Name: Rainbow Road 5. The author is Ørlar Møllur. Released on Tuesday, 8 May 2018. Updated on Saturday, 9 June 2018. Length on normal: 374 metres (0.232 miles), the uneven I form. Length on reversed: 388 metres (0.241 miles), the I form. This is the Rainbow Road 5. Two parts separates on. One is an I form with uneven surfaces, watch out for the bugs in this track, but I think there's 1 or more on the uneven I form. The second is an I form of double-sized lego track. The AI nodes on 'normal mode' goes to the uneven I form, so caution with the uneven surfaces & the speed, if you get fall off the track, reposition immediately. The reversed is an simple lego track but with 0% uneven surfaces. Added powerups on all the two tracks. Notes: I had look that the fps will be vary on the normal mode, so there's not known in these point. Better will work at the reversed mode, at the lego track but at once these are welcome. Contains: Pickups (all the 2 tracks) Star (at the uneven I form) Any case contact at: