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New Track : R2049 Stadium by Dyspro50
 Track Review :-
 This is a short and fast track with decent gfx around the track. It’s too short at approx. 16 second lap so a slower car may be better.
 It’s mostly right turns so can be a bit hard if you use a keyboard like me. The track has no changes of height except for the ramps
 which you can avoid so it is an easy track to race on. Overall good gfx but way too short.

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9th R2049 Stadium Dyspro50 Short and fast.
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  Track Info    
Track Name R2049 Stadium Timed Race Pic Below
Author Dyspro50 Time Trial Pic 0:15.696 minutes
Length 280m
Flow 96.26 %
Track Difficulty 8.13 %
Fast Lap Time 0:15.471 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 2:12.572 minutes
Archive Date 16/7/2017
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06 Timed Race
Readme 07  08  09  10  11  12 Track View
Track Pic 13 16 Cars and Pickups
    Time Trial Lap