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Readme Guide Text

Guide Text

This was one of the first tracks made with JimK's dirt kit and is a good track on
the whole but later tracks have been made better with much fewer short cuts.
 This is a problem with this track as there are several and can speed up the lap
time significantly. If you want to win here then you must learn these and do them
 all the time because I will. There are a number of small bumps which make your
car jump up a little and can spin you out if you are not aware of them. I have tried
 to show a few of these but you will learn to cope with them in time.

Pic 1: The Start
The track is dirt and a little slippy so don't try too hard to turn.

Pic 2: First U turn
I think there are a couple of small bumps around the turn so be careful.
Take the approach wide then cut close and drift outwards but no too much.
If you stay in about the middle of the track then you should be ok for
the next corner.

Pic 3: The Bridge
An easy right turn coming with a small bump just before the apex.

Pic 4: Under the Bridge to the tires
Get ready here to choose your gap you will go through the tires, as there are
only 2 to choose from.

Pic 5: The Tire Gap and Triple Jump
The best way here is to go straight on here towards the last gap between the tires
 and the first ramp. As shown by the red line. The best advice here is to slow down a little
 over the first jump so you can land earlier to get a higher speed so you will make it over
 the third bump. If you go fast over the first jump then you will jump further and not be able
 to gain enough speed to jump from the 2nd over the third.

Pic 6: Turn

Pic 7: Red = Good, Blue = Ok, yellow = slow
Take the red line to enable you to take the short cut with out a repo. The blue line is ok but
you will not have enough speed to make the first shortcut. The yellow line is the slowest.

Pic 8: Wow 2 shortcuts
Follow the red line from the right side of the bumps not the left side and
go very close to the arch  support then close to the right side of the bridge.
If you do this correct you will save loads of time.

Pic 9: Pass The Bridge
Here you can see how close you have to be and you must keep your speed up too.

Pic 10: Gap !!!
The next jump you can see here on the right and you can got around it on the left if
you turn sharply to find it.

Pic 11: Gap Route
Here you can see the route and if done good then its fun too.

Pic 12: More Shortcuts
After the turn turn to the right and head towards the right side of the bridge.
Then as you near the bridge turn left till you are heading towards the left side of the rocks on
 the left side of the track. Then make sure you keep close to the rock as you will get X ed if you go too
 far to the left. After that you must either go towards the left or right side of the next set of bumps.

Pic 13: Small Bumps
The green dashed line shows where there are small bumps in the track. 
The red line shows how close you must be to the rocks.

Pic 14: Pass The Bumps
This is the problem with these obstacles, they are easy to get round, and hard to get over them.

Pic 15: 2 ways
The blue line I think is the best but not tried it as it will enable you to go faster on the approach
to the next set. The red line is ok but you need to do a hard turn left to get the correct line.

Pic 16: Red Line
Go to the left of the trees and head towards the barrier on the left of the second big
bump and go straight through it. Go over the second bump and then jump the third.

Pic 17: Reverse Angle
The green line show a small bump across the track. The yellow the normal way of taking the 3 big bumps.

Pic 18: Small Bump
Where Toyeca is there is a small bump!!!

Pic 19: Last U Turn

Pic 20: Home Straight

Pic 21: My fast time