>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > General >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Track Name: MiniGame: FroggerVolt Hard `````````` Theme: Arcade `````` Folder Name: froggervoltm ```````````` Maker(s): Kallelay "kay" ````````` Concept: Early concept 2010: Urnemanden and kay ```````` New concept 2020: Looping planch idea from Razzoy and Hajducsekb Track Type: Extreme ``````````` Track Length: 59m ````````````` Track Type: Sprint / Frogger ``````````` ___________ ( Intro ) ``````````` 10 years ago (June'15th, 2010), Urenamnden and I were talking about one of his fav games (Frogger) and it would have been nice to make one for Re-Volt. The basic concept (train) was working, however, the thrill was not good, and the project was soon damped. 10 years later, I was looking for an "ice breaker" to motivate me continue working on the tracks and found this. So, the textures are based on a track of mine "Hokkaido House" (and has one acclaim texture), the concept was redone in a few minutes and the pipeline for making the track were planned and finished today 5:49 PM 2020-08-11. ____________ (Requirements) ```````````` - RVGL 2020.04.30 ___________ (Dedication ) ``````````` I'd like to thank everyone in Re-Volt Community! Especially #track discord team! _____________ ( Tools used ) ````````````` modeling: 3Ds max 2011 ******** Textures: Photoshop, Paint.NET, GIMP, 3Ds max 2011 ******** Exporting: RVTMOD8 (sunpos=-9), RVGL *********