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New Track : Penny Racers - Caves by DC.All
 Track Review :-
 This is track is a conversion from another game but it is good racing that is very tricky in some parts. The track is mainly non slippy but the
 edges are icey so stay in the middle! The gfx is good with a number of object around the track but not much else apart from the track
 which is good anyway. Overall this track is hard and tricky with small errors affecting you a lot.

Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Narrock Pass Kipy Fast`ish and narrow!! Very hard track.
2nd The Great Giana Sisters Re-Yukk Needs finishiung as there is at least 1 bug.
3rd Blue Oasis RafSTer Fast track with lots of turns, not difficult
4th Sultan RafSTer Could of been better but a decent track.
5th Saco RafSTer Too long and too easy.
6th Scassland Vigani HQ Lo Scassatore & FBV-86 Smaooth and fast track,plus 2 others !!
7th Drift in the Hood flyboy Good first track from flyboy
8th Medieval Mikrosx & Instant Good racing could do with more decorations on walls.
9th Penny Racers - Harbour DC.All Good fast track.
10th Penny Racers - Caves DC.All Tricky and fast.
  Track Info    
Track Name Penny Racers - Caves Timed Race Pic Below
Author DC.All Time Trial Pic 0:30.428  minutes
Length 433m
Flow 64.13 %
Track Difficulty 6.21 %
Fast Lap Time 0:30.454 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 4:16.869 minutes
Archive Date 26-Feb-2017
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06 Timed Race
  07  08  09  10  11  12 Track View
Track Pic 13  14  15  16  17  18 12 Cars and Pickups
  19  20  21 Time Trial Laps