The Re-Volt Stock
Track Guide

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This site is for the people who are new to Re-Volt to give them help on how to got faster and get up to speed  a bit faster.

There will be guides for each track plus text description where nessary for each picture. The guides for each track will be similar to those which are of the extreme tracks on but  will only be of the stock tracks that are in the game. When this site is finished i will not do any major updates. I will only change errors of modify the text in the track guides. I only race in Toyeca and the info here will reflect that too.

I hope that the information in the following pages will be of use to you as when I started out I learnt the hard way. 

If you have any tips that  I have missed than I will read any emails you send me and will add them if they are applicable.

email me Last_Cuban

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