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New Track : Motor Volt Land by Lo Scassatore
 Track Review :-
 This is a fast and tricky track. Some of the kerbs will tip you over while others you can drive over at speed. Do not try and go full speed all the time
 as you will just end up having a slow lap time. The gfx are fine but in keeping with the type of track. I like the drift area where you can slide around.
 This is similar to driving on oil. This area is to the left of the start grid, first flag pole.Not sure if its the version I am using but I did not see any pickups.
 Overall a good racing track that is very tricky.

Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest MineZcraft Zach Minecraft style track.
2nd Motor Volt Land Lo Scassatore Fast and tricky track, watch the curbs !
3rd PetroVolt Version 2 minecrafter8857 VG Versionj of PetroVolt.
4th The Sky Garden 2 doll265 Another trip roung the garden in the sky.
5th Moon Dawn Allan1 Long track, but lots to look and good gfx too.
6th Thunder Museum minecrafter8857 Short but fast track with only 2 tricky bits.
7th Conduciendo Fumado seth Decent dirt kit track with a number of shortcuts.
  Track Info    
Track Name Motor Volt Land Timed Race Pic Below
Author Lo Scassatore  
Length 315m
Flow 62.17 %
Track Difficulty 11.47 %
Fast Lap Time 0:22.530 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 3:18.324 minutes
Archive Date 15/02/2014
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05 Timed Race
Readme 06  07  08  09 Track View
    12 Cars and Pickups
    Drift Area Video