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New Track : Horrormas 2 by benderfan3124
 Track Review :-
This is another version of the original that is much shorter with around a 21seconds lap. The textures are the same style as the first with no
additions. The racing is fast with lots of turns with a grassy area that is slippy. The graphics are a bit basic with several items spread around the
 inside area and the grassy area. One thing I noticed is that the AI cars seem to have a problem with the ramp into the building which could cause
 an issue if you are racing the AI cars. I like the overall path and flow of this track as there is always a turn ahead with little rest to check your time.
 Overall, a decent track that has a good racing flow.

Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Crystal Cavern Ghoster 1st track from Author and a good one.
2nd Cathedral Keyran Fast race around a garden near a catherdral.
3rd Mexico 1 Tubers and powerate A fast race around Mexico !
4th Battered Mansion 2 benderfan3124 A short race around a mansion and its garden
5th Battered Mansion benderfan3124 A fast  and short race around a mansion
6th Urban Sprint 1 Wichilie A very good track set in a rain storm
7th Ghost Town 4 Chris and Xarc Made from the last GT battle tag level
8th High Rollers BloodBTF Fast and fun.
9th Horrormas 3 benderfan3124 A better version and very tricky.
10th Horrormas 2 benderfan3124 Short, fast with lots of turns.
  Track Info    
Track Name Horrormas 2 Timed Race Pic Below
Authors benderfan3124 Time Trial Pic 0:20.351 minutes
Length 269m
Flow 54.20 %
Track Difficulty 4.33 %
Fast Lap Time 0:20.661 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 2:51.554 minutes
Archive Date 14-May-2021
Track Pics Youtube Videos
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    Time Trial Laps