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New Track : Touge Mountain - Stage 1 by Saffron
 Track Review :-
  This track is along track and a point to point track. If you have set RV to do any more than 1 lap you will only get one lap time and a race time slightly
 longer. You will need the 19.0907a or better update to be able to load and race this track. It is a point to point track, so you only get one lap per race.
 This  track is a hill climb with lots of hair bends so you will need to brake hard to take them at a good speed. There are other turns which you can take
 at a more normal speed as well. The design of the track is good with the road being a 2-lane highway that is just right for the cars. I would not race with
 any car faster  than the pro stock cars as you will not be able to take the turns well. The surroundings are ok as there are only trees, lamp posts and
 the armco barriers around the track. On the corners you can drive up the embankment, but you should be back on the flat surface as you will hit edge
of the armco. On most of the track the road surface is flat, but some corners are a bit bumpy. Overall a fast and tricky track so learn how to take
 the corners as fast as you can.
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  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Rooftops 1 GJ, MarvTheM, I Spy
& Acclaim\Probe
Similar to Fidderls but harder
2nd Route-77 javildesign A tricky track and watch the edges of the road.
3rd Touge Mountain Saffron Lots of sharpe turns and very long!
4th Touge Mountain - Stage 1 Saffron Lots of sharpe turns and long!
5th Touge Mountain - Stage 2 Saffron Lots of sharpe turns and long!
6th BLURSED LAND OF TOMATOES Tryxn & Alex_int Same as bonezone but with tomatoes
7th Destructed City (2019) kallelay Smaller version of the original with extra areas
8th Fragments Kallelay Try it. extremely tricky.
9th Skatepark F20 Alex_int Short and fast race in a skate park
10th bonezone Alex_int A good track but hard on the eyes !
  Track Info    
Track Name Touge Mountain - Stage 1 Timed Race Pic Below
Author Saffron Time Trial Pic 01:16.097 minutes
Length 1136m
Flow 70.18 %
Track Difficulty 2.14 %
Fast Lap Time 01:15.989 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 10:19.282 minutes
Archive Date 7-Sept-2019
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08 Timed Race
Readme 09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16 Track View
Track Pic 17  18  19  20  21  22 16 Cars and Pickups
    Time Trial Laps