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New Track : Going down on it by Mladen007
 Track Review :-
This track is set on the coastline of an island with a bridge between the promontories of the coast. The track is a bit narrow with the cliff one side
 and a drop on the other in most areas. The turns are mostly sharp turns where you need to slow down so you can take them without going off the
 edge. The bridge does have sides to it so you can relax a bit there, but the rest is mostly easy to fall over the edge. The gfx around the track is
 good with trees and some grassy areas with the sea below. This is a hard track to get right and is very easy to brake too hard to too little so
you either loose lot of time or you repo.
Overall, just what us pros like!
Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Attitude City Bak Ok track
2nd Dream Island Xtreme Fast and fun
3rd New Horizon hilarious6 Space station racing
4th Transit Rush hilarious6 Fastish track
5th Horror Doinky 2 hilarious6 Too long.
6th Amberdawn Hill - Touge Saffron Short and fast good track
7th Amberdawn Hill - Extreme Saffron The longest of the 3 but still good
8th Amberdawn Hill Saffron Short than the above and good racing
9th Frostpeak hilarious6 Fast and tricky with some ice!
10th Going down on it Mladen007 A good hard track
  Track Info    
Track Name Going down on it Timed Race Pic Below
Authors Mladen007 Time Trial Pic 0:39.344 minutes
Length 538m
Flow 60.08 %
Track Difficulty 6.57 %
Fast Lap Time 0:39.187 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 5:31.528 minutes
Archive Date 11-Oct-2024
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08 Timed Race
Readme 09  10  11  12  13  14  15  16 Track View
Track Pic 17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24 16 Cars and Pickups
  25 Time Trial Laps