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Pic 1
The start, with a difficult turn to go up the ramp.

Pic 2
Here it is with some blocks on the corner so you can't go onto the porch then round the corner. You have to either approach it
 slowly and turn quickly or go up onto the porch and hope you can make the corner without hitting the blocks etc.
What I do is approach the corner from the position of where the arrow is on the pic then I do a hard left almost U turn slide
 around and onto the bit just before the ramp.

Pic 3
At the top of the ramp is a short straight with a flag at the corner

Pic 4
Lol nice one hils. A fast left turn to bounce off the fence and down the ramp.

Pic 5
At the bottom is this corridor with difficult drop and turn after it.

Pic 6
Here is the second difficult part. You must turn right off the ramp and not be turning when you land as you will
 just carry on turning right. Now when you have landed you need to slow down and turn left to get into the bank.
If you take the corner too wide or too sharp  you will hit the barrels  and stop dead!!

Pic 7
Here is the over head view . I'm not sure if a long slide or a slow down will be better, but
the one that keeps you going faster is better.

Pic 8
Through the bank and a long right turn after you exit the bank.

Pic 9
Here is the turn with a very nice hazard in the way thus preventing you from getting too close to the corner.

Pic 10
Hehe the bears dead!!

Pic 11
This area is hard even for me but some ppl know how to do it well. The problem here is that the
ground is bumpy around it and we usually do it the other way round.

Pic 12
After the scaffold , there is a short straight to the alley to the next section.

Pic 13
Here is the view of the exit from the alley and like in GT 1. Don't turn too much and hit the fence
rail (yellow) or just go over it with 2 wheels or you will spin, flip, and crash your car.

Pic 14
The end

Pic 15

Pic 16

Pic 17

Pic 18

Pic 19

Pic 20

Pic 21

Pic 22

Pic 23

Pic 24

Pic 25

Pic 26

Pic 27

Pic 28

Pic 29

Pic 30

Pic 31

Pic 32

Pic 33

Pic 34

Pic 35

Pic 36

Pic 37

Pic 38

Pic 39

Pic 40