04 05
06 07
08 09
10 11
12 13
14 15
Other Pics:
Readme Guide Text
Guide Text
Pic 1
You now start an icy track which has some short cuts.
Pic 2
This is the first corner onto an upward slope. Try to avoid hitting the wall
on the ramp too hard.
Pic 3
A long left hand corner. Go around it as fast as possible an glance
off the wall if need be.
Pic 4
This is the view you should see if you want to go faster on this track. The
way is over the tunnel which is slower. If you are the first one to got the
the gap you will have to hit the small cones out of the way.
Pic 5
There are 2 ways to go here but the one on the left seems the faster way
and you can see my name on the train engine. If you take the left route
there are 2 cones in the way so stay a little away from the barrier on
the left. The other way is a jump onto a ramp which will slow you down.
Pic 6
Here are those 2 cones in the way. The next
corner has a drop on the right
(with a reposition) so stay away from the edge and keep turning right. There
is a mound in front of you if you don't carry on turning.
Pic 7
You can't see it but you need to be heading in this direction towards the
upcoming ramp. The flat part ahead is icy so finish your turning
and don't do any big turns close to the ramp.
Pic 8
This is the ramp which is straight for a bit
then a fast corner to another
Pic 9
This is the corner which is long and fast. If you take it right you will go
flat out and not hit the wall.
Pic 10
This is a tricky part. You must take this
jump straight on because
if you don't when you land you will spin out.
Pic 11
The next part is an under pass. You must cut
the corner to the right on the
other side of the bridge to prepare for the next jump.
Pic 12
There are 2 choices here. 1st is to take the
clear ramp on the left and
do a big jump (slow). 2nd is a tricky jump (farce field) over the gap. I turn
before the edge on the left and land sideways a bit so I don't have to
turn too much.
Pic 13
Here's where you land. Go straight on here
and steer right towards a bush
after the yellow sign. Go through the bush and then you should be lined
up for the next bridge.
Pic 14
This is the other side of the bush which is
in a direct line to go under the
bridge. watch out for the sandy mound to the right and the drop just
before it.
Pic 15
This is the other side of the bridge. Half
of this area is ok but the other
is ice!!! . Start turning before you get onto the ice as when you are on
the ice you have little control.
Pic 16
You now must hit the wall on the left under
the bridge and bounce
off it so you are pointing towards the closest non icy part of the track.
Pic 17
This is very slippy and looks great. If you
are not straight here you
will start to spin out. Try to head toward the wall on the left and
let that guide you as you hit it.
Pic 18
The end of the lap and prepare for the
Great Track hils and thx again.