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New Track : Dark Vale Forest by Saffron
 Track Review :-
This is the longest of the 3 tracks and is basically an better version of the original. There are more turns and there are the alternate versions
which are sealed off from this layout. The gfx is fine around the track but still basic. The track surface is the same as the original with lots
 of smooth turn and slopes with no sharp edges across the track like of some other tracks. The racing is fast and not too tricky but
 there are slower turns and fast turns which keeps your attention all the way through the lap.
 Overall, a good fast track.

Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Horror Doinky 2 hilarious6 Too long.
2nd Amberdawn Hill - Touge Saffron Short and fast good track
3rd Amberdawn Hill - Extreme Saffron The longest of the 3 but still good
4th Amberdawn Hill Saffron Short than the above and good racing
5th Frostpeak hilarious6 Fast and tricky with some ice!
6th Going down on it Mladen007 A good hard track
7th Dark Vale Forest - Mini Saffron Short fast and good.
8th Dark Vale Forest - West Saffron A good fast track
9th Dark Vale Forest Saffron An update of the original, still good.
10th Golden Arrow polarfox_cw A long and average track
  Track Info    
Track Name Dark Vale Forest Timed Race Pic Below
Authors Saffron Time Trial Pic 1:03.844 minutes
Length 1034m
Flow 80.13 %
Track Difficulty 1.88 %
Fast Lap Time 1:04.021 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 8:40.581 minutes
Archive Date 1-Oct-2024
Track Pics Youtube Videos
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