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New Track : Frozen Caverns by Alex_int and Saffron
 Track Review :-
 This is a long and hard track to race on but when you get used to it it’s a little easier. The surface has lots of small bumps that will spin your car
or turn it much harder than you expect. One place is the long turn upwards, you should go more to the wall side as this is easier and if your
car hits a bump you have space to correct. This is the case on most parts where the better line is to go wider and slower to avoid hitting
sharp edges. The tunnels are tricky too as the walls are not flat but angled towards you. If you hit the wall your car will dig into the wall and stop.
So best to go slower and in the centre region of the tunnels. The gfx of the track is fairly good but you will not have time to look around.
Overall a very tricky track and can be very frustrating to race on.
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  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Skiing Paradise ducsekbence 2 ski jumps and lots of ice
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3rd School`s Out! Kiwi Very good track that is long and hard
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8th Nemanja's Ghost Town Nemanja54 Very short and very fast.
9th R2049 Road Kill Dyspro50 Fast track.
10th Frozen Caverns Alex_int and Saffron  Long and cold.
  Track Info    
Track Name Frozen Caverns Timed Race Pic Below
Authors Alex_int and Saffron Time Trial Pic 1:18.352 minutes
Length 981m
Flow 49.98 %
Track Difficulty 2.45 %
Fast Lap Time 1:18.417 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 10:40.758 minutes
Archive Date 2-Dec-2019
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08 Timed Race
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33  34 25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32 Time Trial Laps