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Track Guide Text

A fast and tricky track that is fun to drive on.
The track seems hard at first, bit after a while
you get to know the track quickly. The walls are not
all flat so you cannot drive along them. The graphics
are very good all the way round which makes this
track fun to race on and admire.

Pic 1 : The Start
A quick turn to the right in front of the painting

Pic 2
After the turn a long drive down the ramp. Go to the left side of
the track as soon as you can so you can take the turn at the end

Pic 3
Here is the second turn. Slide into it and keep turning until you see the
next corridor. Be careful not to go too wide here and hit the wardrobe
on the end of the turn.

Pic 4
Hopefully you missed the wardrobe so you can accelerate up the ramp
and into the next section.

Pic 5
A long quick turn here. Watch out for the second corner on the right.
Try not to hit the wall on the left and the blue doors are recessed into
the wall.

Pic 6 : The Blue Doors
A closer look at the doors. Go up the next corridor and keep to the
left for the next turn to the right.

Pic 7
Here is the ramp and turn. I slow down a little here and turn hard and
jump over the flat part and land on the left side of the down ramp. You
may hit the wall so try and not hit it too hard.

Pic 8
As you land from the preceding turn do not drive along the wall. There is
some wood sticking out a little. Go over to the right side for the next turn
at the end in front of the tow chests of drawers. As you approach the
Plant pot on your left watch out fro traffic from the right.

Pic 9
Do a good turn here and finish the turn so you are pointing at the front
on the blue chair.

Pic 10
As you get closer to the chair turn hard to the right and then drive into
the next room.

Pic 11
Drive between the chair and the corner of the wall and then turn hard to
the left and straighten your car so you can drive into the next narrow

Pic 12
At the end of the narrow corridor turn hard to the left after releasing
the accelerator. This should turn you more than you normally would.
After the turn into the computer room.

Pic 13
Drive up to the right side of the copier for the next part. You may need to
down but I just do a hard turn and slide.

Pic 14
Turn and slide so that you are aligned as shown above. Drive up the ramp
and into the next room from a height.

Pic 15
You land about here. You may land on a car driving from right to left
depending how fast you went up the ramp. Veer off to the left so
you can do a hard sliding turn into the next turn.

Pic 16
Keep turning until you are pointing in this direction. This will reduce the
time you are turning around these corners. Drive slow around these
corners and speed up a little as you learn this part better.

Pic 17
Do not try to go up to full speed here as it is too short.

Pic 18
Stay away from the left side and as in other walls this wall too is not
flat. Watch the exit too on the right.

Pic 19
Turn to the right and watch for on coming traffic from the left and above
left. Drive towards to the blue chair and to the left of the plant.

Pic 20
A s straight drive to the room with the blue floor.

Pic 21
As you pass the sofa on the left turn to the left and go up the ramp.
There are two ways to do the next part. The first is too drive to the
right as you go up the ramp and then turn hard and drive near the far
wall to the left. The second way is to slow down a little as you go up
the ramp and stay close to the wall. As you see the larger copier
turn in front of it and then turn to the left again down the slope
after it.

Pic 22
A better view of the large copier.

Pic 23
Just watch out for the smaller copier on the right as you continue your

Pic 24
Watch out for on coming traffic ( if you can see them in time ) from the

Pic 25
The finish straight.