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Pic 19
N Hood Grim
by Skitch2 with help from Scloink, Supertard & DSL_Tile
Home TrackList
1.93mb 1310m long My best 1:21.161mins

The start. A fast straight , then a wide left turn down the ramp. If you don't go wide then u will end up hitting the will and rolling your car.

This is the view of the ramp with the left turn at the bottom. At the end of the turn I hit the wall only a bit to turn a bit more. This helps you steer around the corner without loosing too much speed, and also you don't need to be make the whole turn.

There is a U turn at the end here just before the coke machine. I do a wide turn and jump off the platform and land in the middle of the tracks.

You see the dips in the rails, this is where you cross the right rail then go through the gap in the wall. Keep as straight as you can as there is a upward ramp ahead. At the end of the ramp is a right turn that is long. Try not to slide here, as when you slide you slow down.

This part is approached from the right of the picture. Notice that on the left side there is a wall flat in front of you. If you go too wide on this turn you will hit this wall. Another long straight up to the turnstiles. Take the corner wide again and go through the 3rd gap from the right.

If you have taken the corner wide you will be able to go up the left ramp. Take the corner to tight then you will go up the right and too straight. you will end up hitting the wall or having to slow down.

After the ramp you will have a long flat road to the next ramp. If you had kept your speed up you will be closer to the cars top speed.

At the end of the straight is a small ramp a 90 degrees corner then a small down ramp with also a left turn. There is a drop after these but dont go far lef just before the drop. If you can turn right slightly before the drop. You will be lined up better for the next corner.

The fastest way here is to stay close to the wall on the right and to the right of the pile of boxes. If after the jump you carry on you might hit oncoming traffic, this is close to the start line.

After that corner go to the middle of the track or wider. The next part is a gap where the red car is.

If you have taken the corner wide enough you will be on the left side ( near the green arrow). You can now take the next two corners faster by glancing off the up coming wall so turning into the next corner.

This is the reverse angle. When you come out of the previous part you will be on the left, but you now must cross to the right side of the track and go around the right side of the spinning disc. This will set you up for the next small jump to a ramp.

This picture was taken for the same position as the previous. If you go on the left of the disc you will miss the ramp. It is essential to take this corner here as fast as possible, as you will loose speed up the ramp.

Up the ramp there track flattens out with a drop afterwards. There is a long straight with a long fast corner ahead.

After the corner there is a ramp and a long straight.

This corner must be taken wide on the right, so you are more straight for the next left right.

This is the end of the lap