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New Track : Cake by Instant
 Track Review :-
 Cake is set in a underworld of metal and tiled rooms. The track is mostly narrow with 90 degree turns. There are a number of hard turns which are easy
 to get wrong and hard to get right. There is one sort of shortcut so when you find this or watch the videos it will make it a little easier. The rusted metal
 looks good with very day places where it is hard to see the edge and easy to go off it. Overall this track is hard and tricky as if you change
 your position or  speed on approach to a turn will make that turn much harder.

Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Table GP Kipy Short, fast and slightly slippy track.
2nd The Great Giana
Sisters Nightmare
Re-Yukk Better than the previous version, still a bug tho
3rd Midnight GP Totolescargot Fast and fun track.
4th Molten Caverns Saffron Long, bumpy and very hard.
5th Botanical Garden 6 MirkoGT97 Basic, short and fast garden track.
6th Hotel Volt MirkoGT97 Very good track set in a Hotel
7th Cake Instant Very good and hard track.
8th Japanese Neighborhood MirkoGT97 Short and fast with a hidden shortcut
9th TNT Warehouse Sky69 Watch out for the boxes !
10th Toy World Aquatica: Redux Skitch2 and Gotolei A reworked version of the original
  Track Info    
Track Name Cake Timed Race Pic Below
Author Instant  
Length 450m
Flow 53.46 %
Track Difficulty 5.30 %
Fast Lap Time 0:34.804 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 4:51.347 minutes
Archive Date 7/10/2017
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06 Timed Race
Readme 07  08  09  10  11  12 Track View
Track Pic 13  14  15  16  17  18 16 Cars and Pickups
  19  20  21  22  23  24