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New Track : Conduciendo Fumado by seth
 Track Review :-
 This is a decent track for seth`s first track. Like most dirt kit tracks there are a number of shortcuts which are shown in the pics below and in the
 "12 Cars 8 Laps and Pickups" video. When in time trial I did a 39.0 sec lap by doing all the shortcuts. The times list below are not using the shortcuts
 There are a few bugs with the track and in some places you can see 2 layers of the track but aprt from these its still a decent track. I noticed
 more than one star on the track and a decent spread of pickups but more would be better.If you can avoid the bugs this is a fine track and a good first one.
 Would like to see more seth !

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7th   Conduciendo Fumado seth Decent dirt kit track with a number of shortcuts.
  Track Info    
Track Name Conduciendo Fumado Timed Race Pic Below
Author seth There no pickups so I only did 2 videos.
2nd Author  
Length 524m
Flow 50.94 %
Track Difficulty 6.98 %
Fast Lap Time 0:41.503 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 5:52.295 minutes
Archive Date 1/1/2014
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    Timed Race
Track Pics 01  02  03  04  05  06  07 12 Cars 8 Laps and Pickups
Shortcut Pics 01  02  03  04  05 Track View
Shortcut Videos 01  02  03  04  05 Shortcut Lap