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New Track : Burguers` Toy World by minecrafter8857
 Track Review :-
 Based on the stock parts from the Toy World tracks this is a short and narrow track with several obstacles directly in your path.
 One of the things you will notice is that the time trial layout does not have the blocks at the end of the 2 narrow tunnels. This hinders
 your time in a normal race but eventually I did go faster than my time trial time. This track is very narrow and in some parts the space
 is just wide enough for Toyeca. You have to be very accurate and, in some cases, lucky to get around this track. I found a little alternate
 path by landing on the side of the track before the last turn. Overall this track is too short and too hard for the average racer but a challenge
 for the pro and maybe a little frustrating.
Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Mysterious Toy-Volt Factory Xarc Long with lots of turns
2nd Neptune Biometal, Spriggan, GO_AWAY Short fast and fun
3rd Santorini Alex_int Fast and tricky, Verg Good Track
4th Rainbow Road 5 Ørlar Møllur Short and tricky to use the power up.
5th Jupiter: Jovian Disaster Biometal/Spriggan & GO_AWAY Long and Jovian.
6th Josh Scorpius City Area City Josh Scorpius Very similar to the track based on, The City4
7th MKDD - Mushroom City DC.All Fast with long turns and multiple paths VG gfx.
8th Toys in the Space 1 Xarc LOng track with a numbetr of bugs.
9th Sky Warehouse 2 Sky69 Too long, too tricky minor bugs.
10th Burguers` Toy World minecrafter8857 Very narow in parts and very hard.
  Track Info    
Track Name Burguers` Toy World Timed Race Pic Below
Author minecrafter8857 Time Trial Pic 0:18.173 minutes
Length 218m
Flow 47.70 %
Track Difficulty 14.23 %
Fast Lap Time 0:17.818 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 2:40.292 minutes
Archive Date 8-Apr-2018
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