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New Track : Giant GreenHouse 1 by RafSTer
 Track Review :-
 This track is similar in style to the Botanical Garden tracks, but it is more different and I cannot see many of the stock
objects used. It’s a fast track with jumps and muddy parts which can be a bit tricky to get right. You can avoid the long
obstacle halfway round the track but careful how you do it. There are lots of plants and flowers around the track of the
same type and you will be driving through them so learn when to turn well or you will hit a wall. I like that you are not
in the same type of area all the time as you go through one green house and drive on muddy paths and drive over grassy bumps.
Overall a good track that is fast and slow in some parts.
Newest  2nd  3rd  4th  5th  6th  7th  8th  9th  10th
  Track Name Authors Quick Review
Newest Giant GreenHouse 1 RafSTer Around the green houses and over the jumps you go !
2nd Getting Over It with Alexander Alex_int I test of your skill and your patience
3rd Pac-man Islands Circuit 21 Ærika Version of the Foxglen track
4th Pac-man Islands Street Ærika Race on a grid of streets.
5th Pumpkin Road (Wet) Josh Scorpius A wet version of the original.
6th qT-01: SPACE qux Tricky and fun track.
7th Uranus Biometal/Spriggan Race in/on Uranus and through its cloudy atmosphere
8th Cracow House TechJK A fun a race around houses and gardens
9th Hotel Retro ducsekbence A black and white drive around a sports field
10th Beehive Valley Adventures Kiwi Have many adventures as its a very large area!
  Track Info    
Track Name Giant GreenHouse 1 Timed Race Pic Below
Author RafSTer Time Trial Pic 1:03.127 minutes
Length 888m
Flow 64.51 %
Track Difficulty 5.24 %
Fast Lap Time 1:02.254 minutes
8 Lap Race Time 8:40.854 minutes
Archive Date 10-Aug-2019
Track Pics Youtube Videos
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  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32 Time Trial Laps