race    Circuit  1.50     423  00:31.194  04:27.591   58.68    8.26
 27-Mar-2005 8_on_ice                                 rickyD                                                                         8_on_ice         Race    Circuit  1.49     631  00:42.547  06:11.452   69.20   10.43
 10-Apr-2005 Bigbambu                                 rickyD                                                                         BIGBAMBU         Race    Circuit  2.43     815  01:11.632  10:30.941   40.61   11.54
 30-May-2005 Short Track                              rickyD                                                                         st               Race    Circuit  1.07     270  00:19.533  02:46.030   60.85    7.14
 31-May-2005 Zombie                                   rickyD              hilaire9                                                   zombie           Race    Circuit  1.96     552  00:45.490  06:29.492   46.87    8.03
 11-Jun-2005 Halloween                                rickyD                                                                         halloween        Race    Circuit  1.94     603  00:59.231  08:50.738   30.69   13.72
  1-Jul-2005 TRON                                     rickyD                                                                         tron             Race    Circuit  1.19     839  00:49.751  07:03.103   86.04    7.21
  4-Jul-2005 Feeoria R.C.G.P.                         rickyD                                                                         frcgp            Race    Circuit  1.37     575  00:39.487  05:47.161   66.97   11.31
 31-Jul-2005 Ruin of Revoltera                        rickyD                                                                         ror              Race    Circuit  1.42     689  00:46.051  06:34.766   70.29    8.18
  9-Aug-2005 Power Slide                              rickyD                                                                         powerslide       Race    Circuit  0.82     519  00:30.559  04:19.686   87.03    7.11
 19-Sep-2005 Snake Pliskin                            rickyD                                                                         snakepliskin     Race    Circuit  1.90     620  00:37.688  05:11.283   82.62    3.71
 25-Sep-2005 Shorts                                   rickyD                                                                         shorts           Race    Circuit  1.30     272  00:18.423  02:42.884   68.65   12.02
 30-Oct-2005 N10C                                     rickyD                                                                         n10c             Race    Circuit  0.67     707  00:46.627  06:44.519   71.95    9.65
 19-Nov-2005 Logging Road                             rickyD                                                                         logging road     Race    Circuit  2.51     814  00:46.466  06:14.825   91.46    0.95
 25-Feb-2006 Fire-Jump                                rickyD                                                                         fire-jump        Race    Circuit  1.79     800  01:01.669  09:02.702   53.81   11.43
 22-Apr-2006 Tomb Racer                               rickyD                                                                         tomb racer       Race    Circuit  2.38     877  00:56.247  08:27.915   75.50   14.72
 20-Jul-2006 Hump it by rickyD                        rickyD                                                                         hump_it          Race    Circuit  2.27    1038  01:11.087  09:37.087   67.31    1.69
 13-Aug-2006 Ready? Lets Rumble                       rickyD                                                                         rumble           Race    Circuit  1.86     384  00:25.989  03:35.476   68.74    4.16
 14-Aug-2006 RUMBLE 2                                 rickyD                                                                         rumble3          Race    Circuit  1.86     384  00:25.989  03:35.476   68.74    4.16
 28-Aug-2006 rickyDS_GARDEN                           rickyD                                                                         rdgarden         Race    Circuit  2.20     352  00:29.405  04:05.501   45.52    4.99
 22-Sep-2006 L.A. Smash                               rickyD              hilaire9                                                   la_smash         Race    Circuit  1.74     314  00:21.724  03:11.729   66.08   11.80
  4-Nov-2006 Bored N Space                            rickyD                                                                         b_n_s            Race    Circuit  1.03     407  00:25.361  03:30.699   79.28    4.40
 25-Dec-2006 Blues at Sunrise                         rickyD              hilaire9                                                   blues            Race    Circuit  4.48     497  00:32.200  04:22.435   74.20    2.15
 26-Dec-2006 AuroraBorealis                           rickyD                                                                         aurora           Race    Circuit  0.67     480  00:30.746  04:37.175   75.67   14.50
  1-Jan-2007 Gone Fishing                             rickyD                                                                         gone_fishing     Race    Circuit  3.36     570  00:35.455  05:01.010   79.52    7.00
 19-Jan-2007 The RickyD jungle                        rickyD                                                                         rickyjungle      Race    Circuit  1.82     418  00:39.336  06:11.319   34.39   20.57
 15-Feb-2007 Indagodan                                rickyD                                                                         indagoden        Race    Circuit  3.89     579  00:34.795  04:46.910   84.19    3.51
 12-Mar-2007 Wicked winter                            rickyD                                                                         wicked winter    Race    Circuit  3.00     400  00:28.488  03:55.383   62.66    3.75
 15-Mar-2007 Winter fest                              rickyD                                                                         winter-fest      Race    Circuit  1.82     690  00:47.132  06:46.638   67.62    8.97
 17-Apr-2007 Summer Fest                              rickyD              hilaire9                                                   summer-fest      Race    Circuit  2.28     642  00:47.043  06:28.480   59.40    3.69
 25-Apr-2007 Forgotten Highway                        rickyD              hilaire9                                                   forgotten        Race    Circuit  2.11     499  00:42.434  06:23.367   43.77   14.78
 22-Jan-2008 Artic Air                                rickyD                                                                         WW2 Artic Air    Race    Circuit  1.11     911  01:24.655  12:03.613   35.50    7.83
 24-Apr-2008 Lake Slide                               rickyD              ManMountain                                                lake slide       Race    Circuit  4.02     370  00:28.996  04:21.850   52.06   14.72
 13-Jan-2009 Challenge Lake                           rickyD                                                                         challake         Race    Circuit  1.82     448  00:42.807  06:37.978   33.05   18.53
 26-Jan-2009 12-21-12                                 rickyD                                                                         12-21-12         Race    Circuit  2.41     536  00:40.868  05:41.808   55.00    5.20
 15-Feb-2009 Closed castle                            rickyD                                                                         clo_cas          Race    Circuit  2.14     436  00:35.097  05:09.656   49.26   11.76
 16-Feb-2009 Toys N the woods                         rickyD                                                                         nwoods1          Race    Circuit  1.41     432  00:32.972  04:46.183   54.89    9.71
 25-Feb-2009 ARBOERTUM_NIGHT                          rickyD                                                                         ARBOERTUM_NIGHT  Race    Circuit  1.88     803  01:01.137  08:30.952   55.15    5.11
 13-Jun-2009 MCKENZIE PASS                            rickyD                                                                         mckenzie         Race    Circuit  2.00    1754  01:49.988  14:47.991   78.45    1.05
  3-Aug-2009 LEVEL_3                                  rickyD                                                                         level_3          Race    Circuit  1.08     369  00:26.842  03:56.344   60.23   11.50
 13-Sep-2009 FAT-TRACK                                rickyD                                                                         fat-track        Race    Circuit  0.98     595  00:34.831  04:41.532   87.85    1.18
 19-Oct-2009 HALLOWEEN 2                              rickyD                                                                         HALLOWEEN2       Race    Circuit  3.77    1005  01:14.264  10:14.640   58.45    3.95
 24-Oct-2009 CREEPY CANYON                            rickyD                                                                         creepy_canyon    Race    Circuit  1.24     485  00:32.621  04:39.092   69.51    7.94
 23-Nov-2009 Orren Landing Zone                       rickyD                                                                         orren_lz         Race    Circuit  1.79     476  00:36.804  05:18.236   53.49    9.24
 21-Dec-2009 FrostyZ Rally                            rickyD                                                                         frostyz          Race    Circuit  1.26     364  00:26.122  03:45.518   61.78    9.05
  1-Jan-2010 LEVEL 7                                  rickyD                                                                         LEVEL_7          Race    Circuit  1.37     185  00:23.453  03:29.143   11.71   13.11
 22-Jan-2010 ARBOERTUM                                rickyD                                                                         Arboertum        Race    Circuit  1.96     803  01:02.425  08:54.487   52.91    8.03
 18-Mar-2010 Tarzan                                   rickyD                                                                         tarzan           Race    Circuit  2.89     668  00:41.185  05:43.952   80.70    5.02
 30-Mar-2010 Quick_chaos                              rickyD                                                                         quick_chaos      Race    Circuit  0.58     193  00:12.982  01:48.443   69.50    5.05
  1-Jun-2010 LEVEL 4                                  rickyD                                                                         level_4          Race    Circuit  1.31     432  00:29.330  04:13.272   68.36    9.08
  4-Mar-2001 Magnet                                   RiffRaff                                                                       Magnet           Race    Circuit  1.60    1702  01:43.604  14:16.527   82.43    3.82
 17-Mar-2001 Newk: Pod Conversion                     RiffRaff                                                                       Newk             Race    Circuit  1.83     778  00:46.739  06:31.699   84.23    5.44
 29-Mar-2003 Plant_XXI                                RiffRaff                                                                       Plant_XXI        Race    Circuit  1.28    1132  01:13.567  10:19.175   73.81    5.95
  2-Sep-2004 Pipelyne                                 RiffRaff            ManMountain           hilaire9       The Me and Me         Pipelyne         Race    Circuit  1.46    1649  01:37.380  13:10.979   86.62    1.75
 21-Sep-2004 Pipelyne R                               RiffRaff            ManMountain           hilaire9       The Me and Me         PipelyneR        Race    Circuit  1.46    1554  01:34.260  12:42.593   82.91    1.29
 31-Jul-2013 Canyon Road (1 Lap)                      Ripax77                                                                        croad            Race    Circuit  8.33    1350  01:20.838  10:52.012   84.68    0.94
 18-Dec-2006 Gangs In The Hood 1                      Robenue                                                                        Ghood1           Race    Circuit  2.41     592  00:39.365  05:34.139   70.92    6.97
  9-Dec-2020 Erim Road World (rodik Edit)             rodik                                                                          erwre            Race    Circuit  11.90    833  01:02.369  08:51.320   56.99    7.41
  9-Dec-2020 Toys in the Hood 1 (Chaos)               rodik                                                                          nhood1c          Race    Circuit  52.80    747  00:42.060  05:48.984   93.46    4.25
  9-Dec-2020 Pixel Toys in the Hood                   rodik                                                                          pn               Race    Circuit  1.81     747  00:41.744  05:46.264   94.57    4.21
  6-Sep-2024 Toys in the Hood 1.5                     rodik                                                                          gs24ce_nhood1    Race    Circuit  3.49     585  00:37.587  05:21.356   75.27    7.85
 16-May-2003 Floating Temples                         RST                 hilaire9                                                   Temples          Race    Circuit  1.38     313  00:25.835  03:54.549   46.72   15.41
 12-Oct-2004 Rooftops 2003                            RST                                                                            rooftops_2003    Race    Circuit  1.81     512  00:47.635  06:33.051   35.40    3.59
  5-May-2006 Revolt House                             RST                 hilaire9                                                   revolthouse      Race    Circuit  1.67     282  00:23.605  03:26.209   45.32   10.51
  2-Aug-2007 Floating World                           RST                                                                     float  floating world   Race    Circuit  1.81     311  00:30.781  04:45.039   30.06   18.00
  8-Jun-2012 OFF-ROAD TRACK                           Rv_repaint                                                                     Off-Track        Race    Circuit  1.62     172  00:14.174  02:07.229   46.88   13.95
 31-Jul-2006 AMCO Bitume                              RVTT Team                                                                      AMCO_Bitume      Race    Circuit  1.31     529  00:40.042  05:31.035   55.79    3.82
  8-Jul-2017 Overground                               Saffron                                                                        overground       Race    Circuit  2.72     694  00:48.193  06:48.299   65.64    6.75
 18-Oct-2017 Molten Caverns                           Saffron                                                                        moltencavern     Race    Circuit  14.80   1026  01:18.514  11:21.903   54.60    9.79
 23-Aug-2018 Red Rock Valley                          Saffron                                                                        redrock          Race    Circuit  7.24     790  00:44.622  06:04.176   93.00    2.31
 23-Sep-2018 Daybreak Raceway                         Saffron                                                                        daybreak         Race    Circuit  6.22     856  00:53.207  07:12.568   79.61    1.86
  6-Oct-2018 Sideways Sanctuary A                     Saffron                                                                        sidesancta       Race    Circuit  1.14     265  00:19.583  02:44.870   58.45    5.99
  6-Oct-2018 Sideways Sanctuary B                     Saffron                                                                        sidesanctb       Race    Circuit  1.51     336  00:25.690  03:38.557   54.70    7.25
  6-Oct-2018 Sideways Sanctuary C                     Saffron                                                                        sidesanctc       Race    Circuit  1.29     319  00:24.254  03:21.436   55.30    4.36
  6-Oct-2018 Sideways Sanctuary D                     Saffron                                                                        sidesanctd       Race    Circuit  1.45     287  00:20.049  02:49.357   64.93    6.39
  8-Feb-2019 Clubman Stage Route 5                    Saffron                                                                        ssr5c            Race    Circuit  3.92     480  00:27.628  03:44.745   90.26    1.92
  8-Feb-2019 Special Stage Route 5                    Saffron                                                                        ssr5             Race    Circuit  4.42     723  00:44.041  05:56.810   82.33    1.45
  7-Sep-2019 Touge Mountain                           Saffron                                                                        touge_mountain   Race    Circuit  7.26    2502  02:50.454  23:01.978   67.94    1.54
  7-Sep-2019 Touge Mountain - Stage 1                 Saffron                                                                        touge_mtn_s1     Race    Circuit  5.48    1136  01:15.989  10:19.282   70.18    2.14
  7-Sep-2019 Touge Mountain - Stage 2                 Saffron                                                                        touge_mtn_s2     Race    Circuit  5.97    1357  01:35.155  12:51.015   64.48    1.47
 16-Apr-2020 Super Speedway                           Saffron                                                                        superspeedway    Race    Circuit  2.83     454  00:24.979  03:21.567   96.90    0.99
 29-Apr-2020 Autumn Ring Mini                         Saffron                                                                        autumnringmini   Race    Circuit  4.06     244  00:16.687  02:22.955   67.47    8.10
 29-Apr-2020 Autumn Ring                              Saffron                                                                        autumnring       Race    Circuit  4.59     582  00:38.415  05:16.688   71.85    3.48
 18-Oct-2020 Green Haze Valley                        Saffron                                                                        greenhaze        Race    Circuit  3.63     493  00:30.719  04:15.109   79.29    4.35
  8-Jan-2021 Motor Sports Land                        Saffron                                                                        motorsportsland  Race    Circuit  3.91     174  00:15.963  02:24.114   36.65   14.69
  8-Sep-2021 Dark Vale Forest                         Saffron                                                                        darkvale         Race    Circuit  5.02     971  01:00.051  08:07.369   80.29    1.66
  1-Oct-2024 Dark Vale Forest                         Saffron                                                                        darkvale         Race    Circuit  10.90   1034  01:04.021  08:40.581   80.13    1.88
  1-Oct-2024 Dark Vale Forest – Mini                  Saffron                                                                        darkvalemini     Race    Circuit  10.30    346  00:22.553  03:07.463   73.43    4.46
  1-Oct-2024 Dark Vale Forest – West                  Saffron                                                                        darkvalewest     Race    Circuit  10.50    670  00:42.376  05:42.140   77.32    1.06
 24-Oct-2024 Amberdawn Hill                           Saffron                                                                        amberdawn        Race    Circuit  12.40    911  00:56.836  07:42.004   79.12    1.84
 24-Oct-2024 Amberdawn Hill – Extreme                 Saffron                                                                        amberdawn_ex     Race    Circuit  12.70   1101  01:08.637  09:17.387   79.22    1.73
 24-Oct-2024 Amberdawn Hill – Touge                   Saffron                                                                        amberdawn_touge  Race    Circuit  11.90    344  00:23.401  03:16.381   68.12    5.60
 24-Sep-2000 Rooftops                                 Santa Clause                                                                   Roof             Race    Circuit  1.28     588  00:41.819  05:44.994   62.82    3.57
 15-Jan-2012 Rooftops 2012                            Santa Clause                                                                   Roof             Race    Circuit  11.16    588  00:41.819  05:44.994   62.82    3.57
  9-Mar-2013 Rooftops                                 Santa Clause        Marv                                                       Roof             Race    Circuit  11.16    588  00:41.819  05:44.994   62.82    3.57
  9-Feb-2000 SpaceSpeedway                            SBj07_MoNSTeR                                                                  SpaceSpeedway    Race    Circuit  1.82     704  00:56.033  08:13.023   50.43   11.41
 14-May-2000 MoNSTeR PaRK                             SBj07_MoNSTeR                                                                  MONSTER          Race    Circuit  2.10     771  01:01.985  08:44.130   49.39    6.51
  3-Aug-2000 Esso                                     SBj07_MoNSTeR                                                                  Esso             Race    Circuit  2.36     881  01:00.294  10:30.812   67.39   35.18
  3-Apr-2000 Abandoned Warehouse                      scloink                                                                        Warehouse        Race    Circuit  1.50     393  00:31.200  05:04.173   50.70   24.99
 26-Oct-2000 Ye Ole Fun Shoppe                        scloink             SuPeRtArD                                                  Shoppe           Race    Circuit  2.60     774  01:03.376  08:39.557   47.52    2.83
  3-May-2001 Hockenheimring                           scloink                                                                        Hockenheim       Race    Circuit  2.33    1300  01:17.432  10:28.111   85.42    1.60
 18-May-2001 The Gorge                                scloink                                                                        The_Gorge        Race    Circuit  2.51     425  00:36.555  05:12.695   42.67    7.92
 28-Jul-2001 Super Nova                               scloink                                                                        Nova             Race    Circuit  2.91     813  00:54.178  07:33.481   70.65    5.29
 14-May-2003 The Keep                                 scloink             Yamada                SuPeRTaRD      The Me and Me         The_Keep         Race    Circuit  2.18    1251  01:41.004  13:46.625   49.98    2.63
  8-Feb-2004 The Catacombs                            scloink             triple6s                                            Catac  Catacombs        Race    Circuit  2.20     729  01:17.469  11:15.392   24.31   10.26
 16-Sep-2018 Rooftop Chase                            scloink             triple6s                                                   rooftopchase     Race    Circuit  23.50    581  00:44.804  06:09.609   53.77    3.56
 20-Jan-2020 Rooftop Chase: Redux                     scloink             triple6s                                                   roofchaseredux   Race    Circuit  23.30    605  00:45.640  06:16.108   56.16    3.44
  1-Jan-2014 Conduciendo Fumado                       seth                                                                           cond_fumado      Race    Circuit  4.30     524  00:41.503  05:52.295   50.94    6.98
 26-Mar-2001 User-maze                                Shawn64                                                                        markar           Battle  Tag      0.54    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  6-Apr-2001 Sewer                                    Shawn64                                                                        sewer            Race    Circuit  1.87     638  00:51.355  07:20.382   49.27    8.22
 29-Apr-2001 Glacier Cliffs                           Shawn64                                                                        glac             Race    Circuit  1.43     393  00:25.172  03:29.143   75.68    4.41
 14-May-2001 Rocky mt. Battle                         Shawn64                                                                        bot_bat          Battle  Tag      1.41    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  4-Jun-2001 Colorado Raceway                         Shawn64                                                                        col              Race    Circuit  2.16     947  01:02.922  08:58.805   71.02    8.04
 11-Jun-2001 Moon Battle                              Shawn64                                                                        markar           Battle  Tag      0.65    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Jun-2001 Glacier Cliffs 2                         Shawn64                                                                        gc2              Race    Circuit  1.98     552  00:38.769  05:47.344   64.29   13.70
 21-Jun-2001 Big Blue                                 Shawn64                                                                        bigb             Race    Circuit  1.65     416  00:43.040  08:26.133   26.43   53.71
 21-Jun-2001 RC semi pro finals                       Shawn64                                                                        rcp              Race    Circuit  0.94     232  00:25.260  03:47.734   22.45   14.51
 27-Jun-2001 Static                                   Shawn64                                                                        stat             Race    Circuit  1.94     542  00:51.296  07:30.477   33.89   11.17
 11-Jul-2001 Grid Lock                                Shawn64                                                                        gridlock         Race    Circuit  1.47     550  00:42.299  06:18.905   54.06   13.68
 31-Jul-2001 Snake Way                                Shawn64                                                                        snake            Race    Circuit  1.08    1506  01:33.693  13:22.029   79.49    8.00
  4-Nov-2001 Extreme Climb                            Shawn64                                                                        bot_bat          Battle  Tag      2.02    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  4-Nov-2001 Extreme Climb                            Shawn64             Hermes                                                     mountain         Race    Circuit  2.39    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 14-Nov-2001 Wrecked Hood                             Shawn64                                                                        whood            Race    Circuit  2.53     945  00:54.458  07:24.490   90.09    2.32
 22-Jan-2002 Bubble world                             Shawn64                                                                        bubble           Race    Circuit  2.06     456  00:31.519  04:47.591   66.19   16.06
  1-May-2002 Metal Harbor                             Shawn64                                                                        metalharbor      Race    Circuit  1.20     635  00:42.068  05:50.574   71.39    4.76
  7-Jun-2002 Bubble World2 frozen waters              Shawn64                                                                        bubble2          Race    Circuit  1.68     423  00:38.055  05:48.573   38.44   16.57
  7-Jun-2002 grindagex                                Shawn64             trav64                                                     grind            Race    Circuit  1.72     632  00:58.283  17:14.734   36.18  139.34
 26-Jun-2002 Mountain Climb                           Shawn64                                                                        mountainclimb    Race    Circuit  2.44     584  01:12.548  17:24.857   13.05   91.46
 29-Jun-2002 Meteor Trail                             Shawn64                                                                        meteortrail      Race    Circuit  2.01    1100  01:13.360  10:14.563   70.56    5.39
  7-Aug-2002 Toys in The Sewer                        Shawn64                                                                        tsewer           Race    Circuit  1.00     300  00:23.933  03:23.632   50.19    7.26
 12-Aug-2002 Alien Ecounter                           Shawn64                                                                        alienencounter   Race    Circuit  1.91     550  00:42.686  06:05.318   53.09    7.98
 29-Aug-2002 Mamba                                    Shawn64                                                                        MAMBA            Race    Circuit  1.03     825  00:49.667  07:48.275   83.94   20.40
 23-Jul-2003 S64 Raceway                              Shawn64                                                                        s64raceway       Race    Circuit  1.07     716  00:39.739  05:20.156   95.59    0.81
  5-May-2004 S64 Raceway                              Shawn64                                                                        markar           Battle  Tag      1.88    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  4-Jun-2004 Toys in the Sewer 2                      Shawn64                                                                        tsewer2          Race    Circuit  1.11     359  00:29.455  04:33.167   47.32   18.20
 28-Aug-2012 Dugout Battle                            Shawn64                                                                        dugout_bat       Battle  Tag      1.62    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 27-Apr-2001 Shiney Hood                              Shiney Heed                                                                    Shood            Race    Circuit  2.38     972  00:54.734  07:34.371   93.45    4.31
  7-Jan-2011 Galaxy Road (Shredster7)                 Shredster7                                                              Galax  GalaxyRoad       Race    Circuit  1.79    1141  01:05.887  10:16.739   89.79   19.44
 15-Jan-2011 Stunts on the Moon                       Shredster7                                                              Moon   Moonstunts       Race    Circuit  0.88     150  00:12.360  02:01.163   46.89   25.75
  3-Apr-2011 Himalaya Highway                         Shredster7                                                                     Himalaya         Race    Circuit  1.47     720  00:47.431  06:54.485   72.09   10.55
 19-Jul-2008 Boogie Beach                             Sims                Andras                                                     Boogie Beach     Race    Circuit  1.62     356  00:34.622  05:34.357   31.54   23.68
 25-Jul-2008 Boogie Beach 2                           Sims                Andras                                                     Boogie Beach2    Race    Circuit  1.48     529  00:47.457  07:07.964   38.70   14.54
 13-Feb-2010 Border                                   Sims                Andras                                                     border           Race    Circuit  0.39     304  00:29.143  06:11.292   32.77   67.72
  2-Feb-2002 Figure-8                                 sjd                 SuPeRtArD             The Me and Me                        Figure-8         Race    Circuit  0.49     445  00:25.433  03:39.982   91.28    9.28
  6-Aug-2000 HULL BREACH                              Skitch2                                                                        trek             Race    Circuit  1.50     482  00:39.395  05:50.147   47.71   12.69
 21-Sep-2000 Garden3                                  Skitch2                                                                        Garden3          Race    Circuit  2.30     539  00:38.813  05:27.752   61.39    6.35
  9-Jan-2001 Hull Breach2 "Resistance is Futile"      Skitch2                                                                        breach2          Race    Circuit  1.50    1172  01:18.351  10:38.376   70.26    2.11
 31-Jan-2001 Unreal Tournament Battle                 Skitch2                                                                        ut_battle        Battle  Tag      0.90    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  8-Feb-2001 The Mines Of Alderon                     Skitch2                                                                        Alderon          Race    Circuit  1.60    1145  01:29.114  12:50.662   52.79    9.26
 15-Feb-2001 TW Xtreme Micro Sport                    Skitch2                                                                        Twx              Race    Circuit  1.10     484  00:35.940  05:04.382   57.83    6.70
 12-Mar-2001 Fools Mate                               Skitch2                                                                        Mate             Race    Circuit  1.29     837  00:57.830  08:05.039   66.24    5.53
 28-Jul-2001 Nhood Grimm                              Skitch2                                                                        Grimm            Race    Circuit  1.98    1300  01:21.247  11:05.078   78.89    2.66
  8-Nov-2001 Mikes Medievel Mahem                     Skitch2                                                                        mhem             Race    Circuit  3.19     765  00:48.658  06:44.281   76.58    4.41
 15-Jan-2002 Fools Mate2 (Check Mate)                 Skitch2                                                                        mate2            Race    Circuit  2.70     489  00:34.780  05:07.716   62.82   12.11
 13-Sep-2004 Rooftops2                                Skitch2                                                                        RT2              Race    Circuit  1.96     512  00:48.269  06:46.316   34.23    5.97
 24-Feb-2005 Toon Street                              Skitch2                                                                        toon             Race    Circuit  3.15     935  00:53.225  07:10.636   91.86    1.30
  1-Mar-2005 The Felling Yard                         Skitch2                                                                        felling yard     Race    Circuit  3.12     787  00:57.335  08:20.160   60.06   10.34
  1-Mar-2005 Felling Yard Extreme                     Skitch2                                                                        felling yardx    Race    Circuit  3.30     787  01:01.492  08:38.930   52.37    6.27
 18-May-2005 Hull Breach 3                            Skitch2                                                                        breach3          Race    Circuit  2.91     573  00:48.018  06:43.560   45.21    5.78
 22-May-2005 TVGP                                     Skitch2             ManMountain                                                tvgp             Race    Circuit  1.46     301  00:22.157  03:01.587   58.88    2.79
 11-Jul-2005 Zero Degrees                             Skitch2                                                                        zero             Race    Circuit  2.70    1144  01:13.664  10:12.019   74.99    4.40
 11-Aug-2005 Images Of Giza                           Skitch2                                                                        images           Race    Circuit  3.02     392  00:28.156  04:11.684   61.68   13.41
 23-Dec-2006 Chilled To The Bone                      Skitch2                                                                        zero2            Race    Circuit  3.27     838  01:04.689  08:59.277   53.66    4.81
  8-Aug-2007 Re-VoLectriX                             Skitch2                                                                        Re-VoLectrix     Race    Circuit  2.00     483  00:35.572  04:57.856   58.83    5.33
 25-Sep-2008 Toy World-Aquatica                       Skitch2                                                                        AquaVolt         Race    Circuit  2.67     509  00:41.683  05:54.857   47.51    7.33
 23-Jun-2011 Graphical error                          Skitch2                                                                 GFX    GFXerror         Race    Circuit  1.23     912  01:06.010  09:41.507   60.80   11.56
 14-Feb-2013 Ever After                               Skitch2                                                                        Ever After       Race    Circuit  10.40    571  00:49.309  07:13.685   42.28   11.36
 20-Dec-2016 ToySoldierz                              Skitch2                                                                        ToySoldierz      Race    Circuit  14.90    454  00:36.236  05:09.206   50.14    7.62
  2-Aug-2017 Toy World Aquatica: Redux                Skitch2             Gotolei                                                    aquavoltredux    Race    Circuit  7.17     571  00:40.375  05:27.430   63.50    1.57
 20-Jan-2020 TVGP Bitume                              Skitch2             Manmountain                                                tvgp_bitume      Race    Circuit  1.40     301  00:20.436  02:49.748   68.36    4.38
 13-Apr-2020 Images Of Giza: Redux                    Skitch2                                                                        images_redux     Race    Circuit  2.36     392  00:28.039  03:56.508   62.16    6.21
 31-May-2024 toysoldierz24                            Skitch2                                                                        toysoldierz24    Race    Circuit  34.10    910  00:58.117  07:52.188   76.05    1.78
 27-Sep-2017 TNT Warehouse                            Sky69                                                                          tnthouse         Race    Circuit  9.09     258  00:21.571  03:14.748   45.43   14.69
 10-Dec-2017 Car Warehouse                            Sky69                                                                          carfactreborn    Race    Circuit  8.25     660  00:56.524  08:08.161   43.08    9.09
 15-Dec-2017 Dirt Madness                             Sky69                                                                          madnessrex       Race    Circuit  9.25     635  00:42.968  06:03.399   68.77    6.53
 16-Dec-2017 Abandoned Canyon                         Sky69                                                                          arenaroad        Race    Circuit  1.64     370  00:35.698  05:06.542   32.22    8.39
 28-Mar-2018 Sky Warehouse 1                          Sky69                                                                          skhouse          Race    Circuit  12.70   1068  01:26.056  11:46.403   49.16    2.98
 12-Apr-2018 Sky Warehouse 2 (Your Nightmare)         Sky69                                                                          skhouse2         Race    Circuit  9.52    1634  02:53.687  24:02.614   24.29    4.37
  3-Jan-2019 Tricky Racers 1                          Sky69               WaskeR                                                     tryrcs           Race    Circuit  9.97    1128  01:23.517  11:18.698   58.23    1.81
 17-May-2001 Oasis                                    smag [Romeo]                                                                   Oasis            Race    Circuit  1.92     572  00:59.132  08:27.540   26.49    8.33
  7-May-2002 Holiday Camp                             smag [Romeo]                                                                   Hcamp            Race    Circuit  2.06    1170  01:23.328  11:34.957   62.66    4.86
 24-Apr-2004 Amco TT                                  smag [Romeo]                                                                   AMCOTT           Race    Circuit  1.55     550  00:49.784  07:25.105   37.87   13.44
 29-Jun-2017 Holiday Camp: California Edition         smag                                                                           hcampcal         Race    Circuit  1.99    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 20-Jan-2020 AMCO Driftume                            smag                                                                           amcodrift        Race    Circuit  2.71     378  00:22.902  03:08.155   83.07    3.08
 23-Jun-2017 Wasted Warehouse                         Sonic_Boom                                                                     WH1              Race    Circuit  2.84     175  00:14.665  02:06.819   45.21    9.25
  6-Aug-2021 8 track                                  SpaceDog                                                                       8track           Race    Circuit  0.98     276  00:16.103  02:11.221   88.32    2.13
 17-Aug-2021 Wormhole                                 SpaceDog                                                                       wormhole         Race    Circuit  2.37    1115  01:09.600  09:29.654   79.05    2.64
 13-Jan-2000 Botanical Garden 2                       spaceman                                                                       garden2          Race    Circuit  0.96     494  00:36.158  05:08.317   59.53    7.53
 19-May-2000 Re-Ville                                 spaceman                                                                       Re-Ville         Race    Circuit  2.80     549  00:48.717  06:38.593   39.71    2.60
 27-Mar-2013 Re-Ville                                 spaceman            Marv                                                       Re-Ville         Race    Circuit  2.80     549  00:48.717  06:38.593   39.71    2.60
  5-Nov-2000 Lost Tomb                                Speedy3000                                                                     LostTomb         Race    Circuit  1.70     876  01:04.360  09:01.880   59.10    5.99
 19-Jun-2014 Valstrath                                Spriggan            Bio                   GO_AWAY        Sullendrat            pvalley          Race    Circuit  7.95    1031  01:17.561  10:52.698   72.76    5.93
 17-Mar-2002 Synthesis                                srmalloy                                                                       Synthesis        Race    Circuit  1.46    1197  01:23.783  11:29.941   64.70    3.36
 26-Jan-2006 Old Toys in the Hood 2 by Steven and 04  Steven              ``04                                                       s042             Race    Circuit  2.13     592  00:39.147  05:34.525   71.62    7.79
  9-May-2012 Eggland                                  Strava                                                                         eggland          Race    Circuit  1.82     218  00:15.842  02:17.381   60.34    9.60
 11-May-2012 Melville                                 Strava                                                                         Melville         Race    Circuit  2.58     232  00:16.370  02:18.289   61.40    6.40
 12-May-2012 Foxglen                                  Strava                                                                         Foxglen          Race    Circuit  16.30    248  00:16.162  02:20.414   73.46    9.83
 23-May-2012 Stagnaro                                 Strava                                                                         Stagnaro         Race    Circuit  10.00    250  00:18.200  02:34.312   60.14    6.84
  1-Jun-2012 Elkhart                                  Strava                                                                         Elkhart          Race    Circuit  17.50    503  00:30.823  04:11.913   81.53    2.47
  8-May-2017 Strix Warehouse 1                        Strix                                                                          StrixW1          Race    Circuit  13.50    609  00:39.945  05:43.121   72.64    8.43
  5-Aug-2013 Where is the exit ?                      StrixMidnight                                                                  museumexit       Race    Beta     1.05    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Jan-2016 Strix Warehouse 1                        StrixMidnight                                                                  StrixW1          Race    Beta     1.87     522  00:33.599  04:39.756   75.04    4.66
 11-Mar-2000 Skate Battle                             SuperTard                                                                      BOT_BAT          Battle  Tag      2.28    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 12-Dec-2000 sk8][                                    SuperTard                                                                      markar           Battle  Tag      2.56    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 11-Oct-2023 Port Town 2                              Supporter           CapitaineSZM                                               Porttown2        Race    Circuit  6.31     794  00:49.505  07:12.000   79.20   10.38
 23-Dec-2023 Roofbottom                               Supportermotorhand                                                             roofb2           Race    Circuit  9.71     503  00:30.234  04:07.006   84.16    2.43
 21-Mar-2015 RV Mountain 24 hours                     Sweet2flower                                                                   24h              Race    Circuit  9.52    1458  01:21.374  10:57.807   94.76    1.20
 25-Mar-2015 Rally in Mountain                        Sweet2flower                                                                   rallyinmountain  Race    Circuit  10.00   1002  01:00.274  08:16.327   84.05    3.35
 21-May-2015 Rally in Mountain2                       Sweet2flower                                                                   rallyinmount2    Race    Circuit  9.04     750  00:57.360  08:00.941   54.66    5.49
  3-Jun-2015 RV 24 Hours Le Mans                      Sweet2flower                                                                   rv24hdm          Race    Circuit  9.49    1283  01:07.374  09:08.016  104.08    1.91
 26-Dec-2018 Night City                               sweet2flower                                                                   NightCity        Race    Circuit  33.50    287  00:19.827  02:51.848   66.26    9.53
 31-Dec-2001 A Tiny Ground                            Tarun                                                                          tinyground       Race    Circuit  4.05     601  00:59.476  08:44.917   30.07   11.80
 21-May-2016 Crash Alley                              tarun                                                                          CrashAlley       Race    Circuit  10.20    234  00:21.479  03:32.950   36.60   27.35
 21-Jul-2019 Cracow House                             TechJK                                                                         cracow_house     Race    Circuit  14.30    494  00:47.063  06:41.625   33.31    7.63
  4-Jun-2001 Dirt Valley                              The Me and Me                                                                  Dirt_Valley      Race    Circuit  2.24    1221  01:25.432  11:53.776   64.74    5.07
 30-Aug-2001 All Scaled by TM&M                       The Me and Me                                                                  All_Scaled       Race    Circuit  0.42     386  00:25.737  03:48.400   70.59   12.49
  2-Nov-2001 Soccerground by TM&M                     The Me and Me                                                                  soccer           Battle  Tag      0.54    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
  2-Nov-2001 Soccerground                             The Me and Me                                                                  soccor           Race    Circuit  0.52      99  00:09.285  01:20.925   34.68   10.22
 18-May-2002 Yeca Race                                The Me and Me                                                                  yecarace         Race    Circuit  0.82     555  00:50.995  07:26.752   36.51   10.87
 14-May-2003 Donut Speedway                           The Me and Me                                                                  DntSpdwy         Race    Circuit  0.98     127  00:07.680  01:03.278   83.33    3.42
 11-Apr-2004 Test Course 5 - Ice Speed                The Me and Me                                                                  tc5              Race    Circuit  0.80    1290  01:15.328  10:09.068   88.20    1.22
 11-Apr-2004 Test Course 6 - Fast Concrete            The Me and Me                                                                  tc6              Race    Circuit  0.54    1290  01:11.585  09:37.053   95.62    0.87
 11-Jul-2016 RV-Simo On-Road Track                    The Scassatore                                                                 vedano           Race    Circuit  3.11     263  00:21.138  02:56.283   49.42    4.85
 20-Sep-2016 LS Toshinden Arena - TAC Edition         The Scassatore      Hermes                                                     LSTosh           Battle  Tag      1.38    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 20-Sep-2016 Mona Toshinden Arena - TAC Edition       The Scassatore      Hermes                                                     MonaTosh         Battle  Tag      4.53    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  1-May-2011 ARM Italia 150                           TheFactor82         Lo Scassatore                                              ARM_Italia       Race    Circuit  1.68     196  00:16.677  02:19.752   43.71    5.43
 15-Feb-2023 Planet Exotica                           TheGreenJ                                                                      exotica          Race    Circuit  23.20    750  00:49.719  06:44.243   71.30    1.87
 10-Jun-2023 Timepiece Tower                          TheGreenJ                                                                      clocktwr         Race    Circuit  8.50     611  00:37.736  05:04.926   80.47    1.15
 21-Jul-2023 Berryland Muffinworks                    TheGreenJ                                                                      muffin           Race    Circuit  12.80    314  00:26.207  03:40.718   45.61    6.03
 10-Dec-2023 Holiday Lightway                         TheGreenJ                                                                      holight          Race    Circuit  9.88     680  00:52.080  07:11.490   54.51    4.07
  1-May-2024 Floral Greens                            TheGreenJ                                                                      fgreens          Race    Circuit  7.41     506  00:30.003  04:04.019   86.05    1.90
  8-Aug-2020 Autumn Castle                            ThePotatoHead       Mr. Roblinx           Capitaine SZM                        autcast          Race    Nonloop  5.06    1125  01:18.527  11:07.828   65.02    7.21
 23-Aug-2020 Oppressive Sphere                        ThePotatoHead                                                                  oppsphere        Race    Circuit  13.70   1330  01:16.382  10:27.280   90.58    3.03
  2-Nov-2020 Epimysium                                ThePotatoHead       CapitaineSZM                                               epimysium        Race    Circuit  14.80    352  00:23.753  03:20.600   69.10    6.36
 11-Feb-2021 Mountain Snow Globe                      ThePotatoHead       Tryxn                                                      smountglobe      Race    Circuit  14.00    792  00:50.128  06:48.406   77.22    2.10
 13-Oct-2001 Misty Ridge By Ti1eman                   Ti1eman                                                                        Misty_Ridge      Race    Circuit  2.07     538  00:34.259  04:45.027   76.43    4.57
 26-Nov-2002 Splash Mountains By Ti1eman              Ti1eman                                                                        SplashMountains  Race    Circuit  2.46     658  00:42.701  06:06.040   73.99    8.17
  1-Jul-2006 Solar Loop By Ti1eman                    Ti1eman                                                                        solarloop        Race    Circuit  2.15    1000  01:10.178  09:32.984   64.39    2.35
  4-Jul-2015 Rocky Top                                Ti1eman                                                                        RockyTop         Race    Circuit  1.03     238  00:13.139  01:46.650   96.39    1.67
 29-Apr-2000 Abandoned Opera House                    Timnic                                                                         nhood1           Race    Circuit  1.87     382  00:34.515  04:52.402   38.04    6.74
  7-May-2000 Opera House                              Timnic                                                                         opera            Race    Circuit  1.40     382  00:34.515  04:52.402   38.04    6.74
 17-Jul-2000 RobieHouse                               Timnic                                                                         robiehouse       Race    Circuit  2.00     584  00:47.498  07:13.754   48.21   16.17
  2-Mar-2019 Dnipro Kart                              tntzoom                                                                        dnipro           Race    Circuit  12.70   1101  01:00.693  08:08.165   96.61    0.62
 15-Mar-2019 Dnipro Kart 2                            tntzoom                                                                        dnipro2          Race    Circuit  13.40   1107  01:00.537  08:07.816   97.82    0.83
 15-Mar-2019 Dnipro Kart 2                            tntzoom                                                                        dnipro2          Race    Circuit  48.40   ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
  9-Oct-2002 Alexandria by Toffe                      Toffe                                                                          Alexandria       Race    Circuit  1.80     604  00:55.237  08:42.626   36.94   20.88
 11-Jan-2003 Pyramid                                  Toffe                                                                          Pyramid          Race    Circuit  2.90    1048  01:10.191  10:02.718   70.03    8.38
 11-Jan-2003 Re-voltum                                Toffe                                                                          Re-voltum        Race    Circuit  2.46     910  00:53.979  07:19.185   85.99    1.95
 19-Feb-2003 The Monastery                            Toffe                                                                          Monastery        Race    Circuit  2.63    1024  01:03.759  08:46.240   79.38    3.62
 30-Oct-2017 Midnight GP                              Totolescargot                                                                  midnightGP       Race    Circuit  5.47     443  00:31.693  04:22.714   62.14    4.13
 28-Jul-2001 Illusion                                 triple6s            dod1                                                       Illusion         Race    Circuit  1.63     672  00:56.184  07:51.158   45.43    5.51
  6-Sep-2019 BLURSED LAND OF TOMATOES                 Tryxn               Alex_int                                                   tomato           Race    Circuit  11.50    540  01:06.779  09:35.454   13.35    8.82
 21-Apr-2020 Virsli Factory                           Tryxn                                                                          ssig             Race    Circuit  8.61     773  00:57.513  07:56.573   57.69    4.09
  3-May-2020 Rockarock Valley                         Tryxn                                                                          landnfire        Race    Circuit  1.78     318  00:29.276  04:15.621   36.34   10.45
 17-Jul-2020 Boat: Venice                             Tryxn                                                                          bvenice          Race    Circuit  4.70     543  00:37.160  05:13.928   67.39    6.40
 30-Aug-2020 Tomato Farm                              Tryxn                                                                          tomatolol        Race    Circuit  10.60    918  00:59.997  08:29.152   73.09    6.95
 29-Sep-2020 Cumulonimbus Clouds                      Tryxn                                                                          cumulclouds      Race    Circuit  24.80    546  00:35.334  04:51.108   74.35    3.41
 21-Nov-2020 Scary Caverns                            Tryxn                                                                          halow            Race    Circuit  10.80    292  00:21.055  03:00.526   61.23    8.20
  5-Dec-2020 Wabe Ring                                Tryxn                                                                          heuiwabe         Race    Circuit  1.74     250  00:21.061  02:56.498   44.69    5.43
 24-Dec-2020 Aspenside                                Tryxn                                                                          skires           Race    Circuit  10.80    327  00:23.767  03:19.114   60.32    5.40
 29-Dec-2020 Aztec Battle                             Tryxn                                                                          dirt_battle      Battle  Tag      10.40   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 29-Dec-2020 Christmas Globe Battle                   Tryxn                                                                          globe_battle     Battle  Tag      1.61    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  3-Jan-2021 Metro Battle                             Tryxn                                                                          metro_battle     Battle  Tag      11.80   ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 13-Jan-2021 Rainbow Road of Simplicity 2             Tryxn                                                                          lerr2            Race    Circuit  4.37     444  00:36.365  05:18.437   47.50   10.81
 28-Feb-2021 Snow Cove                                Tryxn                                                                          cent212          Race    Circuit  10.40    530  00:35.952  04:53.406   68.43    2.30
 28-Apr-2021 LMS Rainbow Road of Simplicity           Tryxn                                                                          lms_lerr         Arena   LMS      8.11    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 31-Oct-2021 Detached                                 Tubers                                                                         detached         Race    Circuit  7.31     445  00:32.808  04:26.463   58.71    1.74
 21-Nov-2021 Cold-Cross                               Tubers                                                                         coldx            Race    Circuit  15.80    789  00:53.639  07:23.459   68.20    3.82
 23-Nov-2021 Miami Maniac                             Tubers                                                                         miamiman         Race    Circuit  32.10    323  00:20.500  02:57.822   76.86    9.63
 28-Feb-2022 Mexico 1                                 Tubers              powerate                                                   mex1_2           Race    Circuit  15.70    780  00:47.301  06:34.574   82.94    4.88
 10-Feb-2002 Esterel Formula 1                        ubu                                                                            Esterel          Race    Circuit  1.75    1300  01:17.020  10:31.485   86.16    2.84
 21-Aug-2006 Crystal Cages                            ubu                 UnGodin                                                    crystalcages     Race    Circuit  2.18     657  00:56.806  08:46.464   42.16   18.11
  4-Jan-2011 Blood on the Rooftops                    ubu                 hilaire9                                                   bloodroof        Race    Circuit  1.48     621  00:47.886  06:43.502   53.78    6.09
 12-May-2002 Tartessos                                UnGodin                                                                        Tartessos        Race    Circuit  1.19     459  00:31.414  04:20.050   67.38    3.97
 20-Jun-2002 UP1_Desague                              UnGodin                                                                        UP1 - Desague    Race    Circuit  2.55    1166  01:19.385  11:28.899   68.02    9.68
  6-Apr-2001 Erim Road World (Beta)                   unknown                                                                        erw              Race    Beta     0.85    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
  6-Apr-2001 Erim Road World                          unknown                                                                        ERW              Race    Beta     0.98     833  01:30.000  12:25.000   23.03    3.97
 12-Apr-2001 User-megaball                            unknown                                                                        Muse_Bat         Battle  Tag      0.52    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 25-Jul-2002 User-barbattle                           unknown                                                                        muse_bat         Battle  Tag      1.60    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 23-Mar-2007 ZAG - Mini Soccer                        unknown                                                                        zagsoccer        Battle  Tag      0.55    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 26-Mar-2007 Monster X Arena                          unknown                                                                        mxa              Race    Circuit  0.77     335  00:26.205  03:37.681   52.25    4.38
 19-Aug-2007 Travaux Battle Zone                      unknown                                                                        muse_bat         Battle  Tag      1.64    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  9-May-2008 Sandy Bank Track                         unknown                                                                        SandyBT          Race    Circuit  1.17     264  00:15.540  02:08.351   87.07    3.71
 24-May-2008 Warehouse Speedway                       unknown                                                                        warehousespd     Race    Circuit  1.20     148  00:12.030  01:38.123   48.27    2.24
 14-Dec-2008 City 2                                   unknown                                                                        city2            Race    Beta     1.64     400  00:32.565  04:37.037   48.10    7.25
 14-Dec-2008 City 1                                   unknown                                                                        city1            Race    Beta     2.16    ----  00:00.000  00:00.000  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Dec-2008 Pollolandia Race Track 1                 unknown                                                                        Pollolandia      Race    Beta     1.45     143  00:11.676  01:37.239   47.81    4.69
 27-Dec-2008 Cipa                                     unknown                                                                        Cipa             Race    Beta     1.40     223  00:17.575  02:29.430   51.46    7.18
 30-Dec-2008 Nevada 1                                 unknown                                                                        Nevada1          Race    Beta     1.64     284  00:19.848  02:52.626   64.88    9.96
  2-Jan-2009 Nevada 2                                 unknown                                                                        Nevada2          Race    Beta     1.58     420  00:25.999  03:34.310   80.16    3.47
  1-Aug-2009 Re-Volt Canyon                           unknown                                                                        RVC              Race    Circuit  2.20     737  00:41.670  05:36.554   92.85    1.09
 11-Nov-2009 Bomber Zone                              unknown                                                                        nhood1_battle    Battle  Tag      2.97    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 29-Nov-2011 Nevada Run 1                             unknown                                                                        Nevada_Run_1     Race    Circuit  1.64     284  00:19.848  02:52.626   64.88    9.96
 29-Nov-2011 Nevada Run 2                             unknown                                                                        Nevada_Run_2     Race    Circuit  1.58     420  00:25.999  03:34.310   80.16    3.47
 27-Jan-2012 Boat Test                                unknown                                                                        Boattrack        Race    Beta     1.92    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 25-Jul-2012 Water Animation                          unknown                                                                        WaterAnim        Race    Beta     2.22    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  6-Nov-2012 Forest                                   unknown                                                                        forest           Race    Beta     1.01    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  5-Jul-2013 Pikes peak Intl Hill Climb               unknown                                                                        pikes            Race    Beta     2.11    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 15-Mar-2008 CyberSpace                               Urne                                                                           cyberspace       Race    Circuit  0.67     467  00:43.401  06:38.703   35.49   16.95
 19-Mar-2008 Forgotten City                           Urnemanden                                                                     forgotten city   Race    Circuit  1.37     820  01:00.205  09:18.259   59.18   18.18
 27-Apr-2008 At The Farm                              Urnemanden          Chrone                Gaming4JC      RST                   At The Farm      Race    Circuit  4.13     633  01:02.909  10:58.961   29.71   35.35
 20-Jul-2008 Bone Island                              Urnemanden                                                                     Bone             Race    Circuit  4.77     351  00:25.464  03:49.948   60.53   14.72
 20-Dec-2009 Radioactive Garden                       Urnemanden                                                                     RAGarden         Race    Circuit  2.47     389  00:28.133  04:04.133   60.89    9.68
 19-Dec-2010 JungleVolt                               Urnemanden                                                              Jvolt  JungleVolt       Race    Circuit  7.40     282  00:20.410  02:55.214   60.80    8.35
 12-Jan-2016 Bone Island                              Urnemanden                                                                     Bone             Race    Circuit  8.06     351  00:25.464  03:49.948   60.53   14.72
 12-Jan-2016 Radioactive Garden                       Urnemanden                                                                     ragarden         Race    Circuit  5.59     389  00:28.133  04:04.133   60.89    9.68
  5-May-2013 Road of Simplicity LMS                   Vaidux                                                                         lms_simplroad    Battle  Tag      1.26    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  3-Nov-2012 Simple Dirty Raceway Playground          VaiDuX461                                                                      SDirtyRPlaygrnd  Race    Circuit  3.42     220  00:10.715  01:30.685  116.41    6.62
 31-Dec-2012 Road of Simplicity 1                     VaiDuX461                                                                      simplroad1       Race    Circuit  1.23     276  00:16.937  02:17.868   81.33    2.00
  9-Mar-2003 Arena GP 2                               Vasja1st                                                                       A2               Race    Circuit  1.27     522  01:01.727  09:19.367   16.42   15.17
  9-Mar-2003 Arena GP 3                               Vasja1st                                                                       A3               Race    Circuit  1.26     580  00:45.242  06:51.968   52.55   15.80
  9-Mar-2003 Arena GP 1                               Vasja1st                                                                       A                Race    Circuit  1.27     574  00:53.702  09:15.179   34.90   33.40
  2-Apr-2003 Arena GP 4                               Vasja1st                                                                       A4               Race    Circuit  1.30     520  01:09.965  10:12.365    7.94   10.75
 28-Apr-2006 Toys in the Hood Winter                  vio volt                                                                       TH1-Winter       Race    Circuit  1.50     747  00:52.937  07:44.259   63.24   11.00
  4-Feb-2001 Botanical Garden 4                       Volt General                                                                   garden4          Race    Circuit  1.04     217  00:28.677  04:39.272    9.05   24.84
 11-Feb-2001 Miami Grand Prix                         Volt General                                                                   miami            Race    Circuit  1.00     362  00:23.053  03:09.097   76.42    2.90
  7-Mar-2001 New York GP                              Volt General                                                                   ny               Race    Circuit  0.87     143  00:14.758  02:08.383   26.63    9.99
 10-Mar-2001 The Valleys                              Volt General                                                                   valleys          Race    Circuit  2.42     105  00:11.187  01:45.869   24.11   20.91
 24-Jun-2001 Grand Prix de Morvan                     Volt General                                                                   morvangp         Race    Circuit  1.51     230  00:13.398  01:49.556   88.55    2.53
  1-Feb-2002 Battlecruiser 1: SS Nemesis              Volt General                                                                   battlecruiser1   Race    Circuit  1.55     492  00:45.643  06:33.343   35.65    8.83
 29-Apr-2002 Canada Lakes                             Volt General                                                                   Canada           Race    Circuit  0.85     190  00:13.805  02:01.945   60.36   11.91
 11-Aug-2002 Flight Simulator                         Volt General                                                                   bot_bat          Battle  Tag      2.36    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 21-Mar-2005 Battle Cruiser 2                         Volt General        hilaire9                                                   battlrcruiser2   Race    Circuit  1.36     520  00:54.459  07:50.356   25.46    9.10
 26-Apr-2002 Revolt 24 Hours                          Volty                                                                          rv24h            Race    Circuit  1.37     500  00:39.659  05:53.165   50.79   12.93
 10-Jan-2019 1st Museum                               WaskeR              Acclaim                                                    1Museum          Race    Circuit  1.89     650  00:51.953  07:15.277   49.99    5.40
 25-Jan-2019 2nd Museum                               WaskeR                                                                         2Museum          Race    Circuit  8.56    1048  01:37.881  15:30.616   35.05   21.54
 16-Aug-2014 Unnamed GP                               Whatever                                                                       UnnamedGP        Race    Circuit  1.62    1114  01:09.504  09:25.617   79.11    1.97
  6-Mar-2018 Factory                                  Wichilie                                                                       factory          Race    Circuit  0.80     230  00:17.930  02:30.803   52.61    5.87
  5-Oct-2018 MKDS - Luigi`s Mansion                   Wichilie                                                                       mkds_mansion     Race    Circuit  2.69     542  00:35.545  04:51.733   72.66    2.96
 24-Feb-2022 Urban Sprint 1                           Wichilie                                                                       urban1           Race    Circuit  1.97     633  00:44.077  06:03.140   65.31    3.41
  1-Dec-2020 Phantom Road                             Wrew                                                                           phantomroadlego  Race    Circuit  4.49     738  00:39.496  05:19.270  101.12    1.19
 26-Aug-2017 Casino 2                                 Xarc                                                                           fdt1casino       Race    Circuit  8.40     295  00:22.095  03:21.854   56.95   16.22
 17-Feb-2018 Toy World EX                             Xarc                                                                           fdt2xtoy         Race    Circuit  14.50    573  00:44.687  06:13.674   52.57    5.17
  3-Apr-2018 Toys in the Hood EX                      Xarc                                                                           fdt5xnhood       Race    Circuit  5.90     761  00:49.255  06:55.132   74.33    6.12
 21-Apr-2018 Toys in the Space 1                      Xarc                                                                           fdt7nspace1      Race    Circuit  6.67    1069  01:00.203  08:38.176   93.43    8.67
 30-Jun-2018 Mysterious Toy-Volt Factory              Xarc                                                                           fdt8mtvf         Race    Circuit  6.80     529  00:31.253  04:20.092   86.55    4.60
 29-Sep-2018 Botanical Garden EX                      Xarc                                                                           fdt9xgarden      Race    Circuit  6.75     807  00:52.103  07:12.595   74.65    4.32
  6-Oct-2018 Spooky-Volt                              Xarc                                                                           fdt10halloween   Race    Circuit  11.70    328  00:20.973  02:52.439   75.90    3.17
 25-Dec-2018 Snowland 1                               Xarc                                                                           fdt11snow1       Race    Circuit  9.04     565  00:39.219  05:21.547   65.69    2.84
 27-Jan-2019 Mysterious Toy-Volt Factory 2            Xarc                                                                           fdt12mtvf2       Race    Circuit  10.40    882  00:55.824  07:36.659   77.22    2.58
 13-Sep-2020 Ghost Town Battle                        Xarc                                                                           wild_west_bat    Battle  Tag      2.19    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 20-Oct-2020 Wonderful Skylands 1                     Xarc                Whitedoom                                                  fdt14skylands1   Race    Circuit  11.50    477  00:28.117  03:52.915   86.87    4.05
 21-Oct-2020 Wonderful Skylands 2                     Xarc                Whitedoom                                                  fdt14skylands2   Race    Circuit  12.30    732  00:46.834  06:29.883   75.82    4.64
 23-Oct-2020 Museum EX                                Xarc                Whitedoom                                                  fdt13xmuse       Race    Circuit  6.43    1003  01:07.089  09:05.010   70.19    1.77
 13-Apr-2021 Airport 2                                Xarc                Kipy                                                       fdt17airport2    Race    Circuit  13.50    463  00:27.138  03:40.377   87.67    1.72
 14-Apr-2021 Airport 1                                Xarc                Kipy                                                       fdt16airport1    Race    Circuit  8.32     612  00:38.654  05:14.349   77.50    1.89
  2-Jun-2021 Junkyard 1                               Xarc                                                                           fdt19junk1       Race    Circuit  9.74     419  00:23.856  03:25.572   91.83    8.82
  6-Jun-2021 Junkyard 2                               Xarc                                                                           fdt19junk2       Race    Circuit  7.71     517  00:31.539  04:22.000   82.13    4.39
 10-Dec-2021 Game Room 1                              Xarc                                                                           fdt23arcade1     Race    Circuit  15.20    417  00:26.217  03:31.827   78.10    1.14
 10-Dec-2021 Game Room 2                              Xarc                                                                           fdt24arcade2     Race    Circuit  18.10    635  00:39.179  05:19.784   80.60    2.32
 27-Aug-2022 RC Stadium 1                             Xarc                                                                           fdt3stad1        Race    Circuit  12.20    432  00:25.047  03:24.602   89.21    2.41
 27-Aug-2022 RC Stadium 2                             Xarc                                                                           fdt4stad2        Race    Circuit  26.00    392  00:25.878  03:44.192   71.83    9.48
 17-Jul-2008 Mud Road                                 XRQ                                                                            mud              Race    Circuit  1.80     330  00:25.108  03:28.801   55.23    4.52
 18-Jul-2008 A Hood                                   XRQ                                                                            dusty            Race    Circuit  1.69     478  00:28.786  04:03.359   83.90    6.49
 17-Oct-2023 Rainy Hood 2                             Xtreme              rodik                 Acclaim                              rhood2           Race    Circuit  2.65     592  00:36.814  05:11.560   79.55    6.62
 20-Jan-2024 Two Streets                              Xtreme                                                                         twostreets       Race    Circuit  13.00    274  00:23.347  03:17.337   43.57    6.46
 30-Jan-2024 Country Christmas                        Xtreme                                                                         countrychr       Race    Circuit  11.10    328  00:31.834  04:59.232   31.71   20.00
 29-Mar-2024 Evening Paradise                         Xtreme                                                                         eparadise        Race    Circuit  28.30    427  00:29.762  04:13.963   65.20    7.62
 15-Jun-2024 Two Streets 2                            Xtreme              rodik                                                      twostreets2      Race    Circuit  18.60    401  00:29.123  04:03.477   60.41    5.15
 14-Jul-2024 Showdown Academy                         Xtreme                                                                         showacademy      Race    Circuit  12.60    721  00:43.772  05:55.898   82.79    1.87
  7-Sep-2024 MKDS – Shroom Ridge                      Xtreme                                                                         shroomridge      Race    Circuit  10.50    646  00:39.660  05:29.632   81.27    4.45
  8-Sep-2024 MKDS - Baby Park                         Xtreme                                                                         babypark         Race    Circuit  11.30    159  00:09.789  01:20.375   80.89    3.01
 12-Nov-2024 Dream Island                             Xtreme                                                                         dreamisland      Race    Circuit  22.50    594  00:41.621  05:31.421   64.57   -0.53
 12-Nov-2001 Glacier Cliffs 3                         Yamada                                                                         gc3              Race    Circuit  0.83     363  00:21.310  03:07.756   87.45   11.58
  7-Oct-2002 Go-Cart GP                               Yamada                                                                         go-cart          Race    Circuit  1.40     839  00:58.858  08:28.520   64.43    9.14
 16-Feb-2003 Drivers School                           Yamada                                                                         Drivers School   Race    Circuit  1.49     691  00:46.530  06:38.685   69.37    8.12
  8-May-2004 Sports Shop                              Yamada              hilaire9              ManMountain                          sports           Race    Circuit  1.76     519  00:39.068  05:22.230   56.40    3.54
 13-Mar-2007 Sports Shop v1.1                         Yamada                                                                         sports1.1        Race    Circuit  1.67     519  00:40.139  05:34.884   53.46    4.90
  8-Mar-2014 MineZcraft                               Zach                                                                           minezcraft       Race    Circuit  0.86     438  00:36.784  05:09.878   44.99    6.06
 15-Oct-2006 Wargod Fortress                          ZAGames             hilaire9              Ayl                                  wargod           Race    Circuit  3.58     623  01:05.640  09:13.053   24.98    6.08
 12-Mar-2007 Battle Platform 1                        ZAGames                                                                        battleplatform   Battle  Tag      0.79    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 12-Mar-2007 Battle Platform 2                        ZAGames                                                                        battleplatform2  Battle  Tag      2.25    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 12-Mar-2007 Battle Stunt Arena                       ZAGames                                                                        battlestunts     Battle  Tag      2.08    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 12-Mar-2007 Zach`s Garden                            ZAGames                                                                        gardenz          Race    Circuit  1.74     308  00:23.525  03:15.371   54.81    4.35
 29-Jul-2007 Slot Car Madness!!!                      ZAGames                                                                        slottrack1       Race    Circuit  0.43     726  00:47.426  06:33.348   73.15    4.20
 11-Dec-2007 Home for Christmas                       ZAGames             hilaire9                                                   home4_xmas       Race    Circuit  4.66     463  00:35.078  04:56.718   55.67    6.55
  1-Jan-2008 Frostbite                                ZAGames                                                                        frostbite        Race    Circuit  5.15     614  00:53.459  08:02.635   41.50   14.69
 18-Feb-2008 ZAG Formula 1.01                         ZAGames                                                                        f1zag            Race    Circuit  1.10     205  00:13.983  02:00.731   67.79    9.06
 25-Dec-2008 Winter Park                              ZAGames                                                                        winterpark       Race    Circuit  2.17     438  00:35.067  05:13.848   49.82   13.57
 30-Oct-2010 Hallows Eve                              ZAGames                                                                        hallowseve       Race    Circuit  1.87     516  00:52.515  07:57.463   27.76   15.60
 31-Dec-2019 LMS Valley                               Zeino                                                                          lms_valley       Race    Circuit  1.54    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  6-Jan-2020 LMS Skyblock                             Zeino                                                                          lms_skyblock     Race    Circuit  3.18    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 27-Feb-2020 Rainbow Road of Simplicity               Zeino                                                                          lerainbowroad    Race    Circuit  4.77     333  00:31.592  04:24.592   33.68    5.36
 20-Sep-2020 Drag: Mountain Pass                      Zeino                                                                          dragr            Race    Nonloop  1.00     100  00:05.750  00:46.511   90.40    1.27
 17-Aug-2021 Mycelium                                 Zeino                                                                          bugslf           Race    Circuit  6.06     351  00:21.465  03:00.377   81.80    5.76
 24-Sep-2021 Jimsonweeds Raceway                      Zeino                                                                          jiweway          Race    Circuit  10.70    626  00:39.098  05:17.671   78.98    1.79
  6-Nov-2021 Bijou Speedzone                          Zeino                                                                          smolg            Race    Circuit  8.17     111  00:09.647  01:28.277   41.67   16.44
 14-Nov-2021 Wildwood Grove                           Zeino                                                                          smolh            Race    Circuit  4.80     516  00:31.005  04:23.605   84.20    7.17
 28-Nov-2021 Tingin Inc. GP                           Zeino                                                                          smoli            Race    Circuit  8.53     400  00:26.018  03:34.966   73.70    3.75
 23-Dec-2021 Hyperborean Harmony                      Zeino                                                                          smwint           Race    Circuit  10.40    409  00:27.617  03:57.699   69.03    8.67
 25-Dec-2024 Valtass Ring                             Zeino                                                                          smolb            Race    Circuit  12.00    642  00:43.783  05:56.274   67.81    1.96
 27-Feb-2008 Warehouse Stunt Arena                    Zipperrulez                                                                    warehousestunt   Battle  Tag      1.61    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
  8-Mar-2008 The desert Oasis                         Zipperrulez                                                                    justhavefun      Battle  Tag      1.12    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 17-Jul-2009 Zipper stunt                             Zipperrulez                                                                    stunts           Battle  Tag      1.84    ----  --:--.---  --:--.---  ---.--  ---.--
 24-Oct-2009 Shortly Canyon                           Zipperrulez         miromiro                                                   Shortly Canyon   Race    Circuit  1.86     487  00:37.789  05:21.664   53.11    7.32
 16-Nov-2009 Museum ZR                                Zipperrulez                                                                    museumzr         Race    Circuit  1.91     438  00:31.628  04:29.355   61.07    7.38
 20-Jul-2012 The Track                                Zol                                                                            thetrack         Race    Circuit  2.57     698  00:51.593  07:30.205   58.42   10.37
 10-Dec-2012 Paint City                               Zol                                                                            nhood2012        Race    Circuit  0.67     298  00:25.808  03:45.251   42.01   10.40
 23-Dec-2012 Between The Blocks                       Zol                                                                            bblocks          Race    Circuit  3.12    1630  01:33.868  12:42.601   90.19    1.77
  8-May-2015 Go Play Outside!                         zorbah                                                                         PlayOutside      Race    Circuit  4.83     458  00:33.487  04:38.976   59.65    4.73
  8-Jul-2017 Skating Toys                             zorbah                                                                         skatingtoy       Race    Circuit  8.40    1026  01:20.070  11:19.471   52.50    6.94
  3-Aug-2020 Skating Toys Redux                       zorbah                                                                         skatoysred       Race    Circuit  7.82    1011  01:17.816  10:52.606   53.98    5.52