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New Track : POD: Roc by mrroblinx
 Track Review :-
This is a short and fast track that has lots of turn and jumps. The track width is a fairly narrow with decent side to bounce of but be careful as at least
one corner with spin your car easily. There are lots of jumps but watch out for one as the top of the next part is a bit low so head to the centre. The
gfx around the track are good but you will have little time to look as you are constantly turning or preparing for a turn. Racing with more than 6 cars
will be a bit overcrowded and could be frustrating. It could do with being longer but its still a hard lap to get a good time.
Overall a good track but needs to be a bit longer.

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  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest POD: Magnetic mrroblinx Fast and long.
2nd POD: Skyrace mrroblinx Long and fast
3rd The Thunderdrome Mace121 Short fast track in a velodrome
4th Destructed City x1.2 (2019) kallelay and ayumu Very tricky and easy to crash.
5th Nemanja's Ghost Town Nemanja54 Very short and very fast.
6th R2049 Road Kill Dyspro50 Fast track.
7th Frozen Caverns Alex_int and Saffron  Long and cold.
8th POD: Azthec mrroblinx Converted Pod track
9th POD: Roc mrroblinx Converted Pod track
10th R2049 Plaza Dyspro50 Fast and fun.
  Track Info    
Track Name POD: Roc Timed Race Pic Below
Authors mrroblinx Time Trial Pic 0:20.297 minutes
Length 302m
Flow 68.52 %
Track Difficulty 4.55 %
Fast Lap Time 0:20.477 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 2:50.342 minutes
Archive Date 1-Dec-2019
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08 Timed Race
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