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Track Guide Text
This is a superb track too race on as there are no bumps to avoid at all whilst still being a challenge from beginning to end.
 As you can see the track is in monochrome as to reflect the chess idea for the track. The only part I still mess up on is on
 the other side of the bridge as you can spin quite easily.

Pic 1
The start, turn immediately to the left and line up for the corner after.

Pic 2
Here you can see that if you can get the line right, two long hard turns become a two turns with a straight in the middle.

Pic 3
This likes you should take this part straight, but you must consider these corridors as a large U turn.
 Instead of heading down these straight take a long turn after the first right turn and
gradually turn for the next turn.

Pic 4
Here as well go wide and then take the next corner as close as you can.

Pic 5
Now you can see the exit from this part, which you must take as straight as possible and avoid, doing two turns.

Pic 6
The start finish line. Here you will meet on coming cars if you are either well ahead or behind. Go to about the middle
of the right of the track and the turn in by about the tile before the corner. Then keep turning till you see the next corner.

Pic 7
This is also bi directional so be careful. The corner here has two end edges; so don’t try to go close to the first,
 as you will then hit the second.

Pic 8
This is a long downward slope to the next right left. Go wide after the corner and stay on the right til
l you get near the end.

Pic 9
Turn in by the 3rd tile on the left and keep turning till you see the next corner, then go straight.
Some ppl here do hard turns and loose a lot of time here, I don’t and this is a place where I can
 catch up to other ppl.

Pic 10
 This is a view of the direction you should be taking. This is a medium turn for me but if I got too wide
 I let my car hit the wall and bounce off it instead of turning even harder.

Pic 11
After you jump the ramp you will have to do hard turn around the spike pit.

Pic 12
After the U turn there is another jump and then a ramp up to the library.

Pic 13
Take each of the next corners as close as possible and the bit between them as straight as you can.

Pic 14 : Exit From Library
Make sure you miss the corner as the next part is an up ramp so it will take much longer to get up too speed.

Pic 15 : Approach to the Bridge
Go as wide as possible after the corner and then try not to hit the wall on the right of the ramp.

Pic 16 : The Bridge
You must slow down just a little to stop your car from going to fast and hitting the wall after the bridge. If also you slow
down too much then you will spin when you get to the flat part. I still have problems here. After the bridge is two jumps
 followed by a curved corridor. Make sure that at each jump you are going straight as if not you could leave the track.

Pic 16 : The Bridge
You must slow down just a little to stop your car from going to fast and hitting the wall after the bridge. If also you slow
down too much then you will spin when you get to the flat part. I still have problems here. After the bridge is two jumps
followed by a curved corridor. Make sure that at each jump you are going straight as if not you could leave the track.

Pic 17
I have seen some ppl instead of turning around a curved corridor just going straight and hitting the wall as far a possible from
the start of the turn. They then drive along the wall hitting it and turning a bit. I don’t know if this is faster but it’s easier on the fingers.

Pic 18
Then at the end of the turn is a small ramp. Only start turning after you have landed and not before. Don’t go too close to
the wall as you go up the ramp as there will be another part of it to hit.Then at the end of the turn is a small ramp. Only start
turning after you have landed and not before. Don’t go too close to the
 wall as you go up the ramp as there will be another part of it to hit.

Pic 19
Can you see how close the skid marks are to the corner. Try not to turn too hard here as there is a decent straight after.

Pic 20
At the end of this straight is a bug in the track. Try to avoid going exactly down the middle, but stay to the left or right. The best
way is the left side and then turn just before you jump off the edge. This will then prepare you for the next part.

Pic 21
Try to stay to the right of the bumps but not too much, and then do a small left turn around the far
lamp post then a harder right turn.

Pic 22 : The Door
Here try and go as far to the right as you can until you see a gap wide enough for you to get through. On the other
 side of the door is the bi directional part from.

Pic 23 : The End Corner
A short straight then a right turn to the finish line.