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New Track : Rainbow Road of Simplicity 2 by Tryxn
 Track Review :-
 Like the other Rainbow Road track this is just a track surface with no run off or side walls to keep you from going off the edge. The start is a bit tricky
 and the star doesn`t help being right in front of you but after a be of patience learnt you can navigate this quick set of turns. After this is just a case
 of staying on the track. Some part of the track a of a decent width but some are narrow and the long narrow straight can make you look like a noob if
 you go off the edge. If you like the other track of this type you will like this but it is a bit frustrating as there is little margin for error. The gfx is ok but
 there is only one gfx file in the track folder. I would of like the star to be a bit further away as it makes the start difficult. Overall I would not recommend
 this to a newer racer, and I would suggest a slower car to get used to the track if a newer racer. But for more experienced racers it can be a
 test of your skills.
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  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest POD: ZED mrroblinx Good racing with a slippy start!
2nd Snow Cove Tryxn Merry Christomas !
3rd Beach Club DragonLimoX A nice day at the club.
4th Wasteland ChrisJohannsen and
Short and fast track. Start Pos change required!
5th Mountain Snow Globe ThePotatoHead and Tryxn Insige a snow globe on a table.
6th Market Mayhem BloodBTF Fast and fun. Very Good!
7th Rainbow Road of Simplicity 2 Tryxn Narrow and fast.
8th SBX Alpine Alex_int Just a good fast track!
9th Motor Sports Land Saffron Hard and fast track, a bit narrow!
10th The Great Silence Jan Ainnir Mayen Fast an fun track at night.
  Track Info    
Track Name Rainbow Road of Simplicity 2 Timed Race Pic Below
Authors Tryxn Time Trial Pic 0:37.191 minutes
Length 444m
Flow 47.50 %
Track Difficulty 10.81 %
Fast Lap Time 0:36.365 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 5:18.437 minutes
Archive Date 13-Jan-2021
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