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Track Guide Text

The layout to this track is nearly identical except for one area.
But it still deserve a look at. This guide can be applied
to the stock track except for the difference.

Pic 1 : The Start

Pic 2
Drive straight on and under the blue car.

Pic 3
If you have gone through the middle of the car then you should be all
right for the entrance to the first house. If not then you need to slow
down a lot or you will hit the bollards.

Pic 4
From the entrance is a fast turn into the first room then a right turn
onto the garden path.

Pic 5
This is the only difference to the layout. Up and over you go, and when you
land you need to turn as soon as possible to the right.

Pic 6
Entrance to the alley.

Pic 7
Like the stock track you nee to go fast here and turn hard.

Pic 8
This is the next area and is the same so careful as you go over the grass.
The ramp on the right has been place in a place where you will hit its
support if you are not too careful.

Pic 9
The bricks on the corner are that ramps support and prevents you
from taking the corner too straight. Approach on the right and turn
in and then turn to the right hard, slide on the grass until you can
straighten you car up.

Pic 10
Just watch out for the dirt here, best advice is to stay on the grass.

Pic 11

Pic 12
This garden took me a long time to master. You have to come out of the
alley and try to slide and turn your car so that it points to the exit.
You have to do this at speed so you do not loose time.

Pic 13
Just drive out here and onto the road.

Pic 14
Just watch out for on coming traffic from the right as you pass the first

Pic 15
This part I only get right a few times. The easiest way is to drive past the
first bridge on the left turn just after and do a jump off the raised part of
the grass just to the left of the bridge. Then drive on over the first stream
over the flat bridge and the exit as best as possible.
The faster way is to
turn immediately you enter the garden and jump over the stream on the
bend and then drive straight through this garden.
The third way is to
drive under the first bridge and then up onto the grass just to the left
of the other side of the bridge and then over the flat bridge.

Pic 16
If you can just drive straight through here.

Pic 17
Easy alley way drive.

Pic 18
Exit the alley to the finish line. I used to stay on the gardens to the right
of the road to try for a fast time.