========= --------- Name: R2049 Melee Folder Name: r2049dm2 Author: Dyspro50 Category: Extreme Conversion (San Francisco Rush 2049) Lenght: 493 meters Reverse Length: 479 meters Date Completed: August 21st, 2015 Tools: MAKEITGOOD NGCGeoAPRM (home-maded converter) HHD Hex Editor Neo Blender 2.73 with Jigebren's Re-Volt Plugin (v2015-02-27) rvtmod8 PRM tool by Kallel PaintDotNet Description ------------ "Melee" ("Battle 2" in N64 North-American release) is one of the 8 battle areas found in console versions of San Francisco Rush 2049. This track includes a shorter reverse mode. Includes original DC/MAT3 music, "Vice" by Barry Leitch. Notes ------ - This track is only compatible with Re-Volt 1.2 or RVGL and was designed with alpha build 15.0325 of v1.2 - To use this track in battle mode, simply replace original files with the ones in the "battle_kit" folder, but don't forget to do backups first ! - Most credits goes to Midway and Atari Games for this wonderful game and for the original mesh ! - If you have any questions, please contact me on Revolt Live, or by e-mail at dyspro50@gmail.com Thank you for downloading this track ! - Dyspro ********************************************************************************************************