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New Track : Cathedral by Keyran
 Track Review :-
The track is in the cathedrals garden area outside of the cathedral itself. Most of the track looks similar so you can make the wrong turn easily.
The surface in some places is a bit uneven but not much to slow you down. The racing is fast in most of the track with only a couple of places
where you need to slow down. There are lots of turns and a couple of long straights which makes the track very varied. The gfx around the track is
fine but the area where you race on is only a part of the total area. So, there may be more tracks coming with racing around the cathedral and maybe
 inside it. Overall, this track is good, but I think it should of ben called Cathedral Garden !

Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest RV-TV 2 Keyran Fast and tricky track
2nd RV TV 1 Keyran Fast and tricky track
3rd Hospital 2 G_J Excellant track
4th Hospital 1 G_J Excellant track
5th ATV Circuit Paperman Very good dirt kit style track
6th Toys in the Hood 4 Chris Very Good hood style track
7th Jongmyo Shrine Paperman Fast track, a bit easy
8th Crystal Cavern Ghoster 1st track from Author and a good one.
9th Cathedral Keyran Fast race around a garden near a catherdral.
10th Mexico 1 Tubers and powerate A fast race around Mexico !
  Track Info    
Track Name Cathedral Timed Race Pic Below
Authors Keyran Time Trial Pic 0:43.442 minutes
Length 714m
Flow 83.92 %
Track Difficulty 6.92 %
Fast Lap Time 0:42.991 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 6:04.753 minutes
Archive Date 6-Mar-2022
Track Pics Youtube Videos
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