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New Track : Grass Off-Road by billy92
 Track Review :-
 Track is based on the dirt kit which has been modified so it looks like you are racing on grass. But the surface is noit slippy but the same
 as driving on a normal surface. The racing is fun  with a fast line to most of it and a number of shortcuts to find and avoid the ramps/jumps.
 The issue thats causes the most problems is that at the U turn you can get the red X easily, here you need to take a wide line near
 to the tyre wall. Also there are too many shortcuts, as  going around the ramps reduces your lap time by about 5 secons.
 Overall a decent track that is let down by a few issues.
Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest LS HockenheimRing Lo Scassatore Fast and Long. Very Close to current track.
2nd R2049 Atomic Dyspro50 Fast track with lots of turns
3rd ToySoldierz Skitch2 Very Good and Very hard.
4th Padiglione A FBV-86 This is for flying "cars" only.
5th Kadish Sprint Dyspro50 Excelent gfx and track layout !
6th Spring-Mountain Rally Bak95 A number of bugs can make this track frustrating.
7th Black&White Teleportation GO_AWAY Very black and white !!
8th Donut Plains 3 DC.All Fast and tricky track, with lots of turns.
9th Toy World Mayhem Killer Wheels Very good and fun track.
10th Grass Off-Road billy92 Decent track let down by shortcuts and track zones.
  Track Info    
Track Name Grass Off-Road Time Trial Pic 0:37.726 minutes
Author billy92 Timed Race Pic Below
Length 598m
Flow 77.63 %
Track Difficulty 2.14 %
Fast Lap Time 0:37.733 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 5:07.528 minutes
Archive Date 16-July-2016
Track Pics Youtube Videos
Download 01  02  03  04  05  06 Timed Race
Youtube Playlist 07  08  09  10  11  12 Track View
Track Pic 13  14  15  16  17  18 12 Cars and Pickups
X vid 1    X vid 2 19  20  21  22  23  24 Time Trial Laps